if you have a lot of products it can be,a lot quicker to import your products,using a standard file from the product,menu on the left hand side,you will see there's an option to import,or export,if you click the export option you have,an option to either export products on,your current page or products or,selection,if we select all products and export,then the export would be delivered by,email to your registered email address,if we select just a selection of,products and then do export then the,products are automatically exported,when we open the file we see shopify's,standard export and import template,exporting your file from shopify is a,good way of backing up your data,you can also make edits at this level,and then import it back into shopify if,you want to change things in bulk,now let's look at the different types of,products on shopify and how these can be,imported poorly speaking there are two,different types of products in shopify,products that come in only one variation,and products become a multiple variation,so in this spreadsheet here we have a,product here which comes with one,variation,this is the coffee bar soap and it only,comes in one option which is coffee bar,down here we have soaps which come in,multiple variations it comes in multiple,colors and each of those colors has,different scents so you can see here,that this color blue,has all these different scent variations,same again for pink and orange,in this first example sheet i've created,three different single products now,let's just go through some of the most,important fields every single product,must have a handle,and that must appear on every line which,relates to that product the handle is,the url for the product if we look at a,product on shopify,it can be seen under the seo information,at the bottom the url and handle there,are three types of columns in the upload,spreadsheet there are required columns,that can't be left blank,there are required columns that can be,left blank,and there are i and there are columns,which aren't required the required,columns that can't be left blank,are the handle the title,the option one name and option one value,the title is the title for the product,that's the name of the product which can,be seen in shopify the option one name,and option one value are used for,variant products if you're having a,single product,then the option one name must be titled,and the option one value must be default,title there are a number of fields which,are required but can be left blank if,you do not fill in these fields but then,you upload the products this the,information in shopify will be wiped,required fields that can be left blank,include body text,vendor,and published if published is left blank,then it will default to true required,fields must appear at least once in,every upload spreadsheet for single,products if you want to upload multiple,images this must be done on separate,lines the required fields only need to,appear on one line so you see here this,product has two cops and has two rows,so the required fields and other,information is kept on the first row,and the image information is kept on the,second row,and you can see we've got the image,source,here,and we've got the image position so that,that'll be the first or hero image and,that will be the second image if you,want to add more than two images you,would simply need to,insert another row,and then add,the image to that mode so that would be,b3,images need to be stored externally in a,web location that can be accessed by,shopify this could be in a web hosting,service or it can be on shopify itself,on shopify if you go into settings and,then files,this is where you can upload your files,and then you can get a you can get a,link for that file so if we copy the,link there and then return to our upload,spreadsheet we can then paste it into,the image source column,and that image will then get uploaded,but also come in multiple variations,require a different structure to the,upload file this is a file for a soap,which comes in multiple options so it,comes in different colors and also,different scents each different,variation combination i color and scent,in this case requires a different line,again the standard information for the,product is,is entered on a single row,in this case the title the description,etc that is the same for a single,product this single row also has one of,the variation options on it each row,needs to have the handle,and it will also need to have,information about the variant,so in this case we have about 30,different variants we've got these,entries here for blue,for each blue color we have the,different scent options,each variant has its own skew and then,we also have the weight and the price,etcetera for that,variant in the image source column we,have the four images which are shared,across the different variants and like,the single products these have a,specific order in which they're shown,if we go to the right hand side of the,file we also have the variant image and,that is the specific image for each,variant,if we go into shopify,and click on the product,these variant images are the variant the,images which are assigned to each,variant as you can see the format of,uploading products into shopify is a bit,complicated,the best advice i can give you is to,create some manually export them so you,can then see the format and then copy,that format to create new products,once you've created your upload,spreadsheet it's time to upload it if,you click import from the product file,you'll get the option to upload a file,here you can download the cs blank csv,template to see the format which is,required for products,if you click override any current,products which have the same handle then,day two upload using the same handle,will upload will overwrite existing data,if you don't tick this box then if there,is a match between the handle and your,file and the handle in shopify then that,product will be skipped if any columns,are not filled in then existing data,will be used,so if we upload our example file,before we upload something you get a,chance to preview your first product so,you can see here what the title and the,description etc,and the information which is being,uploaded and then we can import the,products,if you have a large number of items it,may take a while to import products,so here you can see we've had these,these two it says example of the two,products which we created and it has,populated the product details including,product type,media pricing,stock keeping unit here you can see i've,got a stock keeping unit which we used,in another product so we need to change,that
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