Here's how you migrate from WooCommerce
to Shopify,using the Matrixify (Excelify)
app. So here I have my ,demo WooCommerce store and,what I need is the Matrixify (Excelify) app of
course,and I will show you step by step how to
move from here,to your Shopify Admin all the things
like,orders, customers, collections and
products.,So I go to my WooCommerce Settings
at first we would need to set up the api,access
so that the Matrixify (Excelify) can connect to,your
current WooCommerce store. So here under,the
WooCommerce Settings I go to advanced,and here's this REST API
very hidden but it's here. So in this,REST API
we would need to add a key press this,add
key and give some description,so - Migration Demo. And we choose a user,with which this API will be connecting
to your store and under permissions,choose
just read so that we can just read the,data and
that way you are sure you will not,change anything in your current
WooCommerce store. So we just press,generate API key
and it generates two things like a,consumer key and consumer secret
and from those we will need to construct,a URL how we can connect from Matrixify (Excelify)
to your store so,at first we copy this consumer key then
we go to Matrixify (Excelify) app,and here under the import section you
see there is this paste URL,and we just type the URL - https,
colon (:), two slashes (//), then paste,the first one this consumer key
then write a colon (:),and then the consumer secret, also copy
the consumer secret and paste it over,here,
then at symbol (@),and then take your WooCommerce
store domain. For this example it's,like
this dev-woo.Matrixify (Excelify).io,so at the end we just paste this one and
press,upload from URL. And by that way
Matrixify (Excelify) will connect,to your current WooCommerce store
and here in the format you should see,that it says
WordPress / WooCommerce API so it,connected to your API and here
you can see that it found 274,custom collections and 16 products
some redirects for those because we will,be generating automatically all the
redirects,from the collection and product URLs
so that it takes to your Shopify,respective
collections and products and then,all the customers and orders. Right away
i can show you for example you don't,need to migrate
all those things you just for example,need to migrate
orders and customers and you can,do it by the following way so we can
just copy the,,it shows here the URL which it is
importing from,,you can just copy it go back and paste
it once more here,and at the end of the URL just
type the question mark (?) and then write,"only=customers,orders",like this then upload from URL
and then it will just take the customers,and orders and that way you
can specify which particular data to,migrate but let's go back to our full
example,of the the whole store that we are going
to migrate,and so you can just check that the
counts,match that you supposedly have in your
WooCommerce store,and then just press this dry run,checkbox. It's needed so that we can,just convert
to Exelify format your WooCommerce,data
this will not start actual import it,will just
convert to the Matrixify (Excelify) template and,when we press import
we just wait and eventually it will,generate a zip file for us
with all the needed files in it and,while it's
converting I want to just show you that,this particular tutorial is also
accessible on our,website if you go to Knowledge - Migrate
to Shopify,here are all the platforms you can
migrate at the moment and you choose,just
wordpress WooCommerce and here are two,tutorials
at the moment for blog posts and pages,and for
the WooCommerce data and so here is this,step-by-step the same thing i'm showing
you here,so how to generate those credentials
and here's how you construct the URL,so that you don't forget about it,everything is here if you need to
refer,those are like your notes. And don't
worry this dry run will,take a while because it has to really
assemble,all your items from the WooCommerce
it just takes,whatever data it needs to construct
those,custom collections and products and
everything so,since it's doing it through the API it's
rather slow but,it's worth the wait all right so the dry
run has finished,and we can see that it has generated the
import results file which we need to,download that is actually a zip file
we unzip it and in that file we can see,there is a import results excel sheet
that basically has,all those sheets in Matrixify (Excelify) format -
the custom collections,which is basically it's just creating
the custom collections themselves then,the products
sheet which consists of obviously all,the products data and
they are being linked to those,custom collections which were created
here,you can see for for each of the products
it gives the,handle of their respective custom
collections,uh where this product needs to be put
and so,there's of course the handle the the
title the body html,and in the body html there are images
and those images, if we look closer,in the image src here it already points
to the location on the Shopify,cdn so it's the new location for your
images because,obviously when you have your
descriptions the product descriptions,and the collection descriptions with
images,on WordPress obviously one day you will
switch off your,WordPress servers and so those images,
if we left them unchanged, those,would point
back to the old servers and they would,not be
showing up so we are converting those,image links to the Shopify links
and that's why here in the same zip file,there is this folder images and here you
will see,all the image files downloaded from your
WordPress,server and so in a moment I will show
you,how we will upload them to your Shopify
so that,your product descriptions remain all
intact and they,show the right images now this time
from,the Shopify servers. So what else is
interesting about this,of course has uh the vendor,
the type and the tags, tags command which,is by default "REPLACE" because it's
like it's just replacing any existing,tags
of this product to those, all the dates,the created, updated,
whether the product is published or no,and when it was published and in which
channels - the global is on basically on,web and on post.
So the row number is the number,of the row to ensure that your products
are sorted,because they have to have all the
handles together,and then comes the options and what's
interesting here,is that in WooCommerce there is
basically,unlimited options available so it might
happen that,your WooCommerce store has, like in
this case,it had four options but Shopify has
only three options available at maximum,so we have to deal with this somehow and
here's how we deal with it - so we have,the option one name and value,
so it's size for example in this case,,option two is the color that
also comes from WooCommerce and,option three, in this case
we basically merge together two,options -
gender and material you see with the,with this vertical line (|)
they are connected and their values also,are connected so
it's maybe not ideal but it still will,function
very similarly for your Shopify,store where your customer would be able
to choose,a drop-down of "Gender | Material" and then
the combination of those.,Then the variant position, the SKU and the
barcode,and all the variant images
and the images also come here with all,the alt texts
and basically like the price, the weight,all the
required columns and for example,here we can see that there is a warning
in the conversion comments column.,It gives a warning what we just saw that
Shopify supports up to three variant,options
but four provided and so we have,squashed them
into that option three. And then comes,the
metafields which are Shopify custom,fields and basically in those meta
fields,we save any additional data
from your WooCommerce store that you,might need so
anytime that you need to for example,find out what was the
id in the WooCommerce for this product,or the variant you can always
look in in those metafields and they,will be
saved in your Shopify store and if you,export with Matrixify (Excelify) with those meta
fields you will see those values here,so they might be convenient. And notice
that there is a,group of metafields and a group of
variant metafields here so because some,of the
here the variant midfields because some,of the attributes are
on a product level in WooCommerce and,some are on variant level so this is a
different kind of meta field so it's,attached to variant or the product
itself.,Right so now we go to redirects
notice those sheets here at the at the,bottom
i'm clicking them and switching the tabs,and here's where all the different kinds
of data is,so here's the old path and the new
target,for example here is the product category
camera,translates into "collection/camera"
the new location of the collections and,the same
thing for products as well and of course,you can change those if you like
and anything about this data that's why,we did a dry run
because here this file is for you to,change to adjust like you want to add
some,additional tags for example or you want
to clean up,for example this kind of color is maybe
we want to say it's,"Unknown" instead of "-"
and so that's how you just change,this data as you need
and then comes customers and again,in similar way as with collections we
first create collections and then when,we put
products in those collections and with,customers similarly
at first we create customers with their,full data as you can see
and and here notice that if the customer,will have several addresses
all those addresses will get migrated,using Matrixify (Excelify)
because if you migrate using a Shopify,WooCommerce migration tool it will
migrate only one address per customer so,be careful with that and choose the
solution that fits you best,just saying that with excellify we bring
over,all the addresses for each customer and
then once the customers will get created,then the next sheet comes the orders
and here are all those orders,that that we had in our demo
WooCommerce and you obviously will have,much more.
So here uh the name will be the same,order number as you had in
WooCommerce and here in notes we will,put some additional
historical details like when the payment,was made
and so on like the things that can't be,added
to anywhere else in Shopify so,we put them here some chronological
events. All right so all the details,are here
also the customer details so this,customer will be linked to the just
imported customer by the email or by the,phone
and anyway even if you don't migrate,customers you could import just the
orders,and it will still if it will not find
this customer by email or phone it will,just create a new customer with this
particular data that you have in this,sheet.
And the line items of course,if you migrate the products it will link
those line items with the same,products on the Shopify store so that
they are clickable you will be able to,navigate
to those products of course all the,prices on the totals
the refunds the transactions the,fulfillments
and also the conversion comments,that you need to pay attention to for
example WooCommerce,allows orders to have no line items but
Shopify,requires orders to have at least one
line item,so we give a warning here that this
particular order in WooCommerce didn't,have
any line items so we will not be able to,create it basically it will fail when
we will import it but then,you can move this column along with the
headers to the draft orders,sheet and import it as a draft order if
you want,but for now let's keep it here and of
course,the metafields with any additional
information for example this payment,method
since we don't have a place in Shopify,to store it
we can store it in the meta field and,you will see that this is cash on delivery
delivery this is,something else the paypal, cash on delivery.,Right so let's assume we have made
all our,changes so we click save, we close
the file,and now we just go back to Matrixify (Excelify)
and we upload this,cleaned up results file into Matrixify (Excelify)
app and this time we will not do the dry,run
anymore we will do the proper normal,import. So again after estimating it
shows us the same sheets that we had in,our file
and this time notice that the format is,Matrixify (Excelify) because
we are uploading the Matrixify (Excelify) file,template
and now leave this without the dry run,and just press import... So we see that the
collections are imported,and it's importing products right
now and if we go to,our products we see that
those are our products and see that they,already have their images,
their images are here because we,take them
directly from WooCommerce links,and attached to your Shopify products
but as I mentioned,earlier if you had any images in
descriptions,we would need to upload them separately
so i'll show,once again here the products and the
body html,this one had an image so it's a complex
product handle,so complex products we can go and search
for this complex product here it is,and you see that it shows the broken
image,so because the image is not there yet
and what we can do,here's our images folder that's why we
have downloaded them,for you we just go to settings in
Shopify Admin,and here to the files section
and press upload files and go to this,images folder
and select all the images that are in,this folder
because it allows us to upload many,files at once we just select everything
here,and press open and it will upload those
images,right here and now when we go back to
this product and we refresh it...,Yes we can see the images are here and
so,in the preview we can see that
there are all the images, the images,inside the description,
all the options you can choose them and,remember this
third and fourth option here's how it,looks on the website
on this demo template there is a Gender |,Material
and I just choose the combinations of,those
on the website so we can come back and,look where
it is it's now creating the redirects,and please note that
while it's importing you don't have to,keep the Matrixify (Excelify) app open
it's doing everything on servers so,even if you just close it
it will still continue working and you,can come back any time later
and also it will send you an email when,it's done so here's the list of the most
recent,imports and this one is still in
progress so. Right so it's now,finished with redirects and it's
creating customers and for example,this one has failed and we can have a
hint why it failed because,the customer must have a name, phone
number,or email address - so looks like one of
the customers that didn't have either of,those because WooCommerce is not requiring it but,still if we go now to the admin
customers we can see that the customers,already
are here,and let's just see... All right it starts
to create the orders,and those might have some other issues
like for example billing address not,valid or some kind of unacceptable
values,in line items or the phone is already
taken.,For example with the phone Shopify
accepts,only unique phones so it doesn't
allow two customers to have the same,phone number and the same with email
address,so each customer must have a unique
email address,and there can't be two customers with
the same email,so it will fail also. It will finish just
in a second,and meanwhile we can just have a quick
look,at our orders and we can see that they
are here,with all the payment statuses, the
fulfillment statuses some is fulfilled,some are not fulfilled.
And those should be exactly as they are,in your WooCommerce,
so all these details this is the,the notes which is the history what
happened,and as you can see it's a clickable
link to the linked product on your store,with all the discount codes and the
shipping rates and the VAT and,everything should be here and all the
amounts,should match eventually with your
WooCommerce,of course depending on how you organize
your migrations,uh usually it's a very good thing that
you,do a sort of reconciliation where you
compare the some kind of total amount of,the orders in your WooCommerce with the totals,migrated
in Shopify so that you know that,everything is exactly as you had in
WooCommerce,so we have this import finished but it
says,import finished with errors and those
are just like,just a generic hints on to how many
items had,how many errors but to see that the
detailed errors that happened with each,item you can download the import results
file,and, here it is, and in that file
here is this import result and import,command columns
which has the input result as like a,sort of status and comment
explains why there is this status so,here with the custom collections
everything is okay,and all the collections were
created,as new for the products we can scroll
here and see,they are here. See the same columns
and with the with the comments what,happened
it's like for example - for images it used,merge so it tried to match with any
existing images,automatically but again all the products,were created without any issues so
everything is okay we can see here,with the redirects the same all the
redirects are okay,so nothing to worry about here so about
customers,here's that error so input results says
"Failed",and the comment says customer must have
a name, phone number or email address so,this particular customer,
this row basically,you see that it doesn't have email or
phone or first name, last name,it just has some kind of creation date
and nothing else so... And and the tag,for it is a shop manager so
probably,this is a user from the WooCommerce
which is not actually,not actually a customer so that's why
probably it doesn't have any of this,data and so
i think in this case you can just ignore,it
and if you still need to migrate it you,you need to assign it some
email or at least the last name. Yes also,by those tags
you will be able to see uh what kind of,role
was existing for for this,for each customer whether it was
a customer or administrator or something,else. Now with the orders again
the same thing here are our,fails and of course your file will be
much larger so,it's a good idea to use filters
in Excel to just keep the failed rows,and look what's wrong with them so in
this particular case there is this,value type... No, line type value is not valid
so this is because this particular order,it didn't have
any line items so it has empty line type,and no line items
and that's what also the,this conversion comment is saying here
that this order doesn't have any line,items
so it can't be migrated as an order,yeah so we will just ignore this as
we can't really import those to Shopify,here
with this particular order you see if,the order takes
several lines if the name repeats then,it means that it takes several lines so
it's a larger order but for example this,one it just takes one row
so it says billing address is not valid,Shopify requires values
for columns last name, address one, city,,country
or country code all those four fields,needs to be
filled in for the billing address that's,a Shopify requirement
so last name, address one, city and,country.
So we go to the billing address,so last name we have it address 1
address 1 we can just fill something a,city
city and the country country is already,filled in (LATVIA)
and we will actually delete the role for,the first one which
is a draft week that we don't need to,migrate at all
so the first one should be fixed. Now,this
second one you see this one takes two,rows
and it says customer phone has,already been taken so
there's some other customer that's using,the same phone
and so here you need to decide what to,do with this phone number
whether if you want to attach it to the,same customer you could
for example remove this email so it will,attach
this order to that existing customer,that already has this phone or you could
for example delete this phone and in,that way
it will essentially just either create a,new customer with this email
or if it will find it already it will,link it to that one
so let's see whether it will get fixed,by just removing this customer phone
number,and the same way you walk through all
the issues,that you have with your orders and
resolve them.,And once you remember that you have
filtered,just the failed ones don't import this
file yet,just copy all the failed rows, copy all of them,
and paste into a new file and rename the,Sheet1 to "Orders"
so that you don't import once again all,the
already created orders you just import,those which failed and to be sure
replace this command to "REPLACE",so that in case something
already for this order was created like,for example the basic order structure
was there but we couldn't create,fulfillments for some reason right
so by the replace command we will,at first delete for example if this
order already exists we will delete it,and we will recreate it from scratch
from this file,and yeah so we can save this file like
give it a name,and again upload it to Matrixify (Excelify)
app and allow it to import and again,see what got imported and what failed
and,keep resolving those issues with
the remaining orders,until you have all the issues resolved
and all the orders,are imported as you want them to. Right
so yes,this is basically how you migrate
everything from your WooCommerce to,Shopify
and remember that there is this,tutorial which shows you step by step
the same things I have demonstrated in,this video.
Also if you need to migrate pages,and blog posts there's this another
tutorial,under like I showed you Migrate to
Shopify,and this migrate from WooCommerce to
Shopify,here you can access all the tutorials or
through the tutorials menu,here and apply the filters. Anyway they
are here,and also among any
other tutorials but if you run,into any issues or questions or
have some suggestions for improvements,and so on
please contact us here,from any of those three channels or from
inside the app here is this,icon and when we are online this chat is
online you can chat,with Renars, who is in our support
or,if we are offline like now you
can just leave an offline message and we,will
reach you back as soon as we are online.,See you inside Matrixify (Excelify)!!!,:)
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