how to get $300/day on shopify store

REVEALING New Shopify Store ($300/day) five minutes ago i booked a flight the,leaves in an hour and

Hayden Bowles

Updated on Mar 14,2023

REVEALING New Shopify Store ($300/day)

The above is a brief introduction to how to get $300/day on shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to get $300/day on shopify store

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how to get $300/day on shopify store catalogs

REVEALING New Shopify Store ($300/day)

five minutes ago i booked a flight the,leaves in an hour and 20 minutes and i,live,about 30 minutes away from the airport,but before we go,i've got to show you as promised an,update on the new e-commerce store this,is about day 32 or so,that i've been working on the brand new,brand that's kind of a tongue twister,that i showed in a part one about 30,days ago,this video is going to be a full update,i got a little shadow going on i'm in my,new office it's not fully dialed in yet,here in a new house in arizona,however make sure to drop a like on this,video i'm gonna go through the,operational expenses the advertising,expenses the product cost expenses and,everything that has to do with that,as well as all the sales what's gone,well some of the issues we've already,run into,and how i'm moving this into a brand,very quickly okay so if you're excited,for this video,make sure to drop a quick like all i'm,bringing is a backpack it's a quick,24-hour trip,to surprise my mom for mother's day so,gotta go do that gotta make it on this,flight,very important and uh i'll catch you,shortly,on a,all right let's go,all right it's sunday morning it's so,freaking early i slept for like three,hours,but anyways this is gonna work great,because i'm gonna go skydive,nice and early i'm trying to keep my,voice down nobody knows i'm here except,my brother,so yeah my mom's got a class at the gym,so she's not going to get back to like,10 30 anyways,i'm gonna go have some fun and uh yeah,then i got most of the day to enjoy,so there's two separate things i want to,touch on before we get deep into the,video these are things that you're going,to notice,throughout number one the strategies,that i'm using,on this store this brand in particular,are actually,no different from anything else that i,do on any other brand,any other store on any of our dozens of,clients in our advertising agency where,we manage about 50 million dollars a,year,worth of revenue for our clients and,these are the same strategies that are,shown,through live examples inside of our,ecommerce program so if you're not,familiar with that you can check it out,using the top link below we're doing,something really cool right now you can,get our newest program,half off and we're gonna include our,high level facebook ad training,for free this works well for any,experience level,not only do we show you everything we,also give you a bunch of industry,resources so that's number one,make sure to check that out number two,which you can also find links below,the way that i'm running the ads is a,little bit different from how most,people do it it's not different from how,i do it because this is the easiest way,that i've found over the last five years,what i do is instead of you know like,when i'm testing every single product i,don't order each one,spend all this time filming and editing,because i'm not the best at that so,i'll make this clear and i'll show an,example of the ad later in this video,but every single ad with no exception,that is running on this store right now,through facebook which we're about to go,through,every single one is from viral ecom ads,i say that because it's true and their,ads are very very good so if you want,one of those,there's a 20 off code down below i don't,own the company,i do work with them though because i use,them myself so,you know we spend about 20 thousand,dollars a day an ad spent just on ads,that are created by them so,they make really cool stuff they find,and source videos online that are,copyright free,they make some animated photos which is,really easy you know they can just uh,do that with minimal effort um you know,versus having to order every single,product until you find a winner,it makes it really easy to test products,and then get a bunch of creatives to,start scaling so,there's those two things let's dive into,the video all right now that we're back,in the lab again just do want to,apologize for the imperfect,lighting and audio i appreciate your,patience as i get this new office set up,in a new home that i have now before we,get into this i want to mention,make sure to go follow my brand new,instagram that i made a couple weeks,back,after getting hacked and losing the one,with like 60 000 followers i didn't do,any social media stuff really,especially on instagram for probably,five or six months but i did make a new,one so that's a great place to ask,questions and i post some more behind,the scenes stuff there so,i'll leave that link below if i throw it,up on the screen anyways we're going to,go through this right now i want to go,through this one month update with,specifics,i don't want to hide anything i'm going,to show you inside the store like kind,of show you the analytics behind it,i want to show you the conversion rate i,want to talk about the aov all the,factors that are important not just what,most people talk about which is,look at the pretty number the sales,because i've actually lost money which,is totally fine and i want to explain,how that's important,to get a business off the ground all,right i've been this for a long time,this is a new brand that is in the works,here is what the analytics look like,from april 6th,to may 6th that is this first 30-day,period as you can see,the graph starting from virtually zero,all right you see a little bit of,inconsistency,this middle swing is the only thing here,that should alarm anybody from this,graph,and cause a question now the reason why,this happened,this is after we had been rejected twice,from facebook,for a spending limit increase request,they rejected us twice we had a third,one in basically been appealing this,and attempting to get the spending limit,increased every three to four days,which is exactly what you should be,doing when you're trying to get a higher,spending limit,we're stuck on 250 bucks a day so we,started hitting that for a little while,here before another time we reach out,and then we throttled back that spend so,as you see this dip a lot of ads were,cut,and now we are no longer spending that,250 a day threshold,we haven't done that for many days it's,usually around 150 to 210 bucks,depending on what is getting launched,now if you notice go over here and take,a quick look you can see,the total orders 123. for anybody who's,a little bit experienced with facebook,and understands audiences,that means we now have enough data to,start doing what's called a lookalike,audience,now we're actually not launching any,llas yet by the way when i say we i do,have some of my media buyers helping me,with this,because they're going to do this long,term i'm building this for automation,however i'm still heavily involved in,this process ads every single day,looking through killing stuff trimming,ads,all of that so you can see the total,order's 123. we just don't have the,spending right now,to do the llas because if we do that,we'd have to chop off a bunch of the,current ads that are working and pretty,consistent,and actually getting a decent cpp cost,per purchase so as we take a look,through this you know 3 000,visits so you can kind of ignore that,returning customer rate irrelevant we're,a month old,but 3 841 don't forget the 29 cents,okay but almost 4 000 in sales in that,first month,while being capped heavily on facebook,and not really using too much of that,spend so the spend is fluctuated on our,ad account,i'll go through that momentarily the the,rate that you should be looking at the,thing that is important look at this,conversion rate,four percent on exactly what i preach,which is a fairly basic shopify store,you don't need anything fancy you can,get something fancy,later once it's working this is starting,to work so in the next,30 days will i put attention on the,store yes i will have that taken care of,and i expect that rate to go up but it's,already doing extremely well,now the aov average order value this is,a really important metric i'm going to,talk more about this momentarily,about 31.50 pretty solid most days in,the last two weeks are starting to see,higher than that,i'll talk about the upsells here in a,moment but that is the analytics okay,now for a generalized overview,of the current situation okay it's,pretty easily doing 150 to 280 bucks a,day in,sales these last couple days i'm filming,this on like the ninth last couple days,like 290 bucks starting to push up even,higher which is great,we're breaking even consistently day,over day so it might be a day where we,you know,make 40 bucks and the next day we lose,20. it's around that break even,it's maintaining its threshold now if,you watch the first original video,i was trying to do something fun that,was more of a personal little thing and,i told everybody involved in this,project this,hey i'm going to put 2 thousand dollars,and that's it 2 000,we got to sustain the store off of that,so we're still on track we're still,doing well,now like i mentioned in the first one if,things are starting to work which they,now are am i willing to add more money,absolutely and that will happen however,in four days or excuse me on four days,hopefully in one day,uh we have four products arriving at the,warehouse so i sent four products,um we're only running ads for one,product right now but i had four,products sent to the viral ecommerce,warehouse,for custom content so 100 of the ads,that are being run right now,are 2d animations which you can find,linked below viral ecom ads i'll throw,up an example right now of exactly what,they do,they also have a warehouse on the east,coast that makes custom content they,have different sets it's really cool i,haven't been there i've seen all the,pictures and stuff i want to go but,all this cool stuff like a bathroom a,bedroom all this and so it can kind of,fit in with whatever your product is,they can bring in models and different,people for photo shoots and whatever and,testimonies,but they make really cool custom content,it costs,a little bit but in comparison to what i,used to pay for crazy custom content,even when i used to pay for animations,it's not that expensive so,i am dumping a little bit of money into,that talk about that here in a moment,but uh four products that should be,arising those arriving those are the,four products that i plan on launching,as soon as the spending limit gets,raised a good amount by facebook,so that's kind of planning in advance,and again you guys can check that out,down below they have a thing for their,custom content which is separate from,normal content that they offer,and you can get on a call they can kind,of run you through a cool strategy on,what they'd recommend,again obviously waiting for facebook to,increase the limit that's really the,only thing that matters to me right now,we're,total at seven denied requests which is,a bit ridiculous i've never had an ad,account take this long to get something,raised from 250 dollars to 5 000.,that 5 000 threshold would give me a,good amount of access to be able to,spend,and be able to scale the store to you,know twelve thousand fifteen thousand,eighteen thousand dollars a day,and really have that flexibility to,start testing all the audiences and,products that we need to,so just waiting for that um one thing i,think might help normally it shouldn't,have to happen,but uh the business manager is not,verified it is a new business manager,that's why the spending is a little bit,more strict,but i am verifying that business manager,with an ein on a new llc so we'll see,what happens,i'll keep you updated there the,conversion rate as you saw is,solid the store is basic but it works no,need for change it will be optimized,you guys know we do custom built shopify,stores with products and stuff on there,at cost we don't make a single penny off,of that in fact i lose probably 500,bucks a month off that service but you,can find that linked below,we do those super cheap just to help you,kind of get the ball running here are,the,specific numbers behind the story,getting even a little bit more in depth,for you all right,currently down i don't even know the,exact number changes every day but about,800 to 1000 bucks,out of that 2000 which is great super,hyped with this totally fine it's,nothing spectacular but it's doing well,as you saw 3800 in revenue ad spend,slightly over four thousand dollars,so keep it very moderate throughout that,first month as you saw the fluctuation,in the graph,especially as facebook kept rejecting,normally they shouldn't reject it more,than twice that was a red flag so on the,third one,trimmed down the ad spent a lot and now,we're just in that lower spending,category of you know,probably about 140 bucks a day right now,150 doing you know most days 220 to 290,dollars,as the last like four or five days which,is great so you'll see kind of those,numbers reflected into the next month,we'll see how it goes,product cost 601,now this is what's been invoiced and,paid there's probably an outstanding 150,bucks that has not been paid as the,orders get just a rolling fulfillment,they get fulfilled every single day by,my,private supplier and then they invoice,me let me have a good relationship with,them so,they invoice me whenever the amount gets,big enough and 600 bucks i told them to,send me something so that i could have a,paid invoice,to show inside of this video so i've,spent 601 although there's probably 700,750 worth of actual products that have,been sent out based on this revenue so,just wanted to put that out there,additional operating expenses this is,going to include store,and apps that's it um now the only other,thing that would be included inside of,this because by the way store 29 bucks,not much we're going on the second month,now,uh apps another 40 i think really not,that much,i spent about 70 on ads so that number,is under 200,for operating expenses as you can see,the store it's working it's getting,better as time goes on,and i'm about to sink money into some,proper ads i don't plan on spending more,than a thousand dollars but with that i,can get a ton of really great creatives,and throughout this 30 to 60 day goal,that i have mapped out just kind of,moving forwards on some of this stuff,i want to have some amazing custom,content on the side of that this is not,a primary focus around this content,i'm going to have some proper youtube,ads when i say proper i just been like,structured correctly things that have,worked for me before,i'm going to have youtube ads filmed for,this main product not for anything else,i don't want to spend too much on the,youtube stuff,but that'll be my back pocket ready to,go to launch google ads,now i'm not going to launch google until,i can launch it in parallel with,facebook at a high spending volume,i like to transition to google once i'm,really really invested into something on,facebook like hey,this product's doing you know seven,thousand dollars a day twelve thousand,thirty thousand whatever it is,it's very easy to just roll that over,and integrate some basic google ads,especially when you know you just,constantly already have creatives,flowing because you're you're getting,all this new content for facebook you,can just recycle some of that over to,google,obviously 30 to 60 day goal get that,spending limit raised,i would like to store in gross revenue,to be at least a thousand dollars a day,personally depending on how fast,facebook raises this,i would be extremely disappointed if it,was only at a thousand bucks a day,you guys know me one of the basic um,like more like,standardized examples that i've shown,inside of our ecommerce program,is scaling a brand new store from zero,to seventy thousand dollars a day in,under two weeks,so bringing something from nothing to,about 30 million dollars a year worth of,you know average annualized revenue,that's kind of what i specialize in,is a little bit faster paced facebook,scaling i can do it slower there's a lot,of limitations of different things as,you see right now a new business manager,new ad account,their spending limits so all that stuff,you know beginner strategies aggressive,scaling all that is shown inside of our,program,that facebook program where that example,is shown you can get included right now,for free,when you enroll inside our performance,drop shipping program for only 497 bucks,so you can check that out at the top,link below as well,great resource for you it shows all this,stuff in depth and eventually this,example this store,will be added in there as yet another,live example so,yeah only other thing on here that i,want to mention is the aov,i want to get it pushed a bit higher so,you see right now it's a 31 that's,averaged out over the month,the first week and a half there weren't,really any upsells set up you know there,was like really nothing going on,now i'm adding probably an extra 10 or,so every single day in profit,on top of the upsells so now i'm seeing,a 33 to 36 dollar a day aov,i just want to have it month over month,at least 35 i'd love to get a 38.40,just because the more room you have in,terms of your average order value,it makes the advertising easier because,there's more margin to work with,even if yes we're sending out extra,product we have digital products and,physical products being set up on here,but it's one of those things where just,the larger order value the more flexible,you can be with your ads just gives you,that extra room,especially when it comes to google,that's why i'm just preparing for all,this stuff in advance,i can run low ticket on facebook it's a,little annoying but you know like i've,sold stuff like doing you know,7 000 orders a day on a 15 product i,mean it sucks and like when facebook,fluctuates normal fluctuation,by like 50 cents your margin changes,drastically throughout the day,you know this is one of those things so,i like to have it a little bit higher,and ideally i'd like to be a 50 or 60 to,really optimize,google but i think if i can push it up a,40 google be fine and that'll be a,separate conversation separate video,you guys can let me know if you want to,see that in the comment section down,below but that's what's going on with,the store wanted to be open transparent,show you the monthly update,i'll even uh pull up on my phone as i'm,filming this it is may 10th so we're,technically four days,beyond this video is probably going to,be going up in a week or two um i don't,really know,let me actually pull it up on the,shopify app live,real time i'll go to yesterday a full,day and i'll refresh you here,just so you can see a prime example okay,so about 295 bucks which is great,eight orders i just love seeing the,consistency coming through i mean it's,not fluctuating a ton anymore it's,really just kind of getting dialed in,which is awesome so,great to see we got data lasers are,gonna be sitting in our back pocket,combining that with a bunch of ad,creatives that should be done in the,next five to seven days hopefully,facebook,increasing that spending limit that's,really the only hitch here otherwise i,have two other ad accounts ready to go,that i can launch,that'll be at 250 bucks a day limit so,should be fine to get the ball rolling,over the next 30 days hit that thousand,dollar a day target,i'll keep you in the loop let's see what,happens make sure to drop like you have,any questions or there's anything inside,of this series,you want to see it documented that i,might not have shared in this one make,sure to let me know what it is in the,comment section down below,again use viral ecom ads for all your,advertising needs be sure to check out,our program linked below,where it's half off right now in the,performance dropshipping program and you,get the facebook one for free,you can also check out our at cost,custom stores that again lose me a,couple hundred bucks a month,but is a great resource and people,really like it we got quick delivery and,that helps keep our developers who,unfortunately don't really have,full-time work right now inside of our,advertising agency because,we're not building out a ton of new,stores for people we're just optimizing,stuff,that's what helps keep them on board,full time and they really appreciate,that so i appreciate it as well,all right let me know if you have any,questions make sure to drop a like on,this video i'm gonna continue being,transparent about this store and this,brand and just,running through everything so let's grow,it together i'll see you in the next,update,peace,you

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