how to export shopify store

How To Import and Export Shopify Themes | 2021 METHOD yo what up guys welcome to a brand new,video o

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Updated on Feb 08,2023

How To Import and Export Shopify Themes | 2021 METHOD

The above is a brief introduction to how to export shopify store

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How To Import and Export Shopify Themes | 2021 METHOD

yo what up guys welcome to a brand new,video on my channel today we're looking,at another shopify tutorial,so without further ado let's get,straight into the video,so today we're looking at how to,export and import a shopify theme,so let's say you have received a shopify,team from a friend,from a colleague and you want to use it,from your own store for your own store,or you just have another store and want,to duplicate the store,or use the same team like you've paid,for for the,for another store it's pretty simple so,let's say,this is my final store and i have bought,a shopify team,in the team store and i want to use it,for another store,and not pay again for the team what we,need to do,is just click on actions so assuming,this is a team,we want to import into a new store,we want to click on actions scroll down,until we see download team file,from here the team file will,get sent to your email so,let me get that right now so as you can,see,i've received the team file in my email,and all i need to do is just click on,the team export and from here it will be,downloaded to your computer from there,on you,have actually exported your team file,and let's say this is our new store,and we want to import the theme to our,new store,all we need to do is again go to online,store click on teams,from here we scroll down and as you can,see,where we explore three themes,or buy a new team within the shopify,team store you can also click on,add theme right here and if you click on,it,you will get two options upload a zip,file and connect from,github well what we've just did is,downloaded the zip file,so we know all we need to do now is just,click on,upload zip file and as you can see you,can,upload to a maximum file size of 50 mb's,you just click on add file and select,the team click on upload,and show file will do its,job it will take a few minutes so don't,worry if it's,still loading after a minute or two,depending on the side size of your team,and what you've added to the team,it can take up a few minutes so just be,patient,after the team has been uploaded you,will get,this little notification uh saying the,team has been added,to your store from here on uh,the theme has been added to the store,but what we want is,use it for our shopify store so,all we need to do is click on actions,click on publish,and what this will do is um,what this will do is move it to the main,area,so from here on you can,customize your team let's say you,want to use a team but have another,brand you can customize the team right,here,and it will immediately show up at,your url your domain name or your,shopify,store domain name so that's about it,it's pretty simple,pretty straightforward i hope this video,helped you guys out,if you have any further questions about,shopify or,anything else just let me know in the,comments below,and i'm more than happy to help you guys,out in the comment section,and also make a video about it when,that's mandatory,so that's about it for today guys i hope,you enjoyed the video i hope you're,um going to make a lot of money on your,shopify store,and hopefully um,till the next one thank you for watching

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