how to edit shopify description on facebook url link

How to Edit Social Media Links in Shopify when setting up a Shopify store there,are a ton of differe


Updated on Feb 23,2023

How to Edit Social Media Links in Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to edit shopify description on facebook url link

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How to Edit Social Media Links in Shopify

when setting up a Shopify store there,are a ton of different things to get,done on your to-do list one of those,things is editing or swapping out the,social media links they come with your,Shopify theme,Now by default these links will likely,point to the Shopify social media,accounts or perhaps to the author's,accounts whoever created the theme my,name is digital girl and in the Shopify,tutorial for beginners I'm going to show,you how to edit the Shopify URLs or,links in your Shopify store,so if we have a look at the social media,icons that are placed in the footer of,our website we can see that they're,currently not pointing to our social,media accounts so what we're going to do,is head on over to our Shopify admin so,make sure you're signed in and then in,the left hand side we're going to click,on online store underneath sales,channels,from there this is going to take us to,the theme section of the admin,where we can click on the green,customize button,as you likely already know this is where,you edit and modify your Shopify store,and its settings,and as you can see here it gives us a,bunch of different options when it comes,to editing our home page now while it,does give us the option to edit the,different content boxes within our,footer it doesn't actually give us the,option to edit the social media links so,to do that we're going to head on down,to the very very bottom of the page,which is theme settings so go ahead and,click on theme settings in the bottom,left,and then from there on the far right,we're going to expand the social media,accounts section,so we've got a bunch of different social,media accounts here from Twitter to,Facebook Pinterest and so on,and as you can see they're currently,pointed to Shopify,so I'm just going to go ahead and,replace the URLs here starting with,Twitter,and then I'll go ahead and update,Facebook,Instagram of course you go ahead and,plug yours in and then if you want to go,ahead and delete one of the current,icons you certainly can do that so for,example we don't have a tick tock,account currently so what I'll do is,highlight the URL and then simply just,delete it and on the flip side if you,had a social media account that wasn't,currently in the footer you can,certainly go and grab the URL from that,account and plug it into the correct,field so for example I'm going to go,ahead and grab our Pinterest URL and,just plug it into the Pinterest field on,the right all right so go ahead and just,edit the rest of the fields whichever,ones are appropriate for you and the,social media accounts that you currently,have,and then when you're done go up to the,right hand corner and hit the green save,button now if we head on back to our,website and simply refresh the page,you'll notice that the correct icons are,now displaying and if you click on them,they actually go to our social media,accounts now and there you have it you,now know how to edit the social media,links on your Shopify store I hope that,you found the Shopify tutorial helpful,and if you did please do give it a like,and stay tuned for more Shopify,tutorials along with Ecommerce videos

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