how to do bogo on shopify without apps

How to setup Buy X Get Y in Shopify Website FREE (Without Apps) ✅ Bogo Shopify Setup Tutorial hi de

Foysal Ahmed

Updated on Mar 16,2023

How to setup Buy X Get Y in Shopify Website FREE (Without Apps) ✅ Bogo Shopify Setup Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to how to do bogo on shopify without apps

Let's move on to the first section of how to do bogo on shopify without apps

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How to setup Buy X Get Y in Shopify Website FREE (Without Apps) ✅ Bogo Shopify Setup Tutorial

hi dear welcome to in this tutorials,today i'm going to show you how to,set up by x get y discount offer in your,shopify online store so this tutorial,will be very helpful if you are beginner,with shopify then,you can continue with this tutorial so,first of all you need to,log in your shopify admin panel then,click on the,discount button,then here you have to create discount,code so first of all i am going to,click on the discount code,then you can create discount code,manually or just create,generate code so i have get on the,generate code,then you need to select,discount type by x get y so i am going,to select,by x that y they also have others,type but we are going to set up this one,by x get y,so click on here then,customer type minimum quantity of,item so i am going to minimum quantity,item select,one or you can select true,as you need so we can select true,and here the item from from from where,we wanted to add this,product so a specific,product or a specific collection so i'm,going to,select a specific collection if someone,buy any product from my selected,connection then they get a one free,so i'm going to select my t-shirt,connection,so going to add t-shirt then,uh customer will get quantity,so they will get one product and from,a specific collection so i'm going to,select,specific collection,then click on the browser,and select in the same collection you,can select,another collection as you wish so going,to click on the add,then and the discount below will be,fully free,so i select free,then here we can set a maximum number of,results per order,so we no need this one and customizable,eligibility is everyone,you can select specific customers,uh you can select a specific group,of customers but i wanted to select for,everyone this software,and use limit limit,to one use per customer so every,customer,only can one use so i'm going to select,this one,then we can select active date so i'm,going to,select active date from here and start,time also you can set a,in time so i'm not going to set any time,right now,after that you just click on the save,discount code,so here is the discount code and,it is right now active the software name,or discount offer name by two item and,get one item free,it's for everyone and one customer can,only,get this discount only one time and,active from today,so thank you for your time to watch this,video,if you like this video then then click,on the subscribe button and like to my,click on the like button of my video

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