how to do check out easy for shopify store

Shopify Checkout Settings Tutorial | How To Setup Checkout Page On Shopify all right what's up guys

Casual Ecommerce

Updated on Mar 18,2023

Shopify Checkout Settings Tutorial | How To Setup Checkout Page On Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to do check out easy for shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to do check out easy for shopify store

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Shopify Checkout Settings Tutorial | How To Setup Checkout Page On Shopify

all right what's up guys this is jake,and in this video i'm going to be,showing you how you can go ahead and set,up your checkout settings within your,shopify store,so let's go ahead and get started but,before we get into the video i want to,thank this video's sponsor sell the,trend sell the trend is a drop shipping,app that integrates with your shopify,store that has a bunch of different,features that will help make drop,shipping easier for you with sell the,trend you can browse verified winning,products and over 80 different niches,making finding products to sell on your,store simple and fast you can also use,the local shipping feature which allows,you to select a country and products,will be shown to you that offer quick,shipping to the selected country,allowing you to offer quicker delivery,times for your customers,and once you've found the items you want,to sell the rest of the process is done,in just a few clicks you can import,products directly from aliexpress or cj,drop shipping straight to your shopify,store in one click,using the cell the trend the chrome,extension,and once your products are on your store,and you begin to make sales you can use,sell the trend to fulfill these orders,in just one click and if you want to,boost conversion rates of the products,you're selling you can use sell the,trends vivo reviews app to import real,customer reviews onto your store's,product pages to add social proof sell,the trend is an all-in-one drop shipping,solution built to make drop shipping as,hassle free as possible so check out,sell the trends by clicking the first,link in the description below so jumping,right into it what you need to do is,just make sure you log into the back end,of your shopify store here and then once,you've logged in you're gonna come down,here to settings and then we're going to,come down here,to checkout and then right here this is,where we can go ahead and edit our,different checkout settings here so i'm,going to go ahead and walk you through,what this different stuff actually is,and what it means all right so once,we're on the checkout page here the,first thing we're going to see is the,checkout style so right here this is,where we can go ahead and customize,our checkout page like the actual look,of it but i do already have an entire,video dedicated to how you can customize,the look,and aesthetic of your checkout page so,i'm not going to be covering that in,this video i'll leave a link to that,video in the description in this video,we're just going to be going over the,actual settings and setting them up so,let's go ahead and get into that so the,next thing we can take a look at here is,customer accounts so by default it's,chosen to be accounts are optional so we,have three options here so we can make,it to where you don't use accounts,whatsoever in your store you can make it,optional for customers to create,accounts or they can check out as a,guest,or you can make it required to where,customers must create an account when,they check out now the most,user-friendly option is probably to have,accounts optional because you do want to,let people have the option of creating,an account in case they want to come,back and use their same login,information but sometimes people just,want to check out as a guest,so this is going to be the option used,most commonly by most websites out there,nowadays,the next thing we can do here is enable,multi-pass login so this is essentially,if you have multiple websites and you,want people to log into each of your,websites through one login so let's say,you have your shopify store and let's,say you also own,like a separate blog or a forum or,something like that,and people log in to that blog or forum,to go ahead and make posts on there,and let's say that you are also,promoting your shopify store on there,and people click over from there,over to your shopify store and most,times they're gonna have to re-log in,once again,but if you enable this and set this up,then you can make it to where if,someone's logged in over on your other,site as soon as they click over to this,site in your store they'll automatically,be logged in so if you have multiple,sites this is definitely something you,want to go ahead and set up,so the next thing here is the customer,contact methods we can select what,contact method customers,use to check out,so we can see your customers can either,use a phone number,or email or we can use just email so the,most common option here is going to be,phone number email so customers,can choose to put in their phone number,or their email or both when they decide,to check out and then we can choose here,to select how customers can choose to,get shipping updates so if they want to,get frequent updates on where,their packages and delivery,we can choose here sms or email so this,would be text messages or email and we,can also show a download link to,the shop app here,which is an app by shopify,and what it will do is it's going to go,ahead and be like an app on your phone,that your customers can install that,will go ahead and show shipping and,tracking updates on there,so you can go ahead and choose to have,both of these options enabled or one or,the other and this is purely just going,to be,up to personal preference,the next section here is going to be,customer information so this is going to,be the,information that we require when our,customers are filling out the checkout,form so by default it sets our full name,is only required last name but in this,case we're going to typically require,first and last name just because it,makes more sense,and then right here we have the company,name here,so you can choose whether or not you,want to have the company name,excluded from the form which it is by,default or you can make an optional or,you can make it required,so depending on what types of products,you're selling if you're selling to,businesses,then maybe you'll want to have the,company name optional but if you're,purely selling to,retail and not selling to any type of,business customers then you probably,don't need the company name on the form,address line two it's going to be,standard to have it as optional so this,is if people live in a specific,apartment number,and then we have the shipping address,phone number so this would be if there's,a separate phone number for the shipping,address this is also pretty standard to,go ahead and keep it as excluded from,the form,so the next option down here is tipping,so this just essentially allows,customers to,tip you,at checkout so if you enable this,customers can either choose like a,percentage of their order or a custom,amount to go ahead and tip the store,after checking out so this isn't,something that is super common but you,could go ahead and split test it if you,want depending on what you're selling,it might be more common with certain,products in stores than others but it's,definitely not something that i see used,too often and then down here we have,order processing so while the customer,is checking out,we can go ahead and have this enabled to,use the shipping address as the billing,address by default,and use address auto completion so this,is essentially just stuff that can be,user friendly for the customer so a lot,of times the customer shipping address,and billing address are going to be the,same,so this keeps them from having to fill,it out twice and if they do need to,actually change the address they can go,ahead and edit it themselves so i would,recommend keeping this on because this,is going to make it more user-friendly,and address auto completion is also,going to be more user-friendly as well,so i would get lighting keep that on as,well,and then right here we have after an,order has been paid we can choose,to,not fulfill any of the orders line items,automatically we can automatically,fulfill the order or we can,automatically fulfill only the gift,cards of the order so this is going to,be dependent on how your fulfillment,process goes so this is going to be up,to preference there's no recommendation,here,and then we can see here after an order,has been fulfilled,or when all items have been refunded we,can go ahead and automatically archive,the order,which will remove it from our list of,open orders so this is another,preference thing as well,the next section here is the consent for,marketing so we can choose to let,customers subscribe to marketing methods,at checkout,so right here we have email marketing,right here and then we have sms,marketing right here as well,so we can choose to go ahead and,pre-select this option so this would,mean that customers would have to,uncheck,this box at checkout,if they did not want to be signed up to,email marketing so this is just going to,vary depending on how aggressive you're,going to want to be on getting people to,sign up to your email list i know a lot,of people,do use this option pre-selected so this,is definitely pretty common and then sms,marketing right here this is if you are,using,a sms marketing service or anything,you can also have the sms consent right,here and if you are using that that's,going to take some further setup here,in your legal settings and i actually,have a full video showing how you can,set up your sms marketing i can leave,that in the description,and then we're going to move on to,abandon checkout emails right here so,this is going to vary depending on,whether or not you're using a,third-party app or email service,for your email marketing or whether,you're just using,shopify for your emails so if you're,using shopify for your emails this is,where you can use and set up their,abandoned checkout emails so you can see,here you can have on send the band and,check out emails automatically and you,can send to anyone who abandons their,checkout and then you can choose down,here the amount of time,after the event the checkout that the,email goes ahead and sends out so in,this particular case it's set at 10,hours by default you can go ahead and,split test different ones as well and,like i said,if you are actually using a third party,email marketing service or a different,email marketing service then what you're,going to want to go ahead and do is just,uncheck this entirely because you don't,want to be sending out duplicate emails,from shopify and from your other email,marketing service but if you are using,this you can go ahead in here click on,customize email and you can customize,the email right here,and you can go ahead and like preview it,if you want as well and you can see by,default this is going to be the default,abandoned card email so we're going to,go ahead and go back to checkout right,here and we can see that the next,section is going to be the post,purchased page here so you can choose,whether or not you want to use an app,that features at checkout after,customers have selected to pay for their,order so if you are using a post,purchase upsell app,this is where it will show up right here,so by default it will be at none but if,you are using a post purchase,post purchase upsell app then you want,to just make sure that you select this,here,that way you can enable your,upsells and such after the checkout the,next section is going to be the order,status page here for additional scripts,so this is just where you can add in,tracking scripts and other,customizations by default it's going to,be empty but certain apps and,third-party services that you use are,going to give you pieces of code that,you're going to have to place into your,order status page so this is where you,place that here and then same thing with,the post purchase page scripts uh,certain apps and third-party services,that you use are going to give you,these additional scripts that you can go,ahead and paste in here for their app to,perform optimally and then lastly here,you can go ahead and manage your stores,check out language so that's it for how,you can go ahead and set up your shopify,storage checkout settings if you did,find this video helpful be sure to leave,it a thumbs up and subscribe for more,videos and also if you want to see how,you can go ahead and customize,your shopify checkout page to customize,the actual look and everything of it i,already have a video on that as well,that i'll link in the description so,with that said thank you for watching,and i'll see you guys in the next one

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