in this video I'm going to be telling,you everything you need to know about,Drop Shipping in the fourth fiscal,quarter of the Year ladies and gentlemen,Q4 is every business owner's favorite,time of the year why Friday Cyber Monday,Christmas New Year's boxing day and I'm,gonna tell you exactly what you have to,do so you can capitalize and get sales,in the fourth quarter some things you're,going to learn in this video is I'm,going to be teaching you how to find a,product create a Shopify account build,your store find your images and how to,write your copy marketing your product,on Tick Tock and a bonus if you stay,towards the very end where I'm going to,be telling you exactly how you can,capitalize during the times before,during and after the holidays happen,first off Tick Tock Organics should be,mandatory for every single business,owner and it will be for a very very,long time something that you should know,is Commerce and direct to Consumer,business models can generate an extra,one to two k per month just through,these strategies and what you are going,to learn is incredibly important if you,want to be able to see results for your,own Tick Tock Brands the first thing,that you want to do is find your winning,product now there are a lot of product,research methods out there but I'm going,to be telling you one of my favorite,ones that helps me qualify your products,within that way when I get into the,marketing side of things I know and I,can guarantee I'm most likely to get,sales do yourself a favor and open up a,Google sheet don't worry this doesn't,cost anything at all it's actually,completely free all you need is a Gmail,account and that way you'll be able to,access things like PowerPoint Google,Docs Google Excel and a bunch of other,things now if you've never filled out a,spreadsheet today is the day you're,going to learn so basically on your,spreadsheet what you're going to see is,a horizontal access as well as a,vertical access the left side will have,your rows identified as numbers and at,the top it's going to be identified as,letters think of it like playing a big,game of Battleship on this spreadsheet I,want you to go to row a and start,labeling exactly what I have left to,right starting at one and you're,basically going to go across the column,A through J and this is what you're,gonna have to label name of the product,the AliExpress link cogs which stands,for cost of goods the Amazon link the,Amazon price sell price now this is your,price that you're going to be selling,your product for your margins which is,going to be a very important tool when,you guys are going to be calculating,profitability the competitor landing,page as well as the competitor Tick Tock,page now the last column is completely,optional if you want to put it but I,just like adding a little bit more notes,as well as some angles before I start,qualifying the product for real to get a,better understanding on how to fill out,this page you can actually check the,link in the description where you can,join the cash cow Academy I go full in,depth on how I fill this out basically,in 15 minutes using the template that,you just created we're going to teach,you step by step on how to use that and,qualify products for yourself now going,back to how to find a winning product,what I want you to do is go on your,phone open up the app Tick Tock and,search up Tick Tock made me buy it now,if you go over to the hashtags column,you're going to see a drop down where a,bunch of products are going to be listed,out I want you to scroll through these,and look at all those videos those are,products that you might be able to sell,now what you are going to do out of that,entire list is filter it out to the last,month three months whatever it might be,and I want you to pick a product that,really catches your eye it has a wow,factor now something that is very,important is that once you find that,product if you start doing a little bit,of Discovery on it I want you to keep in,mind how many competitors you're going,to be competing against now the cool,thing is that once you find this product,you're going to learn two things one is,that you can find this product on,AliExpress and the other one is that you,can find this product on Amazon too now,being mindful of these two concepts it,will give you a better understanding on,how this business model really works the,links after finding your product on,AliExpress and Amazon are going to be,extremely valuable to you this is,because whenever you get an order on,your Shopify store all you're going to,do is fulfill it using AliExpress and,you're going to need Amazon because one,that is a competitor price but also on,top of that that is where you're going,to order your product because you are,going to be the one that is going to be,recording all the content rewind the,last two seconds and remind yourself,that you can't make sales without this,step and if you're gonna ask me Adrian,this sounds a lot like Amazon FBA should,I do that instead now I have nothing,against the Amazon FBA route but however,it does cost you a lot of inventory and,it's not worth having that many units if,you don't know how to sell those,products in the first place and this is,exactly why we use the Drop Shipping,fulfillment model because we don't have,to hold any of the inventory at all and,this also keeps things at very low cost,we are going to ship directly from the,warehouse one by one but yeah finding a,product is just as simple as going on,Tick Tock searching a hashtag Tick Tock,made me buy it and seeing what is,currently working look at your,competitor their website their Tick Tock,videos note everything down on what they,are doing and Implement them yourself,eventually the more you do this you'll,be able to spot out more winners and,more often than not when you look back,you'll start to realize that you've been,looking at a bunch of winning blueprints,the entire time okay so at this point,you should have your product picked out,by now now the next thing you are going,to do is create a new Gmail account,which is incoherence to the product you,are selling take your time and pick a,good name something that makes your,customers stop to see what your brand is,all about that new Gmail is going to be,used to create your new tick tock,account as for your Shopify store you,can go completely General with this one,you can just go to and,create an account now if you remember,the list of competitors that we had to,collect earlier on in this video well if,you did collect that it's going to be,very very important because now you can,basically just replicate their store,with the AliExpress some Amazon links,that you collected earlier you can just,save those images as is and drop them,right into your store feel free to take,some of the copy and rephrase it to,however you like the tool that I really,like to use is something called quill,bot just go on Google search up, and there you have it now,that you have your material you're going,to want to move on to building out your,product page your product page should,look a lot like this as you can see at,the top of the URL bar you can go into,the search bar and see Slash products,that's how you know that you are indeed,on the product page this isn't really,important but I think it's something,good to know and that's because a lot of,other competitors and a lot of other,products and drop shipping stores and,e-commerce Brands they like to direct,their customer to different types of,pages for the time that I've been doing,e-commerce I've seen a lot of Brands,direct customers to how-to Pages sign up,Pages home pages and of course the,product page what I want you to take,from this is you need to learn how to,make the customer Journey feel as linear,as possible maybe ask yourself what is,between point A and B you guys got to,learn to find out whether or not it is,good to leave the extra step in or maybe,take away one what everybody should be,doing right now is learning how to,create a Shopify store a lot of people,have been asking me Adrian should I go,and pay someone to build my store and,honestly my answer is yes but it will,always be important to understand the,framework of a great store you don't,want to be buying a pre-built store from,someone who doesn't understand what goes,into a really good store let alone you,do want to get sales don't you you have,to understand first what goes into a,high converting store in the first place,so what I like to tell a lot of the,people that I work with is just to,create a new Gmail account start a,Shopify store and play around with it,for the next three to four hours you,should be learning how to navigate,within the home page the product page,the legal page is buying a domain look,into how Shopify payments is even set up,so that way when you guys are ready to,sell you know exactly that you're going,to get your payment like I said the most,important part of this practice is just,learning how to navigate within Shopify,if your account runs out on the trial,days it's not that hard to just create a,new Gmail account and start another free,trial don't be afraid to click around,and just see where it takes you create,little checkpoints for each thing that,you click and remember remember them in,accordance from most important to least,importance eventually navigating within,Shopify will be a piece of cake and you,will be heavily rewarded with dopamine,for completing such a task while doing,that you've also subconsciously created,this relationship with yourself to trust,your gut and you've created a habit to,just want to learn more and more so at,this point right now just don't stop,you're right in the middle who knows,where the end is so creating your,Shopify store might have taken about,four to six hours hopefully what you did,in the earlier steps in this video was,qualify your product but another step is,ordering that qualified product to your,house off of Amazon you are going to be,creating the content and creating the,content is rather simple all you're,going to be doing is recording short,little Clips with your iPhone or Android,with your camera it's very important,that you have a very good understanding,on the person you are selling to put,yourself in the shoes of the customer,that way you get a better chance at,getting more sales think about the,setting background lighting copy as well,as a bunch of other things what you are,trying to do is get the person that's,watching your video to visualize what,life would be like with that product,while also having a negative balance on,what it would be like without it it is,your job to figure out a way to hit on,their emotions and plant a seed to,activate their imagination be as,creative as you can and say what you,want just be open and aware of the,things that you can't say some tools,that may come in handy would be,something like a ring light ring lights,are great because one quality and two I,can also prop and angle my phone in,whatever way that I like for example the,famous POV style that everybody's doing,right now and I'm talking about this one,right here maybe consider getting some,gloves or props to add some uniqueness,and character to the videos that you,guys are going to be creating you see,the thing is that in business rules are,made to be broken remember back in the,video the first thing that you want to,do is find your winning product which,means when you found your product in the,first place you were going through a,list of videos to begin with look to do,something similar but do something that,makes your videos unique you got to be,different your job is to create better,content than they can and you have to be,completely honest with the content that,you create it's one of the only ways,that you're going to get better and get,sales and now this is all important,especially because of Q4 which just,everybody's time to start selling again,Q4 is substantially one of every,business owner's favorite time of the,year during this time people are,shopping like crazy and these are people,that are also looking on Tick Tock and,are actively ready to tap their cart now,here are a few Tick Tock rules that are,going to change when it comes to Q4,don't post an access on Tick Tock now my,rule break for Q4 is to push more,content you should be motivated enough,to get as many people into your funnel,so in that way you can convert them,you'll need to change the way you voice,your message to your viewers so then,that way you can win them back you will,be crafting your content as if they were,cold traffic or leads you cannot make,assumptions with this audience you need,to treat them like they are new to your,brand and have no idea what you do or,sell your Hooks and your call to action,should be big ideas that will,reintroduce your audience now types of,offers that you can reintroduce your,audience with are things like flat,percent off and flat dollar off,something like a tiered percentage or,dollar off gift with a purchase free,shipping buy one get one and price,change offer all of those have a chance,to convert but it all depends on what,your audiencies as value when attempting,to test offers the math should look a,little something like this so let's just,say that your average order value is,around a hundred dollars what I want you,to test is whether or not 10 off or ten,dollars off will give your audience,better value this is something that you,should tackle coming early into Black,Friday Cyber Monday or let's just say,the holidays your Black Friday Cyber,Monday campaign should be based solely,off the fact that you are trying to get,these people to spend money with you the,majority of your Tick Tock should mostly,be you advertising bringing traffic to,your website so in that way you can,convert them think about this for a,second a lot of people are more,incentivized to spending money on Black,Friday Cyber Monday because of the,ongoing discounts be mindful about the,Trap that you're laying down here you,need to create a good hook clip and,sound in the beginning of the first,three seconds of your video this kind of,acts like a bait I've posted a lot of,tick tock videos in the past doing,things organically and here are some of,the best hooks that I've used so far X,things that I knew about product or,problem X weighs on how I subject and,maybe say something a little bit more,controversial like Karen be like like on,boxing day the list goes on but make,sure that you test things out start,reading books like scientific,advertising and every time that you pass,by an ad stop to actually recognize and,see what caught your attention you're,going to have to do it for yourself so,it's better to understand what caught,your eye in the first place Q4 is an,incredible opportunity for anybody that,wants to hop on this wave and make an,extra few thousand dollars so I highly,suggest you try to implement everything,that we talked about in this video and,if you made it to the end of this video,what I want you to do is like it and,comment the word blessed that way I know,that you stayed and for the people that,don't want to waste any time and want to,learn how to fully take advantage of the,opportunity that you have right now what,you can do is subscribe and also DM me,on Instagram Adrian de Max for more,one-on-one learning with me I hope to,see all of you guys at the top good luck,with all your stores I'll see you in the,next video,foreign
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