how to fulfill orders with shineon on shopify

How To: Manual Payments On The ShineOn Shopify App what's up guys this is matt from shine,on here an

ShineOn Print-On-Demand

Updated on Mar 04,2023

How To: Manual Payments On The ShineOn Shopify App

The above is a brief introduction to how to fulfill orders with shineon on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to fulfill orders with shineon on shopify

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How To: Manual Payments On The ShineOn Shopify App

what's up guys this is matt from shine,on here and today i've got a nice quick,and easy tutorial for you on how to,arrange,manual payment for orders on the shopify,app so if you have orders that are sat,there and say,awaiting payment this is for you they,could be a waiting payment for lots of,different reasons,they could have been duplicated they,could have had incorrect,shipping details the auto billing,feature might have not worked,but whatever the reason if you've got,orders there that say a waiting payment,and you need to make a manual payment,this is how you do it so the first thing,you need to do before we can make any,payments,is you need to make sure that you have a,pain your payment information set up,into the app so go to the app dashboard,click,setup then when you're in here you'll,need to go to all settings which is just,on the right here,so you need to click this and then it,will take you to the all settings menu,where you can find all of the settings,you need to scroll,down to near the bottom where it says,payment,so this is where you would add your,details so you can add a paypal account,or you can add a,card on there so make sure that that,has been inputted first before you do,anything else because you won't be able,to make a payment,without the payment details so once,you've got the payment details in there,or if you already have them in there you,go to orders,now within orders this is going to show,you all of the orders that you have so,we want to filter it,there's a few different ways that we can,find the awaiting payment orders,the first way is if you just want to pay,for all of your orders all at once that,are awaiting payment that's dead easy,you just go down into the bottom right,here,click this button and go pay all,awaiting payment orders that will just,pay them all,and then you'll be done but if you want,to separate your orders across,for example a few different payment,methods you want to pay half of them on,one card or half of them on another card,which you can,do and then you'll need to filter them,and choose the ones you want to pay for,so to do that,you have to go to the status filter,which is just here,and then click awaiting payment now this,will filter all of the orders,to just the ones that are awaiting,payment once you've done that,you can select the individual orders,that you want to pay for and then a new,option will appear down here in this,menu,that says pay selected pending orders,now we're going to go ahead and click,that now what it does now is it,shows you the charge so how much you're,due to pay it also shows you,your payment option so this is why you,need to set up the payment details first,because you will not be able to,put the payment details in here you need,to do that first so you just drop down,the box,select whatever payment the information,card that you want to use,and then you go ahead and you click pay,now,once you've clicked pay now it will go,ahead and produce,an invoice so you can you'll got an,invoice information there and it tells,you the amount that's been paid for,and that's all there is to it if you,want to make manual payments,that's exactly the way guys thank you,for watching and i'll see you all again,soon

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