how to find which shopify theme you're using

How To Know Shopify Theme Name | Which Theme Is That ? hello everyone and welcome to on how,channel


Updated on Mar 06,2023

How To Know Shopify Theme Name | Which Theme Is That ?

The above is a brief introduction to how to find which shopify theme you're using

Let's move on to the first section of how to find which shopify theme you're using

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how to find which shopify theme you're using catalogs

How To Know Shopify Theme Name | Which Theme Is That ?

hello everyone and welcome to on how,channel the place where every day you,learn something new,my name is annis not working for you so,if you have any tutorial requests,let me know in the comments i will be,happy to do a video for you otherwise,let's get to our tutorial today,which is how you can find out the theme,of any shopify store so for example if,you saw a shopify store and you did like,the design of it and you want to make a,similar store to it,well if that store uses a gym that's,available on the market you can actually,make a similar shopify store to it and i,will show you how you can find out the,theme of the shopify store without using,any tools or anything,and there is actually a lot of websites,that can help you do that and also a,chrome extensions on google chrome,browser they can help you to find,out the team of a shopify store but as,you know i always support the,independent way without having to be,dependent on any website or tools,because what if the website suddenly,stopped working,or the extension start asking for money,suddenly,you don't have a way to do that you can,only pay the extension,if it start asking for money or,something so the best choice is to,always do that without depending on any,tools or anything and they will show you,how you can find that the theme of the,shopify store,just from the code of the website and,without any more checking,let's get to it just like i did in my,previous video,i will use google search queries to find,out shopify stores on google search,engine,and we will do demonstration on it so,let's just do that let's just type in in,search engine,in text two dots and two quotation marks,and between the two quotation marks i,will type in,powered by shopify and keep in mind that,i will do this just to find a random,shopify store to do demonstration on,and after that i will add another query,which is in text two dots and two,quotation marks again and between them,i will type in a keyword and actually i,will use the same one as my previous,video which is,women's bag and hit enter and as you can,see all the search results here,are shopify stores so let's just go for,the second one here to do demonstration,on it,so as you can see this is the shopify,store that's still in bags to make sure,it's working actually on shopify let's,just scroll down the bottom page and as,you can see here,is powered by shopify so right now we,know that the shop,is using shopify and the next step to,figure out the name of the team that's,using on this website,and to do that simply right click on the,page and after that click on view page,source option right here,and it will open up this tab right here,with a punch of code on it,and i know it looks complicated no,worries will not look at the code or,anything,simply hit ctrl f if you are on windows,i'm only mac so i'm going to,click on command f and you should see,this prompt at the top right corner of,the browser,and after that simply type in shopify,dot,team just like you see on the screen,right now and as you can see it did,highlight some links here,and if it didn't just hit enter and it,will take you to the highlighted links,as you can see did highlight some names,here,and here is the shopify team and the,first one if you notice,it says here shopify team equals,name two dots supply and basically this,supply word is the name for the shopify,team and let's just check that out right,now so i'm going to right click on it,and copy and open up a new tab which is,google search engine of course i'm going,to paste in,supply shopify team,and here it is as you can see this is,the shopify team that has been used,in the shopify store just like you see,right now so let's just check out the,demo,and let's just check out if it's similar,as you can see it's really similar,layout,with the same search bar here and the,cart on the right,as you can see so this is the shopify,team that has been used in this shopify,store,and by the way if you see a known name,here and you did search for their name,and nothing come up,that means they're using a custom made,team,so they did not use any public available,team,they did develop their own team but that,wouldn't be the case because it's really,expensive to,to hire a developer to make your own,team so that's how you figure out the,name of the shopify team that has been,used in a shopify store,and if you guys have any questions let,me know in the comments otherwise i,think my job,is done and thanks for watching and,catch you on next one

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