how to exclude sale items from discount code shopify

Exclude Sale Items From Discount Codes Shopify 2021 Update - Quick, Easy and FREE hello everyone wel

eCom Simplified

Updated on Feb 03,2023

Exclude Sale Items From Discount Codes Shopify 2021 Update - Quick, Easy and FREE

The above is a brief introduction to how to exclude sale items from discount code shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to exclude sale items from discount code shopify

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how to exclude sale items from discount code shopify catalogs

Exclude Sale Items From Discount Codes Shopify 2021 Update - Quick, Easy and FREE

hello everyone welcome to ecom,simplified um like and subscribe on the,way in,thank you so much for watching so today,we're going to go through a very um,quick and exciting update from shopify,where you can,create an automatic collection based on,compare price field,this is very exciting because you can,finally,make an automatic collection based on,addition to check if a product has,a compared price field in the past you,can only do it for um products that,have a value such as greater than,or less than um to to find out if your,product,is on sale or not but you can't make it,to show that it is empty or or less than,or is not empty so why is that important,is because now you can finally make a,full price collection so that you can,make a,sale that only applies to full price,products um then,going to very long-winded solutions,so we'll show you an example here so,what you can see is that this product,has no compared price so this product is,full price right now you can see it here,in my shop,that it is full price i've also got,another,product which is half price so you can,see that you save 50,and if you look at the other product i,have it would show that it is,um it's got compared price field and the,product itself,which means that it's on sale so um,long story short to make a product um,that or make a collection that is full,price,and then you can make a sale that is,only,applicable to full price products,so you can see that here the computer,price is 20 and the price is,10 dollars so this is our price so now,what you want to do is go to your,collections,make a new collection you can call it,full price or whichever you like,and then simply put the condition that,comparative price,is empty so that would just make a,collection with your full price products,as you can see here my long sleeve,t-shirt is full price so it's the only,product showing in this collection,you can actually make this collection to,not show an online store so people don't,know you have this collection,and you can save that and then from,there on,you can go to your discounts tab and now,you can create a discount,discount code for example you can make,it you know 20,off whichever you are 20,um as a discount code and then you can,apply to specific collections,so now you just wanted to apply it to,the full price collection such as,here as shown here and then you can,add more requirements or eligibility if,you like,and now you can save this discount code,so,now you can finally just simply create a,sale that applies to full price products,and,people can't double dip and on your,products already on sale,and then they won't be able to,you know ruin your margins so if we try,here we can add to cart add to cart,and then you can view cart so we can try,both of these products one's on sale one,isn't,and go to checkout and now we'll try,our new discount code and see what,happens,so we'll add both items and then the,discount code was 20,20 percent,now you can see that only one product,was discounted because that was the only,applicable product in that collection,so there it is we just created a very,simple,way of creating a collection that is,full priced and then,your discount can only apply to,full price products so then your,products are on special already,will not be double dipped so,that's it for today i hope this quick,update will um,help many of you out there that has,struggled with this,problem um and yeah glad to see that,this has finally changed,um if you found this video helpful,please like and subscribe,to the channel please like the video it,really helps,my channel grow and i really appreciate,it,thank you so much i'll see you in the,next video

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