how to duplicate one sites products onto another site using shopify

How to clone your Shopify store All right! In this tutorial I will show you how  to clone your Shopi

How to clone your Shopify store

The above is a brief introduction to how to duplicate one sites products onto another site using shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to duplicate one sites products onto another site using shopify

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how to duplicate one sites products onto another site using shopify catalogs

How to clone your Shopify store

All right! In this tutorial I will show you how  to clone your Shopify store into another Shopify  ,store. So here you have a first test store  where we have some products some customers  ,some orders - like a usual store right!  And we have a website where all those  ,products are and then we have a second store which  is basically empty. There's nothing, no products.,It's empty. And so we will copy everything from  this store to our clean store and we will do it by  ,using the Matrixify app. So before we start  we need to prepare the destination store  ,so that we have all the right settings to not  mess anything up in our empty store and so that  ,everything gets copied over. So at first  we go to settings in the destination store  ,and we check inside the checkout settings there  is this order processing section and by default  ,your store will have this automatically fulfill  only the gift cards of the order and select do not  ,automatically fulfill any of the order line items.  So that when we copy the data over Shopify will  ,not automatically fulfill anything because we will  have all the needed data there. So we hit save  ,then we go to locations and then we make sure that  we have all like at least the same locations that  ,we have in our source store. It's because in those  locations we will have inventory and the orders  ,will get fulfilled from those locations and so  we need to make sure... Like now if we go to our  ,source store locations you see we have two  locations - Riga and Tokyo in the source store.  ,And so in the destination store we need to have at  least Riga and Tokyo by the name so that the app  ,is able to find the same locations and attach the  inventory to them. Right so that was locations.  ,Next thing is notifications - here we will  have by default there is always enabled  ,like staff order notifications. And if you have...  If you are copying orders over then you might want  ,to disable this notification because otherwise you  will just get a notification in your email about  ,all of the copied orders and that will be a lot  of emails probably. All right so also please  ,make sure that you have disabled any automatic  fulfillment services or automatic payment services  ,or any kind of API integrations that send data  outside. Because once you are copying in the data  ,it it can be that it will just start sending out  all those things but unless you really want it  ,I suggest you to disable all those services if  you have them. Okay! Once those all settings  ,are prepared we can go to our source store,  to apps, Matrixify and go to new export and  ,then in the format choose "Matrixify: CSV" format  because that will be faster and a lot smaller file  ,if you don't need to edit any data in the  files and you just need to copy data from  ,one store to another the CSV will be a very good  format for that. And so we then select all the  ,kinds of data items that we want  to copy over. You can just copy,  ,like, for example, if you just need to copy  orders you can just select "Orders" but we will  ,clone everything so we will just go one by  one and select the information that we want to  ,bring over. So at first we select "Products"  then we of course we need "Basic Columns".  ,We don't need "Collections", because we  will copy "Collections" from here. From  ,"Smart Collections" and "Custom Collections"  so we don't check this box. Then we select  ,"Inventory / Variants". And then if you are using  a "Variant Cost" column then select this one but  ,this will make the export slightly slower. Also  if you are using "Customs Information", then  ,select this one, but if you are not using then  you can not select and it will be faster. Also  ,if you want to copy the inventory levels which is  the inventory quantity for each location, for each  ,item, then select this one. Of course the "Images"  and the "Metafields" if you are using Metafields  ,and "Variant Metafields" then select these column  groups, but if you don't use them and if you are  ,sure you are not using them, then you can skip  them also that makes the export quite faster.,The same thing about "Smart Collections".  You should select "Basic Columns".  ,The "Rules", "Linked Products" for  smart collections - yes you need them,  ,because it will remember the positions,  the sorting position of each product  ,inside that Smart Collection, although the  products are brought in by the rules, but  ,if you click this one then we will also export  the particular sorting position, how those  ,products are sorted. The product count is not  needed because it's always, it's basically export  ,only column and you don't need to import that so  let's not export it. The same about "Metafields"  ,if you need them then select them. Now the "Custom  Collections" also the same thing. You need "Basic  ,Columns" you need "Linked Products" to tell which  products actually belong to which custom or manual  ,collections. You don't need "Product Count", but  you need "Metafields" and then the "Customers"  ,similarly. "Basic Columns" you don't need "First  and Last Order" because it's the export only  ,column. "Addresses" and you don't need, definitely  don't need the "Activation URLs" because otherwise  ,if you select it then we will generate "Activation  URLs" for customers which exist in the source  ,shop. You don't need that. So then you select  "Metafields" again about the "Discounts" you  ,just select the "Basic Columns", "Draft Orders" if  you need them you can also select "Basic Columns",  ,"Customers", "Line Type", "Line Items", "Line Item  Product Data" is export only so you don't need it  ,and the "Metafields" you need. About orders - the  same. So basically you make sure that you select  ,the "Basic Columns", "Customers", "Line Type",  "Line Items", you don't need "Line Items Product  ,Data", because it's export only, "Refunds",  "Transactions" definitely, "Fulfillments"  ,and "Metafields". Also on a quick note if you  don't need, like if you just need to export part  ,of your orders, like not, like for example  you have several years of history of orders,  ,but you just need the last year for example, then  you can apply the filter to select only those,  ,for example, which were created at, on  or after and choose like, for example,  ,since first of January on or after first of  January for example. And that will export  ,only this year orders and you can add several  filters in like together to fine-tune exactly  ,what you need to copy over. And the same  thing about any other entities, you can also  ,select which of them you want to copy over, but  we will copy everything. About the "Payouts"  ,you cannot import payouts so there's no point of  exporting them here to copy to another store. Then  ,of course we select "Pages" with "Basic Columns"  and "Metafields". "Blog Posts", "Basic Columns",  ,"Blogs", "Comments" and "Metafields". "Redirects"  the same thing "Basic Columns" and "Activity" the  ,same thing that you can't import Activity  you can just export it so there's no point  ,exporting this time. And the "Shop", about the  Shop you can ideally export basically everything,  ,but you will be able to import only the  "Metafields" just in case you have your  ,"Metafields" on a shop level then you will import  them. And that's basically it. If you want you can  ,set up some options to basically you can schedule  or automatically repeat the export as a backup,  ,like if we wanted to make a daily backup of all  the Shopify store data - then you would select  ,this one for example and choose the interval  when to perform this backup and then we will  ,automatically make such export every day at the  same time or you can here specify the time. But  ,if you just want to do it once then let's stick  to this one basically default options will all be  ,okay and of course we need to make sure that we  are zipping the CSV files because we will have  ,for each of those sheets, for each of those data  items we have a separate CSV file and so we will  ,zip them in a nice package. Yeah, so we just  hit export and then we wait and we can see the  ,progress how it's going and how long it's taking.  Okay so the export has finished and we can hit the  ,Download Export File button and as you see  the zip file gets downloaded. And if we  ,unzip that file just to see what's there you can  see that there are all those CSV files for each of  ,the data entities so and we just grab the zip file  and we go to our destination store which is empty  ,at the moment. And we again open Matrixify app  and a very important thing is if we look in the  ,source store of course to export all your data you  might want to choose a paid plan and the price,  ,the monthly price depends on how many items you  have in your store and let's say for example  ,we have enterprise plan with unlimited items  per file and also there is no monthly limit.  ,And so you pay only for the moment when you  copy the data when you are done then you can  ,switch back to the demo plan and uninstall the  app. It's not needed to keep it always open unless  ,you want to keep using it and so to copy data from  one store to another you just need to pay for one  ,store. Let's say we are we are paying for, we are  subscribed on the source store on enterprise plan  ,and if we go to our destination store we can see  that it's demo and so basically we can sponsor our  ,destination store from our paid store and it's  done like this - we just copy the Shopify domain  ,of the destination store and then we go to our  source store Settings and here in shop sponsoring  ,there is this Shopify domain field where you just  paste the destination store and you hit save and  ,here you go, you see that you are sponsoring this  another store and you will be able to detach it  ,after a month, so this detach button will be  enabled and now if we go to our destination store  ,and hit refresh you see that uh it now has an  enterprise plan and so if we go to see plans then  ,we see that it is sponsored by this other store.  And so you are paying zero for this destination  ,store. All right so now what we need to do is we  need to select our exported file, hit Upload it  ,will estimate, read everything that's inside that  zip file, all the CSV files it will show how many  ,items there are in those files and we see that  it's basically the same that we exported and yeah,  ,we just hit import and now we wait again. And  actually while the export or import is happening  ,you don't need to have the app open you can go  around or close the browser you can do other  ,things and you will receive an email when the job  is finished. And so while the import is happening  ,you can see there are some warnings like some  messages that's that's happening to those items  ,and for example here you can see that we cannot  reorder 442 Smart Collections, we couldn't reorder  ,Products because the collection sort order is not  manual, when the import will finish you will be  ,able to download the results file where you'll be  able to see precisely which collections had those  ,warnings, and the same in this case for orders  that we are warning that we change the gateway  ,from "stripe" to "manual stripe" because to avoid  the risk of sending real money, but if you wanted  ,actually to send real money to stripe for those  copied orders then you could open the export file  ,and change this column, this transaction  force gateway to True and then we would  ,keep the gateway as a stripe, but in this case for  your own safety we are by default changing this to  ,manual gateway to not send actual money. And yes  and we can see that everything is finished and  ,if we download the results file, let's quickly  see... It's this one! And we unzip it it will  ,again have the same CSV files and for example in  this case with smart collections we just find the  ,smart collection CSV and you can scroll to the  right and here is this import comment column.  ,And then it says those warnings are for  those collections here the other collection  ,positions got changed, but those couldn't  be changed because they have the sort order  ,or by best selling not the manual and that's why,  but of course you can change it in the file or  ,in the admin afterwards. All right so now if  we go to products in our destination store  ,you can see that all the products are  here with all the images, everything.  ,And if we go to our store and refresh it then you  can see that all the same products appear here as  ,well and the same with customers and orders and  everything. Yeah! Right so and that's how you  ,clone your Shopify store to another Shopify  store. And if you have any questions or issues  ,you can go to our website and under knowledge we  have extensive documentation and tutorials and in  ,particular about this video it's actually showing  the same thing that's described in this particular  ,tutorial, I will include the link in the  description below and so you can actually go step  ,by step according to these written instructions if  you forgot something or just is easier for you to  ,follow the written tutorial, then you can follow  this one. And if you have any issues that you  ,can't solve yourself there's always this Contact  Us page on our website where you can Contact Us  ,through the Slack or E-mail, yeah so that we can  help you anytime! All right! See you around! Bye!

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