hey entrepreneurs it's sam day here from,day tips and in this video,i'm speaking about your meta title and,your meta description,for your shopify website now first and,foremost i want to go over what your,meta title and what your meta,description,actually are so you know what they are,when you see them within your dashboard,in shopify so basically your meta title,is the title that someone will see,within the search engines,and the description that someone will,see within the search engines as well,now this meta title and meta description,can help to kind of,give an outline of what that page is,about,both to the search engines and also to,users as well,so if i go to google and let's say for,example i,type in baseball then i search,you will see the first search that comes,up this first search result is,wikipedia and the meta title,says baseball hyphen wikipedia,and they also have a meta description,here now a couple of things that you,should take note of,is the fact that the term baseball is,actually highlighted um and bolded here,in,in the meta description now google does,this on purpose because,i've used the search term baseball when,i was searching google,so it will highlight the key terms that,are actually in the meta description,so whatever keyword you want to rank for,you want to make sure you put those,keywords both in the meta title and in,the meta description,as well this being said you don't want,to keyword,stuff now keyword stuffing is when you,just try to include loads of keywords,in your meta title in your meta,description you don't want to do that,you want to stay away from keyword,stuffing because that can actually have,an adverse effect on your search engine,optimization,you want to make sure that you have your,keywords in your meta title,in your meta description in an organic,way that still reads well to users,so if it it doesn't make sense to users,then it won't make sense to google and,your likelihood of showing up in the,search engines for that keyword,will be pretty slim now i often get,asked how many keywords should you try,to rank for,on any particular page well one thing,that you need to remember,is that each page and each article or,product page even that you add to your,shopify,store is a new opportunity for you to be,found in search for,a different keyword so each page,should be optimized for a different,keyword don't try and,optimize a page for five or six,different keywords and put all of those,keywords in your meta title meta,description,make a page specifically around one,keyword that you want that page to rank,for it's a lot easier,when you do that to rank for that one,page if you try to rank for five or six,with one page,then you might probably miss all of them,and google will be confused,your searcher will be confused and,you'll probably end up ranking for,nothing this is why it's a great idea,for you to start a blog,i always recommend starting a blog for,shopify stores,now if you're selling a product and you,have limited products then that means,you can create,blog articles around topics that your,idle customer will be searching for,and you can actually optimize each of,those blog article pages,for different keywords and this can,increase traffic to your website from,organic search,so now i'm going to head back into my,shopify,store and i'm going to go underneath,here to where it says online store,you'll see where it says preferences and,here you can actually add your home,page title and your home page,description now this is,your meta title and your meta,description for your home,page which is really important i highly,recommend that you add some,brand keywords here as well so whatever,the name of your shopify store is,then put that in there so that is,prevalent and people know,what your brand name is i also recommend,in your home,page meta tie to a meta description to,go after what is known as a,short tail keyword now i speak about,long and short-term keywords on this,youtube channel and i'll leave a link in,the description down below,to some of my keyword tips and i usually,recommend,to go after what's known as long-tail,keywords so let me define,both of them so you have an,understanding of what they mean so short,tail keywords,are basically keywords that are short in,nature now how you can recognize a short,tell keyword is,basically a keyword that is not really,descriptive you don't necessarily know,what someone is searching for,so an example of a short-term keyword,might be baseball,someone's who just types in baseball,they could be looking to buy a baseball,they could be looking for baseball tips,they can be trying to figure out whether,baseball is a good sport for them to get,into,so it's really vague and it's really,competitive as well because there's so,many websites,that are competing for the term baseball,and that have the term,baseball on their website in multiple,places that it's going to be almost,impossible to rank for that keyword but,if you have a longer tail keyword a,keyword with,say three or four words or sometimes,even longer than that,then these keywords tend to be more,descriptive more in depth,for example a keyword such as is,baseball a good sport for my son,that is a really long tail keyword and a,lot less websites are ranking for that,so,you're competing with a lot less people,and you are a lot more likely,to actually rank for that keyword that,being said long tail keywords tend to,get,less traffic than short term keywords,however,if you are ranking for the right long,tail keyword,then the visitors that do come to your,website are probably likely to convert a,lot higher because,they know exactly what they want and,when they stumble across your website,they're on a page that is specific to,them and they are a lot more likely to,take,a call to action so why do i think it's,a good idea for you to have a,short ish tell keyword for your home,page title and meta description,well your homepage is likely to be your,most authoritative,page it's the page that most people will,link to,if they are referring to your website on,their website so,most of your back links will actually be,to your,home page as well as this if people are,sharing your website on social media,nine times out of ten they will share,your home page more than any other page,so as a rule of thumb your homepage,tends to have more authority,so you might actually start ranking over,time,for a short time keyword so you might,want to optimize your home page,meta title and meta description for a,short tell keyword,that being said you still want to be,somewhat realistic you don't want to go,after a short tell keyword such as,baseball but you might want a really,competitive,term that gets a lot of search volume,and and you,want to try and over time make your,website competitive enough,to challenge for that keyword in the,search engines now you can do some,keyword research,using a few keyword research tools and,i'll leave some of them in the,description down below,along with some of my videos on keyword,research so you can see,what keywords get the most traffic for,your specific industry and what keywords,you should be going after so i also have,a a blog page up here and,all you have to do to get to a blog page,is again go to online store,and then go to blog posts like i,mentioned i highly recommend,you creating a blog for your shopify,store because it's great for search,engine optimization,not just so that you can add pages and,include different keywords per blog that,answer,your potential customers questions but,also,if you are updating your website,regularly with blog posts,then google know to come back to your,website often if your website is not,being updated often,then google have no reason to come back,and check on your website,but if you're updating your site,constantly with new blog articles,then google know oh let's come back to,this site and actually check the site,for new content,i often get asked the question sam you,know i've published a new,a new product page on my website or i've,published a new article i've published,something on my site,and it's taking forever to show up in,google now that's normally because your,site has been,dormant for so long that google are not,used to coming and checking,on your site and this is simply because,you don't publish content,on your site often enough that being,said you can actually submit,a url directly to google using the,google search console,and i'll probably be touching on that in,a later video so make sure you subscribe,to this channel,and click that bell notification button,as well so you don't miss when i put,that video,live but that being said you still want,to make sure that every blog article you,publish,you actually change the meta title,emitter description,to fit that blog post so when you go to,your blog posts,you should see the search engine listing,preview,and you can edit this and this is how,you edit your page title,this is how you edit your page,description so this basically means your,your meta title and your meta,description and you can also change your,url and add what your url will be here,i also recommend whatever your keyword,is make sure that that is in the url,of all of your pages as well and you can,use a little hyphen as well between,words so let's say for example my,article was about,the best baseball tips and that was my,keyword,best baseball tips was my keyword make,sure that's in my,my title i would want to make sure that,that is in my description,but when i add that keyword to my url i,would add,best hyphen baseball,hyphen tips so that google knows,that these are individual words rather,than just one,word mashed together so you can do the,same as well for your product,pages when you're adding a new product,you can actually go all the way down,scroll all the way down to search engine,listing previews,and do the same for your product page as,well,and this goes for adding a normal page,to your site,when you're adding a page you're adding,a title you're adding content,and you can edit your website uh meta,title and meta description,now another thing about adding pages as,well,is you want to try and make sure that,you add your main keyword,in some way in your title and in some,way as well,in the body of your text now uh,shopify allows you to add what's known,as a heading one and a heading,two tag and basically what this means is,these are important,important words that google will take,out of your page,and identify as important keywords that,you could potentially,rank for so let's say for example this,was a page,about baseball tips as well,and that was your main keyword,tips for beginners you,let's say that was your title for this,particular page you can highlight that,you can click on formatting and you can,choose heading one,so now that is is it's a heading but,it's also telling google,look this is a really important keyword,so,whatever keywords are really important,you want to put them,as titles and use a heading one tag,so that google know that these are,important words and if you also have,subheadings that say you give five,baseball tips and one of them,is um how to hold,a baseball for beginners,that might be also an important keyword,you can highlight that,and you can make that maybe a heading,two tag so um,you wanna have a main title as a heading,one,and then a subtitle as a heading two,and google again will know okay these,are important keywords,um and they will take that into,consideration when they're ranking your,page now that being said,whatever keyword you do use in your,titles your heading ones your heading,twos,and your meta description and meta,titles you want to make sure that it's,actually really relevant to your page,as well because relevancy is super,important if,your keyword is baseball tips then make,sure you're actually giving really,useful and helpful baseball tips and,make sure it's in depth as well,so i would recommend going to google and,searching whatever your keyword is,see what other websites have done and,see if you can out do that see if you,can create something that's even more,valuable,than what is already out there on the,internet and that's a really great way,for you to actually,rank in google now once you publish your,page,you also want to try and get backlinks,back to your site this is something that,i speak about,in the formula which is completely free,as well this is the free guide to,generating leads and sales to your,business online i speak about search,engine optimization tips,i also speak about other things such as,email marketing,paid advertising social media and how to,get your business where you want it to,be online,with the marketing tips and strategies,that are actually working today so make,sure you go and grab your free copy i,will leave a link somewhere in the,description down below and also,on this screen as well but i really do,hope that this video was useful and,valuable to you,and if it was then please click the like,button down below and make sure you,share this video with a friend,if you have any additional questions or,comments then leave them for me in the,comments section,but until next time watch some of my,other great videos make sure you,subscribe to this channel for more,awesome,business related content have a great,day make sure you download the formula,and i will see you soon
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