how to find dns server on shopify

Setting up DNS with Shopify today we will be setting up DNS so that,way you can use your own custom


Updated on Mar 08,2023

Setting up DNS with Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to find dns server on shopify

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Setting up DNS with Shopify

today we will be setting up DNS so that,way you can use your own custom from,email address when sending emails for,example if we go into an email here and,you want to change it from pervy,,you can use your own domain here instead,so what we want to do is first go into,our account settings then over here on,the Left we have our email settings and,specifically we want to click into,sending domains now from here this isn't,not going to be any domains but we are,gonna add our custom domain this is,simply just going to be your website,domain is just another word for website,and in this example my domain is going,to be privy support dot-com and we'll,save that so what just happened is our,system generated these five records this,is one record here this is another,record this is another record so there,are three parts to a DNS record there is,a type of record there is a host of the,record this is also known as a name,it could be either and then there,is also the data of the record which is,also known as a value so now that we've,done that next we want to go over to,your domain host and in this example my,domain host is Shopify are you Shopify,to purchase the domain so I'm going to,be going into there to add the records,so in Shopify we want to go into the,online stores on the Left domains will,be in the drop-down and then from here,we want to manage the domain which,should then give us options to edit the,DNS settings here,once we're on this page we have the,option to add a custom record so to,start we want to check what's the first,record okay so we see that it's a going,to be a text record so we'll add it at a,tuck sorry okay so now it's asking for a,name so this is where a lot of confusion,comes in play so when we go over to,Purvi there is no name and as mentioned,earlier the host is also known as the,name so one thing when we're copying the,host over is that we specifically want,to exclude the domain at the end of the,host record so we're just going to copy,the beginning part like this I did not,copy my domain or my website address and,we're going to add it over here and then,next we're going to add the value so,privée we simply just use a different,word which is data for this so we're,gonna copy the data switch back over to,Shopify and we'll paste it into the,value section we're gonna confirm that,and that's one record done now let's add,the second record then the second record,is going to be a cname record again the,name is host we're gonna exclude the,domain at the end copy that and paste it,into the name field switch back to privy,copy the data field and cname records,because the way that they function it,doesn't use the word value instead it,points to a destination so our data is,going to be entered into the points to,will confirm that move on to the next,cname record,this one is going to be us to the copy,that paste it in here,same thing with data adding two points,to and confirm next record is another,cname record copy the beginning exclude,the domain add a cname record paste the,host into the name field data again this,is pointing to this time from the last,one is simply a verification record lets,us know that,let's your domain know that pervy is,using this and then we confirm so we've,successfully added total of five DNS,records into our domain host in this,case shop table then we can check to see,if this is completed by going back over,to privy and clicking this verify button,so what this does is it'll ping my,domain in this case preview support calm,and it will check to see if I have,entered these five records so when I,click verify,sometimes it takes a moment but it will,eventually verify all of them and there,it is now it's no it's very fun so once,this verified the second step we can go,over here and you will actually be able,to change and do you fall from email and,that's how we set up DNS for you're,sending domain

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