how to find checkout vaiables from shopify

Set up Shopify dataLayer on Checkout - GTM Custom Events & Variables [Lesson 4] hi there i am herman

Set up Shopify dataLayer on Checkout - GTM Custom Events & Variables [Lesson 4]

The above is a brief introduction to how to find checkout vaiables from shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to find checkout vaiables from shopify

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Set up Shopify dataLayer on Checkout - GTM Custom Events & Variables [Lesson 4]

hi there i am herman from analyzify team,welcome to our google tag manager data,analytics video series,for shopify stores this is the most,important video,of the series because in this video we,are going to create a data layer,for your checkout and order completed,pages using that data layer,in the next video we will create your,conversion tracking events,let me tell you a little bit more about,what a data layer is,and how we will use it let's take the,purchase process as an example,when a user makes a purchase from your,store,we are going to create a data layer,let's call it purchase data layer and it,will include,your order id revenue currency code,and a few other important metrics what,will happen next,once this is ready google tag manager,will be able to read it,and pass that data to the other parties,for instance google ads once you are,creating the conversions for google x,google ads will want to know the order,id and the revenue,so that it can show in the reports how,much,revenue you have created through google,ads,so that it can also calculate your,return of investment,in the next part of the video i will,provide you the code block,to be inserted in your shopify store so,that it can generate this purchase data,layer,and finally all this data will be,available for google tag manager,to read and process let's get started,in the previous videos we have taken,some essential steps,so if you haven't watched those please,start from there,because firstly you need to set up,google tag manager on your shopify store,and then you need to know how text and,triggers works,so go to the second and third video if,you still haven't seen those,hello welcome back to our shopify gtm,course,in the first two lessons we have created,some basic text and triggers,now it's time to go deeper and create,something more complex,so in the beginning we will set up a,data layer for our checkout page,and then create a custom trigger for,purchase,that means from now on we will be able,to send,purchase event to google analytics,facebook pixel,or any other third-party solution you,wish using your revenue,and all the other purchase events let's,get started,so you should remember from our first,lesson,we had added this google tag manager,container code,into our settings i'll just quickly,recap settings,checkout then we have the order,processing,section and there we had added the gtm,bot in here however this gtm code is not,enough to track our purchases to track,our purchases,we need to add a complex data layer code,so that google tag manager will be able,to read,our order details another thing when a,customer makes a purchase,this data layer code will send currency,value shipping price tax price,payment type and transaction id into the,data layer,through the data layer we will read,these values,through the google tag manager and then,we will be able to send,all these relevant data into the third,parties,such as google ads and facebook pixels,we have specifically prepared this code,for you,so this code will do everything which,you need let me quickly walk you through,the code,you will find the code in the youtube,description you will find this code,in youtube description section just go,there,copy and paste it back here make sure to,paste it right,under google tag manager code and the,first,line of the code is if first time,accessed will,allow this code only to trigger for the,first time,when user loads this page you want this,because,you don't want to count double,conversions when users reload the page,or when users revisit the page so that's,why this code is if first time accessed,is important,the next parts of the code are just,values to be pushed into your data layer,so once you add this make sure to save,it,and then we will go to our google tag,manager,the event name this will this is a,custom,event and the event name is analyzify,purchase i just copy it,and then go to google tag manager,choose triggers we will create a new,trigger,in the previous example we had created,the url based trigger,now we will create an event-based,trigger,click new name it's something which will,make sense i name it for now custom,purchase event,and then it will ask you what type of,event is this,search custom make sure to choose this,orange custom event,it will ask you the event name,make sure to type the correct event name,and then,save it so at the moment we only added,the trigger we didn't do anything else,but this will be enough for us to debug,if the code we added is working or not,so let's do a test we follow the same,steps to make a test just copy your url,go to google tag manager click preview,in the tag assistant window that will be,opened,paste your url and click start,as i mentioned before unfortunately you,have to do this,almost every time you do a new change in,google tag manager,maybe they will fix it soon but at the,moment it's not working well,so the tag assistant make sure the tag,assistant is connected now and it is,connected,i'll just run a test purchase to see if,our new custom data layer event is,working,to make your test purchases easier you,can do the same i did,i just added a bank deposit option with,empty details so that i can just run a,test,purchase with one click when i click,complete order i'll go back to tag,assistant and watch the changes,happening,my new event should be triggered here,let's see perfect it's here so as you,can see,we have a new custom event here named,analyzify,purchase and here you should also see a,new,section which is with data layer push,event analyzer by purchase,if you click that you will see all the,values that we had added there,as the variables page type purchase,event currency,value shipping tax payment type and the,transaction id,this is amazing that means that our new,data layer tag is working and it is also,carrying all the details here,now we want to send this total value,to facebook pixel or google ads or,google analytics event anywhere,you might have remembered from the,previous sections that,we call this variables and in this,specific,example it will be a data layer variable,so let's go ahead and create a data,layer variable,with the total value i just copy it's,important to have the exact same name,go back to google tag manager click,variables,and here there are built-in variables,and then user-defined variables,we only created one variable which was,ua tracking id,now i will create a dlv,is usually that's what we use for data,layer variables,so let's say total value and then,here you need to choose still the data,layer variable option,and then it asks you the name paste what,you had copied there,save it now we have the first variable,created,let's create another variable with the,same data,let's create transaction id variable,which is very important,the same methodology dll transaction id,data layer variable and the name will be,transaction id,save it so you might have understood,where i am going with this,now what we will do is we will send,these values,to google ads for instance or facebook,ads wherever we want to track,the sales with the revenue and the,transaction id,see you in the next videos

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