how to find pictures for products shopify without copyrights

How To Find Copyright FREE Images On Google what is going on guys welcome back to,another video toda

Leon Angus

Updated on Mar 25,2023

How To Find Copyright FREE Images On Google

The above is a brief introduction to how to find pictures for products shopify without copyrights

Let's move on to the first section of how to find pictures for products shopify without copyrights

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How To Find Copyright FREE Images On Google

what is going on guys welcome back to,another video today I'm going to be,going through exactly how to find,copyright free images on Google so,there's many different ways you might,have heard of pixels com there's plenty,of them basically you know there's all,these different sites but sometimes you,might find yourself getting stuck when,you're actually trying to find an image,and you just can't find one like and,sometimes if it's not on that site then,you're stuck especially if you build,websites that what I do you know you're,constantly in you know a consistent need,of new images so what we're gonna do,today is actually go through a few,methods that I use to actually find any,available images on the internet without,having to pay for them so any free kind,of images I basically pull them up on,Google it's the basic technique that I,think a lot of people just overlook go,straight over their head or they just,don't know about it in that sense all,right so we're gonna get stuck into it,and get straight into it so what we're,gonna do is actually just look out for,any kind of you know potential images,that we would use it within our content,so whether it's you know a landing page,email funnel I don't know Instagram you,want to reuse images wherever it is you,know I'm going to show you how to find,that so if we're to take into account,just say we're gonna pick a niche so say,we wanted to find images for fitness,training okay so fitness but we wanted,to specifically find the guy curling a,dumbbell okay so what we do is come into,Google and basically type curling a,dumbbell and we do that so if you go to,images over here then we've got all,these images but you can see obviously,these images are not listed for you to,reuse yeah okay so they're not copyright,free so what we do here is we'd go to,tools and then we go to user rights very,simple process and then go to labeled,for reuse now we've got a bunch of guys,who are curling dumbbells with copyright,free images but what's more interesting,about this method is it actually reveals,to you all these third-party websites,that you know essentially you have a,bunch of free images that you would have,never known about so anyone who's using,that pick,obey or you know flicker and all of,those kind of sites well there's a bunch,of other sites that actually have more,images that you can have as a wealth of,you know different opportunities you,know that to reuse okay so if we were to,basically go to these sites all I,usually do is just check them out you,know check out the other things that,they've got so you can see obviously you,know they've got an image here which,seems alright the quality is not the,best but I mean yeah it looks very,genuine like it's just taken on a phone,and sometimes that's the best kind of,image that you would need so these are,actually videos or something I don't,know yeah but you can download them yet,so it's just an image what you want to,do is just create a bookmark of these,sites so what I would do is just,basically this is like a new one,guarantee you haven't heard of this you,know pixie no probably ain't heard of it,so what you do is basically come up here,just create like a new folder you know,whatever bookmarks bar create a new,folder call it whatever you want,Bob's your uncle job done yes so that's,all you would do look at this there's,tons of images here let's say you've got,all cars you know all of that stuff,wouldn't really like that whatever so,that's that one if we go down you can,see pixabay which many of you may,already know so just to show you what,that does is this is pixabay you know,you could go in here and type whatever,that fitness you want to be very broad,inside of these tools but this is very,high quality if you haven't seen this,site very good site I use this quite a,lot but you know if you're writing a,blog post sometimes you know your,readers or audience can't resonate with,just a very commercial picture like this,so you know it's good it has this,purpose in that sense you know sometimes,it's good sometimes you know you might,want something else but you've got a,bunch of different categories hair,animals you know architecture beauty and,fashion education so on and so forth so,if you click people you can get like,avatars or personas you know I actually,use this on my website I don't have an,image of me it's a bit of a lady you,know it's just a persona in that sense,you've got vector images if if you don't,know what that is that's images that you,can scale without losing any quality so,those are the type of images use on like,Photoshop or not Photoshop Adobe,Illustrator,to be fair so silhouette images and,things like that they usually like clip,parts but you can scale them to any size,and they won't lose any quality okay so,they're pretty good we'll go over and,see another one,so Flickr many of you may know that one,you might know that one by watching this,video ready,but Flickr coms and a brilliant site you,know again these are really really good,sites but sometimes you might find that,they don't have what you want so you,know in order to kind of get what you,want all the time you want to use that,Google technique that I've given you,there all right make sure to leave a,thumbs up on this video if you're,enjoying it so far when I get that,engagement up let's go for you know 30,likes in that sense for this size of,channel at the moment yeah,alright so what we're gonna do is just,type in like dumbbell or something I,don't have a clue whatever comes up you,see so you got weights there or so on,and so forth so whatever it is you know,if you type in hiking or something,you're gonna get images alright and,hiking yeah so you got hike of a dog,hike in foot path whatever so on and so,forth,all right so that's Flickr then we've,got another one here Wikipedia images,I've found that you can reuse they're,always licensed to reuse I never knew,that so you know if you see anything on,Wikipedia that's another option you can,go to Wikipedia and reuse those images I,don't know how far it goes with that but,usually you can reuse them so for it to,type hiking here you'll find all,different websites that's secrets you,keep the filter on and then you can find,more websites so you can see this,government website what else can we find,here public pictures see so we're just,finding like a whole wealth of different,megapixel need pics good free photos,nice pic that I could go all day long,like this too much images here you know,it doesn't matter what you're looking,for so it's a quick video anyway you,know hope you can kind of get grasp the,concept of how to do this you can get,high quality images I mean that looks,amazing look at that that's that's a,really good nice quality image I really,like that like a wallpaper or something,but yeah there's so many images and then,you know you can go here that is tons,that if you go back you even got video,footage there as well you know that's,where,video then not giving you that much you,know cut give you that much crack in one,video but yet basically if you're a,website builder you're an internet,marketer you're gonna be needing some,images and yeah this is a great way to,do it that's definitely a great way for,you to get some free images you know,there's no excuse,you can guaranteed find some good ones,on there I hope you able to gather quite,a few you know websites from this list,make sure to leave a thumbs up on the,video and if you haven't already what,that are you doing make sure you,subscribe right now I'll be bringing out,regular videos I'm trying to make them,more higher-quality so I hope you like,the camera you know got the proper,camera setup with the the actual,computer now so hopefully that works a,bit better as well I don't know how it's,going to come out but hopefully it's,good all right but make sure to,subscribe and I'll see you in the next,one peace

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