to export payouts from your Shopify,store using excel file you do it as,usual you open the apps and go to the,excel file and then you choose the,payouts which is a new feature now and,there you can also additionally choose,to include transaction columns which,will add additional transactions to the,same table and then you can also set the,filters by date range where you just,choose from an to date and also the,relative date by days or by months how,many last full days or four months you,want to include important thing here to,notice is that since you import last for,example you import one last days it,means that it will not ever include,today it will include just previous,finished days and this is beneficial,when you for example you need to get,really the full finished days right and,so you can take like every last 7 days,and don't cut your day in the middle,depending on when when the export runs,right but for this example I'll,demonstrate you how to how you can set,up automated export from Shopify to,Google sheets so that you can basically,analyze your data always up to date in,your Google sheets so suppose we want to,have the full data for the whole year,and I can set up like 2019 0 1 0 1 it's,like a first January 2019,till the 2019 December 31st and it means,that we will always include the whole,year in this automated export and,here and there the options we can select,to schedule the export every day at,midnight and repeat every day until,cancelled basically forever and now here,is important thing that we assign the,custom file name for this payouts export,it's like for example we can call it,payouts and we choose not to zip the,files because we want to use them in,Google sheets and here under the excel,file CSV basically under the format,choose the excel file CSV format so that,it's not the excel but it's the CSV and,we schedule the export and actually,since the current day midnight is,already past so it will actually,scheduled to run today at midnight but,since midnight is already past so it,will actually run it within a minute or,so we can basically here open the,history in schedule and look if it,already export they don't know okay,actually we see that it's it's finished,for today like the next one is scheduled,to run on tomorrow at midnight,but for today we have already finished,and we can just select this URL we could,download the file but that's not for,this example for example I want to show,you how to automatically load them in,Google sheets so we can right click here,and choose the copy link address and,then and then we go to Google Drive and,make the Google sheet so we we will call,this nice payouts and here we just make,the formula as import data and in,brackets and in quotes we put that link,from the file and it's loading and it,has imported all the data which is in,this payout CSV and so each time every,day the application will run a new,export in this file here you will always,see the most recently exported data this,is just a sample data just to play with,so we can start making it pretty if we,want our accountants to see and so on,and yeah so you notice that the date and,month are not very usable at this point,because like this was a CSV file and,Google sheets don't know how to format,them so you can choose the like this is,the date to format it as a date so it,will be a proper date and for the month,actually you have to tell that it's a,year and a month and this is just a,special column where you can where you,can use your year and month to aggregate,by months your amount so we can choose,more date and time formats and set it,here to be as a year with full numeric,here and and month I usually like like,this because when you sort it,alphabetically it will always be sorted,correctly so we apply and here you can,see now we have the proper year and,month and so folder for the rest of,columns if we take a closer look here we,have this first part is the columns for,the payouts themselves and and then come,the transaction columns so those are,basically the detalization of each,payout from what it consists of and so,here is the also that the transaction ID,the payout type and the date and time,with time zone when when this,transaction was processed and again the,currency for this transaction then there,is amount the fee taken by Shopify and,the natural net net amount,and basically it's made so that it will,always like if you sum it horizontally,the amount plus the negative fee will,give you the sum total of the net amount,so you can basically sum those like if,you make the total of those it will be,the same as total of these and here you,notice that there is a transaction type,there is a charge and then there is a,payout and usually like you can consider,the Shopify payout is like your wallet,and when Shopify pay payments sends you,the money to the charges so it,accumulates in your account and then,they do the actual payout to your bank,account and then it goes as a negative,amount and that's a different,transaction type as a payout and this is,the amount which shows here in the,payouts section as well and so usually,when you make the total of all,transaction the net amount will always,be zero because of course they deduce,that the Commission's the fees but,whatever accumulates to your account,eventually gets transferred to your bank,account and then you also can see here,there is a like the source transaction,ID the source type and this might be,valuable also that there is a order,transaction ID and order ID and even the,order name from which this transaction,came from and that way you can basically,link up your orders if you do for,example orders export using excel file,you can link them up by order ID and by,transaction ID and you can like start,making any other detailed and analytics,reports by for example which customers,ended up into your payout so and so on,like and this is whether this was a test,mode payment or if it was a real payment,yeah so um and now just just to show the,example what you can do with a pivot,table,make a dynamic report which will always,update you make the pivot table here and,for rows we will choose month so here,are all the months and for the values we,will choose amount and summarize by some,and there you are,it can make it bigger this is a total,amount of payouts per month and so,always when you will open this file you,will always see the most recent total,which will get refreshed by this import,data function just to bear in mind that,Google sheets refreshes this import data,every hour so after the midnight export,will be done like if you open just the,file if you open it it will always,refresh but if you don't open it then it,will refresh automatically within one,hour yeah so that's how you can use,payouts and look for more tutorials and,ask us questions through support on our,website if you have any questions see,you
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