how to export your amazon products to shopify

Connect listings across Amazon, Shopify, eBay, Etsy, WooCommerce hello my friends,we're here today t


Updated on Mar 14,2023

Connect listings across Amazon, Shopify, eBay, Etsy, WooCommerce

The above is a brief introduction to how to export your amazon products to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to export your amazon products to shopify

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how to export your amazon products to shopify catalogs

Connect listings across Amazon, Shopify, eBay, Etsy, WooCommerce

hello my friends,we're here today to see how you can,import,your listings from a channel and then,link,existing listings on another channel,without duplicating them,we start here from my nembo interface in,the products tab,you can see i've got a couple of,products,which are published on facebook pages,and that's it there's nothing else right,two items so i joined channels,and as an example i got my two ebay one,and ebay two channels already logged,i got number one and then ws and uh,i uh check the import settings,from number one input from ebay i'm,importing,active listing status only buy now,and from all all ebays,that's fine so i don't need to save,and i simply click import,i read the warning if i want and give it,an okay,so now i will be back in the products,tab in a second,the system auto refreshes and it will,start importing,my ebay products in in a bit i may want,to refresh,here we are it has begun to,import listings from ebay you can see we,now have,167 items,there's no linking between ebay and,facebook,pages of course the linking exists,only between e-commerce channels,and the listings to link,need to share the exact same,sku codes and set of sku codes,you can see we're still still importing,there's 222,items i was saying listings to be linked,need to share exactly the same sku code,if they're single products or exactly,the same,set of sku code if we're talking about,products with variations so let's,imagine a product has,two colors and three sizes,this means a two by three six variations,and in order to link all six variations,must be identical,in uh the first channel in this case,ebay,and the second channel and all six must,have skew codes okay now it seems that,the import from ebay is complete,i'm trying to refresh here 222 so i can,go on channels,and as an instance i can import from,from shopify and i could import i could,import and link from shopify etsy,and woocommerce and amazon,and the linking works by importing again,and what happens is that if at the,moment of import nimble finds,a product which shares exactly the same,sku codes,it will connect the product the listing,in the original channel in our case ebay,and on a channel number two and three,four five,subsequent without importing them,again so without duplications and,without the need,to cancel the listing from either of the,two or,three or four channels and releasing it,so now uh from shopify i'm checking the,import from shopify,settings in nimble and you can see i'm,importing all statuses,and i'm importing all all collections,so again no need to save and let me,click,import,you can read here input from shop if i,started it's working,and the system refreshes into the,products tab,and we may see already some products,imported from shopify,or not yes we do have some okay,so now we imported a bunch of products,from ebay and,a a bunch of products from shopify and,you can see,uh here in the the channels tab there's,only,the shopify at some point we'll probably,meet,either refreshing it let me,put more more products per page we will,meet some products with two icons,the shopify icon because it has been,imported,and not alone also the ebay icon,if it linked here we are so,one two three four products you can see,there's two icons,and these guys here linked so what do we,mean by linking the first channel ebay,in our case is the leading channel which,means that,five is the quantity on ebay,if by any chance the quantity in the,shopify listing,was different from five now they're,linked,and at the first edit,nimble will equate the quantity in the,second channel,to the quantity of the leading channel,now,you can see a bunch of products linked,and a bunch of other other products,didn't link,we have the two we can see here,the two messages nimble is not importing,your products from ebay 220 products,and then we're gonna have another,message there it is,cool nimble is done importing your,products from shopify 887 products,imported of which,77 linked to products already existing,in your nimble account and 206,were stopped by an error and the,difference was imported,you can download the error file and,check the error what are the possible,errors,possible errors are the same skew but,not all variants,or same variants but different skus,these are the two types,of errors that are matched by that,error file to fix this you go in your,source channel in this case,into either shopify or ebay fix,edit the sku code delete the product,by selecting it one or two or how,how many you want enable and,going into actions delete,you can delete it you can delete them,and import them again,after you fix them this is the current,current status,now an important note for free trial,users,during the free trial you can import,only,up to 10 products per channel so if you,have a,say 1 000 products in your uh channel,number one,in in our case ebay or your case may be,etsy,and you got another thousand products in,the second channel you only import ten,of each,chances that uh the first 10 match the,second 10 out of 1000 is is very low so,how would you,how could you proceed and the suggestion,is,if if you have a chance to create a,specific,collection this is possible in shopify,here for instance i created the,collection,spring summer 2021 which connects only,products,which have a tag equal to ss,2021 this way if i,select enable that i want to import only,this,collection number will import only three,six seven products which are my test,products to do this you go in channels,settings,import from shopify collection instead,of going,all you go please import only spring,summer 2021,save changes and you're done right so if,you do this,after your first test import and you,imported,10 wrong products you just,select shopify,and delete,and then you import again,so now i deleted all products imported,from shopify,and as i showed i created in,shopify a collection which contains,only up to 10 products which,i'm sure have a sku code which is,identical,to the areas to the sku code i have in,my ebay listings,and i set the import from shopify,settings as to import only that specific,collection which is the,spring summer 2021 in our in our example,now i click import again and uh,why are we doing this we're showing,number trial users,how they can test the system during the,trial now we're going to import only,seven products from shopify,and all seven of them three six and,seven here we are,all some of them will link that's it,right if we check the quantities here we,will probably have that effect i was,mentioning earlier,in which the quantity of some of these,seven,is is actually different in uh,in shopify compared to ebay,all right that's it that's the whole set,of functionalities of the,listing feature showed just to repeat,this feature enables a seller who has,the same,listings the same product listings on,two,or more channels to import,these listings into nimble from the,leading channel,and to link through nimble,the uh listings already existing,on further channels without the need to,recreate them delete them release them,in any other sort of complication the,seller,just leaves the listings where they are,and can link them with no effort,and once they're linked they will be,linked for inventory sync,order sync and product updates,synchronization that's all if you need,anything,please chat with us in the in-app chat,bottom bottom right and don't forget to,subscribe to this,youtube channel to be informed about,the forthcoming videos have a great,rest of the day

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