how to edit shopify homepage description

How to Edit Your Shopify Homepage Meta Description. what's going on everyone it's jamie here,from sh

Ecom Masterclass

Updated on Mar 11,2023

How to Edit Your Shopify Homepage Meta Description.

The above is a brief introduction to how to edit shopify homepage description

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How to Edit Your Shopify Homepage Meta Description.

what's going on everyone it's jamie here,from shopify masterclass and today we're,going to be going over how to edit the,meta description for your home page and,for your overall shopify store so when,customers are discovering you on google,when they're searching your brand name,you're gonna have your desired meta,description show up describing the,customer or to the customer what your,brand is about and what you're selling,making it really easy to find you so,with your demand description it's simply,gonna show up under your website here,describing to the customer what your,site is all about so we're going to go,over how to do that today it's oberon's,fairly easy i'm going to show you step,by step how to do it also how to write a,good meta description so make sure you,stay to the end of the video before i,dive into it i want to thank our sponsor,profitcalc the one click profit,calculator app available on the shopify,app store it's going to come with a 15,day free trial so you can test drive,everything out for yourself i want to,show a quick video detailing their full,feature set discover profit calc the,affordable and easy to set up shopify,app that crunches your numbers in just,one click it automatically syncs with,all your accounts and expenses to,calculate your profit displaying,everything in an easy to read dashboard,so you understand your business in real,time start for free on the shopify app,store today first let's go over how to,write a good meta description this is,coming from google itself a meta,description tag generally informs and,interests users with a short relevant,survey of what a particular page is,about they are like a pitch that,convinces the user that the page is,exactly what they're looking for there's,no limit on how long a meta description,can be but this snippet is truncated in,google search results as needed,typically to fit the device with mainly,want to make it relevant for the,customer to show exactly what they're,looking for so now we know how to write,a meta description let's head into shop,five so this is our testing store here,so the way you advocate or navigate to,the meta description section is on the,left hand side you want to head to,online store this is to show up several,navigation options here you want to head,down to preferences at the bottom this,is going to show a few things but what,we care about is the top here so let's,see title and meta description so,shopify is going to max this out at 320,characters so it's going to fit nicely,in a google search site this testing,store is going to be out camping and,summer and surfing so our site name here,is going to be ultimate surf shop so i'm,just going to write best store for,surfing lovers something simple here so,the store is going to sell surfboards,surf gear as well as maybe lessons on,how to surf so i'm going to try to fit,that all here in the meta tag,description so i'm giving the customer a,relevant description of what the store,is going to be about so i just wrote,something quickly here so let's find the,best deals on surf gear surfboards and,body suits so describing what the store,is going to sell we've everything you,need to get surfing even if you have no,experience so kind of addressing the,typical customer that this store might,have and we also offer online lessons on,how to surf and how to become an,advanced surfer overall this is really,going to depend on your shopify store,and what you're selling really we're,just trying to convince the customer or,show the customer that the user page,they're about to load is exactly what,they're looking for so you really want,to do a good job at describing your,shopify store here so overall super easy,we went over how to add better,descriptions and edit them for your,shopify store as well as how to edit the,title tag we also covered how to write,good meta descriptions here as well as,going over a quick example if you,enjoyed the video i would love if you,hit that like and subscribe button below,because that really helps the channel,out as far as the youtube algorithm goes,if you have any questions leave a,comment lastly i want to mention profit,calc again the one click profit,calculator app available on the shopify,app store there's a link in the,description to get a 15 day free trial,so you can test drive everything out for,yourself and skip the spreadsheets and,get back to growing your business thank,you so much for watching and i'll see,you in our next video

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