yo what's going on everyone Haydon here,coming back at you with a brand new,video and in this one it feels really,good to be back in the studio setup this,is the first video I'm filming after I,got back from Vegas which if you guys,have not seen that video I filmed one,while I was there and then one of like,the entire trips you can go back on the,channel and check those out but inside,of this video I'm gonna go through and,actually dive into my computer and go,through Aliexpress so I'm gonna go,through show you a couple different,things and this isn't just like finding,the best price point because as,hopefully you know or at least you will,by the end of this video,price is not the only variable when it,comes to selecting a supplier you want,to work with so primarily this is going,to be taking products that we want to,sell on Shopify finding them on,Aliexpress there are principles you can,use if you want to sell it a different,platform and you're still sourcing from,how they express or even if you're,dealing with suppliers directly because,a lot of people don't think about the,variables and trust me when I say this,it's the what one of the most annoying,that the most annoying but literally,like the most time consuming a headache,you will ever deal with if you have an,issue with the supplier like the amount,of stuff I have gone through is just,ridiculous so if you can avoid that do,it at all costs so pay attention inside,of this video you guys by the way at the,end of this week we are doing a live,stream okay you could pick one of two,times make sure to hit the link down,below I'm gonna see you guys on there,I'm going through and showing you like a,thousand times more stuff than this,stuff that I've never shared on YouTube,video and actually never really shared,ever anywhere because it's a lot of new,stuff so very current stuff I'm do with,my marketing my strategies my product,offer strategies literally everything so,definitely hit the link register for,your spot inside of there it's free so,other than that let's jump inside of my,computer I'm gonna go through and break,this down again if you guys are using,like let's just call it a different,platform than Shopify so if you're,selling from Aliexpress somewhere else,it's still the same principle or if,there's other things you're using maybe,DHgate or any sort of other sourcing,place even dealing with the supplier,directly this still relates this is how,you kind of look through them and find,the best because again it's more than,just price so I'm gonna throw this at,you pretty fast we're gonna move through,to good pace,let's jump inside of my computer alright,so now that we're inside here again,we're just on a regular Aliexpress page,I'm not even logged in so I'm on an,incognito tab you have so many different,options so I'm gonna go through and,we're just going to look at a couple of,random ones,let's see kind of what's moving on this,main thing we can do the fishing Nisha,it's not gonna matter this is the whole,principle behind actually finding it so,it's gonna be the same strategy no,matter what your niche is what type of,product you want to sell literally,anything like that so yeah I guess we,can take the fishing niche all right,let's just let's go with that we're,gonna type in fishing and we can,actually go ahead and find we're gonna,take one specific product so you don't,just find one supplier typically for,anything you're doing so if you're,running something that's like you have,the fishing niche there's all sorts of,things you need different baits spinners,you mean line you need a reel maybe a,rod like anything like all the other,gadgets and stuff I don't know I don't,really fish too much all the different,stuff that goes into there typically,you're not going to take it all from one,supplier if you can that's great but um,oftentimes it's not going to be the,easiest way to do it so what the oh,this is why we love Aliexpress let's,just go through and take lures okay,fishing lure and what we're gonna do,here is we're gonna kind of find similar,ones and figure out which one would be,the best offer so you want to find,essentially ones that are the exact same,with different suppliers so let me,actually pull up a product that i know,has like the same ones just with,different suppliers just to make this go,a lot faster for you let's go up on,necklace for those of you who don't know,I've never really shared this I did have,a store selling these that was doing,extremely well it was like a 40 to 50 km,on the store literally just with that,product so as you can see here these,have a lot of orders there's multiple,different suppliers so we're gonna do,we're gonna go ahead and open these up,in new tabs I'm gonna show you exactly,how I actually filter through this there,are a couple there's two different,variations of this if you look closely,see how this one has like a gap like,these have little gaps in between there,there's some where it doesn't have this,gap okay so where's one like that,there's a few so you just want to make,sure you have the same variation of it,again there's gonna be a lot so what,kind of look through these two I'm just,gonna show you how I look at it and how,I filter because there's a few things,you have to worry about and this is not,something you have to think about you,have to worry about this when you're,dealing with suppliers first of all the,packaging that it comes in okay what,does it look like there's a Chinese,writing all over it that's not gonna,look good for you do you have the option,with that supply you should contact them,do you have the option down the road to,do any sort of custom pack,if you're willing to pay more ask them,that you know ask different things and,say look if I'm you know I'm a very even,if you're not if you've never done shop,fire any sort of selling online,tell them you have and say you know this,is gonna be another big product I want,to blow it up,when I do so and show you a lot of,orders are you willing to drop the price,because if not I have other people who,are willing to do that so that's kind of,more of like a negotiating standpoint,that's a really good stance that you can,take but I'm being able to find the,right suppliers absolutely huge so one,of the first things I look at is not,just price so yes you see the price up,here one of the things I see first is,this okay four point seven five hundred,fifty six votes we're gonna go through,that it's had twelve hundred orders,whereas this one's had forty-three,hundred so this is telling me that,people take this one more why is that,let's take a look the price here is,fifty one okay and they get free,shipping that takes about three to four,weeks now this one over here is same,shipping time free shipping but it's 45,cents so it's pretty much the same thing,here now you can look at their,variations do they both have gold and,silver yeah both gold and silver 45,centimeter so it's the same thing so,essentially this one's just better,simply because of price but what you can,do is you'll go ahead and open up ten of,these or whatever you know from like the,same product use different suppliers and,different postings and you're gonna,scroll down and what you're gonna do is,you're gonna go here to feedback and,you're gonna kind of look through and,see exactly who has the best radiant cuz,back to the whole packaging thing and,issues with shipping or having to take a,long time that's one thing you want to,look at so this one's got 83 percent up,top this one's got 85 okay that can be a,possibility because this actually has,less orders in total so it's kind of a,skewed ratio it's not an exact 97,percent positive feedback this one has,96 point it's like the same thing so at,this point you can clearly tell this,supplier is better simply because they,have more orders to they've had more,orders they have more experience more,people are trusting that you can be sure,of that now one of the other things I,look at real quick and this is for one,of the biggest issues I've had to deal,with look at how many pieces they have,available,they have 80,000 do you know how many,necklaces like you could probably fill a,room with that like eighty thousand you,could probably fit like eighty on your,neck you know like that's a crazy amount,so if you go back to this other one they,have six thousand so either way you'd,probably be fine,it's something you want to look at,because oftentimes like let's just say,you go to I mean let's just type in,cat necklace here what you're gonna find,is you're gonna find a lot that don't,really have that many so as you can see,here let's just we'll just kind of,scroll half down and click on one all,right,what do they have in stock alright so,something like this I don't know if,people would really buy that okay this,one is nineteen hundred you're gonna,find ones that have 70 that have three,hundred and what you would want to do in,that situation because if it has good,feedback so far it's a good price point,and they have good unique pictures which,is another thing we look at then you can,just ask them like hey is there any,chance that if I start getting a lot of,orders you guys can very quickly very,rapidly increase the amount of,production that you can produce and,sometimes they say no so that's one,thing you want to look at holy crap two,hundred and seven thousand so like,you're more than fine like if you manage,to sell that out your legend you know,it's like stuff like this let's just go,ahead and take another look okay so this,one has 800 so that's a good amount,because 800 orders let's say you're,selling this for free plus shipping nine,bucks or something like that a trip wire,offer which is primarily what I would do,just judging this so far I would go,ahead and ask them because that's a,pretty good amount of orders I would,just ask them hey how fast you making,more and can you increase that you know,because if they have 800 right now but,they make 400 new ones a month but you,start selling you know 100 a day Twitter,today through like you know you got to,make sure they can keep up with that so,that's just something that you're going,to want to reach out to them and ask,also do take a look at the shipping,price so a packet is something you're,gonna want to highly consider with,products you're selling just because it,allows you to somewhat match anything,that other people are doing so a lot of,companies besides Amazon like even stuff,on eBay and whatnot you know you're,gonna expect it to take like three days,five days a week maybe 10 days so you,can kind of fall like yeah you're gonna,be outside that timeframe but if you can,at least kind of get close like there's,a big difference between it be you know,you paying for he packing it gets there,in two weeks right fourteen days versus,thirty days that's a very big difference,you know your main competitor at this,point is gonna be Amazon so the fact,that everything pretty much is two-day,shipping with Prime sometimes even one,day or same day it's and they even have,to our what does that call like now it's,something like that it's just,Occulus so that's something you're gonna,want to look at as you go through and,scroll through these you can see that,just by hitting this little down arrow,so that's primarily what I look at when,it comes to the supplier it's really,that simple overall you're just looking,for what people are saying because,inside of all this I don't just look at,the ratings so you can go back through,and you can actually read all these,comments good quality fast shipping you,do want to like kind of scroll through,quite a ways because oftentimes they'll,actually have all their friends,commenting on it they'll put their own,stuff people do that on Amazon all the,time eBay is huge for that expectation,was very long - were broken okay that's,just one person all these people 5/5,obsessed don't even know what that's,saying so just kind of scroll through it,it's very similar to like finding,Instagram influencers you just want to,scroll through the comments and see what,people are saying so that's kind of one,thing we're doing inside of here I look,at that it's really that simple I'm not,just looking at price which is like the,biggest thing I want to get across in,here price for me I have multiple,products that I'm currently selling like,right now as I'm filming this where it's,not the cheapest listing on how they,express it's not the thing is I know I,can get the price down once I start,selling so if I'm dealing with a really,small manufacturer who undercut all,their other competitors prices so it's,like you know five percent lower price,or even ten percent and I'm working with,them but then they can't produce they,can't scale they can't do anything with,that it doesn't matter how low I can get,the price because they can't keep up,with the orders so what you want to do,is work with a bigger person because,actually bigger manufacturers tend to,have more margin because they have it,you know more streamlined process and,they're doing a lot more so you know the,material that they're buying they can,get it for cheaper because they're doing,more orders so make sure first that they,can actually handle the orders or they,already have it and then from there you,can see if you're negotiating so the,price point for me is not just 100,percent of the deal because you can get,it down everything's negotiable no,matter where you go literally the only,place where things are not negotiable,that I've been to is Canada the US and,Europe like in person like everywhere,else when I was traveling like in New,Mexico at Bali in Thailand like anywhere,literally you can negotiate for anything,like food if you buy something on the,street you walk into any store it's just,a negotiable so that's kind of how the,world works we're really one of the only,places that doesn't deal with that so,all of this the price you see inside of,here everything can be moved,just you got to make sure you can back,it up look at the orders you know if you,can show them you have borders like I,have friends and I don't personally do,this because I don't need to but they,will not fulfill orders for like a week,they'll let like a thousand orders stack,up and then go to their supplier and go,to like two or three other main ones to,be like look I have a thousand orders,who do you want me to fulfill it through,and you'll see who gives you the,cheapest price and better shipping and,everything so that's what you kind of,want to do as long as you have orders,you have numbers to back it up at that,point you have leverage so you don't,want to necessarily bother like directly,negotiating to lower the price in the,beginning get those orders first you,know see if they're willing to move once,you do have them but don't be saying,okay I'm gonna have you know lower my,price right now I get five thousand,orders because if you don't get that,many orders in the first month then,they're just gonna raise it back up on,you and sometimes they'll be dicks and,they'll raise it even further so that's,one thing you kind of want to be careful,of there's a lot that goes into that if,you guys have more question just about,suppliers specifically I might go,through and break down a little bit more,of a research process if that's,something you guys would want to see,again that's applicable what we just,went through that is applicable to more,than just selling on Shopify so when,you're dealing with suppliers for,literally anything that is some of the,key features you want to look at so,other than that make sure you guys have,registered your free spot in the,livestream that's at the end of this,week absolutely beyond excited to see,you guys inside of there I've been,spending like dozens and dozens of hours,like making all these graphs mapping,everything out so one request it's kind,of a two-parter bring a pen and bring a,piece of paper like multiple pieces of,paper so that's all I can recommend you,I'm gonna see you guys on there and if,you did enjoy this video be sure to drop,like down below and as always help me,hit 100k subs we're closing and quick,near a 90,000 like that's unreal unreal,and like one you're just crazy I do,appreciate that you guys be sure to join,the fan behind that I think and,subscribe button and with that being,said I'm gonna see you tomorrow in the,next video bass
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