hello everyone i'm going to show you how,to create the same adject scart,functionality for shopify using liquid,adjective library,i'm gonna create a new environment with,a free shopify theme that is called,minimal this theme is good for,demonstration because it doesn't have,any edges card functionality out of the,box,okay the theme is installed,let's see how it looks,this is the card page,this is how a product goes to the card,this is how we change the quantity of a,card item,so let's add a new section for our,adjectives card,let's go to the edit code,sections,add new section,let's name it my card,i'm gonna add some basic code for the,card section,look through card items,link to a product,title,price per item,minus one button,current quantity,plus one button,for the plus and minus buttons i'm using,the car change url route,with the item key and the new quantity,parameters so,these buttons will work even without,javascript,and let's show the final price for an,item,the section is ready,we need to include it in the,theme.liquid template somewhere under,the footer,done,let's check,okay this is our section with two,unlimited products in the card,let's add one more product to the card,make sure it displays correct data,okay now it's three,let's check minus and plus buttons,two,three again okay,now we have a simple section still,without adjects and i want to place the,section to the right side so it will be,easier to work with,i'm gonna add a flex wrapper to split,the page to the main content,and the sidebar for the card,css file for custom styles,and a horizontal line between card items,okay now looks better,it's time to include liquid edges card,library and identify all the things,first we need to upload the liquidascart,javascript file into the assets folder,and include it in the theme.liquid,template,file uploaded,and included,now we need to add the data adjects card,section attribute to our card section so,that liquidates card identifies it,that's it let's check,okay the plus and minus buttons work,without page reloading,let's check product forms,now we have two unlimited products in,the cart let's add more,okay works,now let's improve user experience by,highlighting the card when it's updating,i'm gonna use the request in progress,body css class that appears when an,adjects card api request is in progress,so i'm gonna make the card items,container a little transparent when it,is getting updated,okay it works,let it the same with the product forms,there is a form in progress css class,that appears in a product form when it,is submitted,it's better you can use these css,classes to show your own loading,indicators,now let's take a look at the card,counter in the header,it is not getting updated when the card,is changed,i'm gonna fix it using the bind state,data attribute with the card item count,value,i should apply this attribute to an html,tag where i want to show the card item,count value,good is changing,now let's add the remove button for the,card it is the same as the plus and,minus buttons but the quantity parameter,is zero,okay after removing all the items take a,look at the item's counter it shows zero,i want to hide the counter if it is zero,let's find the css class of the counter,this is it,to hide and show the counter i'm gonna,use the js adjectives card empty,and js adjects card not empty css,classes,let's try to add product to the card to,see if it works,okay,if you click on the card link it will,lead you to the card page,but i want this link to hide and show,the adjects card instead,let's use the toggle class button data,attribute for it,we need to apply the attribute to this,card link and provide any css classes,for example js my card open,and this class will be added to the body,tag when a user click on the link,now let's write some css,hide the card sidebar by default,show the card sidebar when our css class,is applied,good it works,now let's go to the limited product that,have only three items in a stock,if i try to add the product to card more,than three times nothing happens,but i want to show the error messages,using the form error data attribute,all i need to do is to put a container,with this attribute in the product form,let's put it right after the submit,button,now let's try to add more product to the,card,okay now we can see an error message,that comes from shopify,let's remove the product from the card,and try again,okay good,within these 10 minutes we have created,the standard adjust card functionality,without writing any javascript code,liquidates card also provides javascript,functions to work with the card state,and make calls to the shopify card agix,api,please check out all the other features,on the documentation website,that's all thanks for watching,you
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