how to edit my ship from location in shopify for ebay

How To Set Up Site & Shipping Preferences | eBay Dropshipping 📦 before starting to sell on ebay one

AutoDS - Automatic Dropshipping Tools

Updated on Mar 21,2023

How To Set Up Site & Shipping Preferences | eBay Dropshipping 📦

The above is a brief introduction to how to edit my ship from location in shopify for ebay

Let's move on to the first section of how to edit my ship from location in shopify for ebay

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how to edit my ship from location in shopify for ebay catalogs

How To Set Up Site & Shipping Preferences | eBay Dropshipping 📦

before starting to sell on ebay one of,the things that we have to configure is,our site and shipping preferences and,that's exactly what i'm going to be,going over in this video quick intro and,let's go,okay so here's how to set up our ebay,site and shipping preferences let's,begin with ebay site preferences we're,going to start off with our ebay account,we're going to hover over our name on,the top left and then click on account,settings now remember ebay changes this,layout every now and then which is why,i'm recording this video to show you the,new way that ebay is displaying all of,this information and how you can get to,it so in the account settings we're,going to look down at selling and down,here below we've got the selling,preferences click on that and this,selling preferences is the formerly,known site preferences so what we want,to do here is look at all of the options,and choose the ones as follows,for automating feedback you don't have,to have this feature enabled because,autods can also automate the feedback,for you so you can leave that as is and,the first thing that we want to touch,here is the return preferences so on the,right side click on edit and here we are,creating return rules and the reason,that you want to do this is because,if you don't do it then when a buyer,opens up a return and ebay sees that the,item is under its return policy window,for example if you gave your buyer a,30-day return window and the buyer,opened a return request after 15 days,ebay sees that the buyer is eligible for,a return according to your business,policies and they will automatically,accept the return and most likely not,even give you a chance to upload your,own return label which will set you back,a few bucks and that is really not,needed especially when your supplier is,giving you free returns and so to avoid,all of this from happening all that you,need to do is scroll down on this screen,and turn on the rma number once you have,it on or the check box checked in then,you're telling ebay give me the option,to add an rma which stands for return,authorization number which is your own,return label to each return label so,once you have this option enabled that,is all that you need to do and ebay will,not automatically approve those returns,and make the return process a big hassle,for you now there's another step that we,can take to make sure that our buyers do,not return the packages to the wrong,places so one of the ways of doing that,is giving us the chance to upload our,own return labels which is what we just,did by enabling rma the second thing is,editing your return address so that in,case the buyer still didn't know who's,going to upload the return label and,they see a return address some buyers,purchase their own return labels they,spend whatever the money they need to on,it and then they simply ship it back to,your return address let me show you what,that looks like on the left side i'm,going to click on personal info and then,i'll click on addresses here we've got,all of the addresses including our,registration address shipping address,ship from and return address which is,what we want to talk about right here so,on return address on the right side,we're going to click on edit sign in to,your account if you need to and here you,can see your return address so what you,want to do here is create a return,address and let me click on edit so that,you can see all the fields now this,should be a return address the name,should be please do not send to this,address seller will provide a return,label now you can also write that in the,street address but in this case i added,hip shippers return address and i will,talk about them in just about a minute,in the phone number you can include your,own phone number in this case i added,hip shipper's phone number and once,again i will explain why soon so the,main thing is in the addresses you want,to write down do not send to this,address so if the buyer even thinks,about returning it to your return,address they will see this message and,they will wait for you to upload a,return label which you will be eligible,to do once you enable those rma options,that i just showed you so that's,regarding the addresses and how to set,the return preferences on your selling,preferences next we're going to scroll,down to multi-quantity listings and here,where it says listing stay active when,you're out of stock we want to make sure,that that is enabled and the reason for,that is once a product goes out of stock,on your suppliers website and then,autods will also bring it out of stock,on your ebay store,then ebay can simply delete all of the,listings history so if you sold this,product a few times and it goes out of,stock ebay will simply delete its,selling history and you will start again,from zero sales and this is not,something that you want when you're drop,shipping on ebay and that is because the,more sales that you have the more the,listing is going to be advanced higher,and higher and ranked better on ebay's,search engine so we want to have as many,sales history as we can on every listing,and this is how you're going to do it,when you have this option enabled then,even when the item goes out of stock,ebay will keep all of its selling,history and as soon as it comes back in,stock on your supplier's website and,autods brings it back in stock on your,ebay store the item will simply be back,in stock with all of its selling history,and it will rank accordingly on ebay,search engine which will bring you more,traffic more views and more sales to,your listing so make sure that the,listings stay active even when they're,out of stock you can also enable buyers,can see exactly how many items are left,because if you're only selling a,quantity of one and autods will always,bring that one unit back in stock once,the product sells it'll go down to zero,and it'll go back up to one again and,then the buyer will always see a message,the seller only has one item left which,can create a rush for them to go ahead,and purchase before you run out of stock,so we're going to leave that option,enabled so that's basically everything,that we have to do under selling,preferences now let's go ahead and click,on shipping preferences on the left side,here we've got ebay's global shipping,program and this is why i also wanted to,talk about hip shipper which is the,alternative to this but before we talk,about them what are we talking about in,the first place so with this option,we're going to enable worldwide shipping,which means we're not only going to,target the us audience but anyone around,the world that our suppliers can ship to,we're also going to target those,countries and make sure that they also,see our listings which will once again,bring us more traffic and more sales,which ultimately means more profit for,our drop shipping business now in order,to enable worldwide shipping we have two,options for that one is ebay's global,shipping program which is what we're,seeing right here under shipping,settings as you can see here the,shipping program we're not enrolled in,the shipping program yet so what we can,do here is click on edit and click on,start now to start configuring the,settings to enroll in ebay's global,shipping program now what this means,basically when you enable this then ebay,will create an international shipping,policy for your listings and then anyone,will be able to buy your product from,around the world so for example someone,from australia will buy your product and,now instead of you purchasing the,product from your suppliers website and,shipping it directly to your buyer in,australia you're going to ship it to,ebay's warehouse in the us their gsp,warehouse and from there they're going,to ship it to your buyer that's how it,works with ebay's gsp program and you,have a similar option using hip shipper,so hip shipper is a different company,that does the same thing as ebay's gsp,program and in many cases their shipping,prices can also be cheaper than ebay's,gsp so the way it works here is once you,get an order you pretty much do the same,thing as ebay's jsp you send the order,to hip shipper's warehouse and from,there hipshopper will send it to your,buyer the process is pretty much,automated and it doesn't cost any money,to enroll in hip shippers international,shipping program they simply take all of,your listings those that are eligible,for international shipments and they'll,add an international shipping policy,automatically to them so the whole,process is very simple and you can read,about it in our integration page with,hip shipper and it's very easy to enroll,we also have youtube videos on it and we,have help sections on it and again this,integration page which shows you how,this whole program works but basically,both of these options both of these,features are giving you the same option,to enable worldwide international,shipping to your listings so be sure to,have that to make more sales and more,profits in your drop shipping business,and not just target the us audience,which is a great audience to target but,once you go worldwide you won't want to,go back so once again we've got more,information on our youtube channel on,how this program works and that pretty,much wraps up how to create your,shipping preferences and your site,preferences on ebay before you start,listing your products if you have any,questions on how to set your site and,shipping preferences or anything else on,ebay let me know in the comments below,and i will answer you thank you for,watching and don't forget to subscribe,to our youtube channel to always learn,about your next step in your ecommerce,business

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