how to get sales report from 2018 in shopify

How To Get Shopify Sales In 2018 how do you get people to buy from your,Shopify store in 2018 what's

Hayden Bowles

Updated on Feb 28,2023

How To Get Shopify Sales In 2018

The above is a brief introduction to how to get sales report from 2018 in shopify

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how to get sales report from 2018 in shopify catalogs

How To Get Shopify Sales In 2018

how do you get people to buy from your,Shopify store in 2018 what's going on,everyone here coming back at you with a,brand new video and this one we're gonna,be talking about what I just said it is,gonna be relevant to 2017 2019 kind of,the same principles but what works right,now what's the process you have to,follow as well as some are some of what,are the general questions that people,keep asking you know why don't people do,this instead of doing this some very,important things we're going to talk,about I got some stuff outlined inside,of my computer so we're gonna jump in,and go through that but before we do I,want you to drop a comment before you,watch this video drop in the comments,down below say one or two reasons why,you think people buy from a Shopify,store versus going to Amazon eBay maybe,a physical store I'm gonna tell you why,I think and why I know they do that so,I'm just kind of curious to hear your,guys's opinions and perception on that,before you hear mine so drop down in the,comments down below if you do enjoy the,video I appreciate if you hit a like and,of course of course you guys we're so so,I can I think we're like two thousand,subscribers away right now hit done I,think and subscribe button help me get,to 50k I do appreciate that that's been,a milestone goal of mine for quite a,while so with that being said let's jump,inside of my computer and start going,through this by the way just to put that,out there this is for any experience,level it doesn't really matter these are,some principles now those questions that,I said people ask I actually get this,quite frequently primarily on Instagram,DM and in the YouTube comments that's,where kind of the most questions and,stuff gets thrown my way first of all,why do people buy from your Shopify,store why don't they go to a big,retailer,why don't they go to Amazon eBay they're,buying it because of a few reasons it's,a good offer better than they will see,how one of those major retailers and,they know it and you know you're using,stuff like oh it's a big discount and,you're using scarcity and or urgency,usually one of those urgency that's,where it's time to go only 37 minutes,left in the sale scarcity is the,opposite with quantity where it's like,oh we're only giving away a hundred of,these and there's only 13 left its,urgency to take action immediately so,people see an extremely good offer and,they have to either pounce on that,opportunity right now or it's gone,forever that's how they're being,positioned so that's why they buy from,you it's a good deal now this is,something that actually a a good amount,of people point out and it's a ballot,question hey they know your drop,shipping why don't they just buy from,the supplier,you guys you guys first of all I'm gonna,try outline this is best as I can people,do not know that you are drop shipping,they go to Walmart it's the same exact,thing where do you think Walmart gets,their stuff same exact thing they have,suppliers and margin is being made,consumers are subconsciously aware of it,but at the same time they're not it's,like they know obviously it's being,marked up they don't really care again,if you sell them the right way when,they're buying the right offer with the,right deal at the right time at the,right bias for either scarcity and,urgency they will buy from you not to,mention the fact that they don't know,where you're sourcing from they don't,know what to look up what website what,to look up on that website the different,keywords to find it where to get it are,they getting scammed there's so much it,goes into that it's easier safer and,they can trust you more that's why they,buy from you that's why they buy from,you instead of the supplier so that's,just a couple things with that to get,those questions out of the way because I,do get those a lot now like anything or,any business that I'm involved in at,least there's a process there's,something you have to follow so this is,not necessarily what you're following,we're gonna talk about what you'd have,to do here in a second this is the,process that the potential customers are,not a customer yet a potential customer,would go through to in order to buy so,in order to buy if they want to be able,to do that this is the process first,thing they're seeing this is where you,get their attention and pique their,interest add the ad where is that is it,on YouTube is that on Pinterest is and,on Twitter it's on Facebook is it on,Instagram is it on a billboard it's in,add newspaper doesn't matter where is,that at okay now what are you doing from,there if you're doing something digital,not a billboard or a newspaper which I,hope you're doing but with that ads,they're seeing that from there they're,going to a landing page I don't want to,confuse you that doesn't mean a funnel I,consider a product page on your Shopify,store to be the landing page I say that,because they're landing on that page and,it's acting as if it is a landing page,that's what a landing page is supposed,to do is to capture their attention and,get them to take an action their landing,on it so they've left whatever platform,they were on and they're going to your,Shopify stores product page not the home,page for that specific product that you,outline and pitch to them in the app,from there if they want you know if you,hook them enough and these two things,were done,leann on the landing page you have,enough things in place which is all the,other content we talked about on the,channel from there they will initiate,the checkout process this is done by a,few different things first of all they,have to add it to cart that doesn't,happen by accident so someone can axle,and click on your ad it happens all the,time if it's a really small X and they,accidentally go there but adding it to,your cart that's not really a mistake,for most products or you have to choose,their size potentially their color what,style they want there's multiple,different options they have to choose,then they have to hit Add to Cart,doesn't really happen on accident from,there they go to the shopping car you,know they can browse around more but,they go to the shopping cart and now,they're gonna go through the checkout,process this is where a lot of customers,are lost there's multiple different,reasons actually talked about it I think,two or three videos ago with using the,right apps and stuff to keep people just,pinned down that's how I like to think,about it you're keeping them pinned down,it's super focused and just you know,using scarcity and urgency you're just,piling it on them and not in a bad way,of course but keeping them engaged with,what's going on and pushing them through,that checkout process which is a very,important part of it because that's,where they're entering their information,their name their address their phone,number their email their credit card,information they have to be able to,trust you there's a lot of stuff that,goes on with that that's actually where,a lot of people go wrong so push it,through the checkout process and if you,do all of that successfully you come out,the sale congratulations that's the,process you're taking every single,potential customer to go through in,order to turn them into an actual,customer now you have a couple different,things an email from someone who,actually bought ideally if you have your,Facebook pixel installed which not going,to get too technical in this video you,can go back and watch other videos on,the channel for that you have a pixel,you have a pixel install now you have,pixel data you have another sale on your,pixel which potentially down the road,again we're not explaining in this video,you can use a look-alike audience for,which is going to help you make more,money think about it like that,now as for shop fight in general if you,want to make money with it you need a,process what's your process what are you,doing how are you executing on this,process you have to be able to formulate,the right website pick the right name,the right niche the right products,present them in the right way do the,right landing page which is huge SEO,only 95 percent of people mess up on,that on the product page itself,structuring that the right way the right,color using bold italic,apps what colors you're using with apps,that images the videos everything your,social media the social proof on that,how are you keeping them engaging as I,call it pin down during the checkout,process what are you doing for that that,was something I was like so overwhelmed,with once I started to learn you needed,all that because for me if you guys know,my story and kind of what I went through,I went for months with only one sale and,that sale came in the second month,honestly it was just luck with the,Facebook adage randomly came so it's,like it wasn't exactly the easiest thing,you know people people I was saying Oh,easy er said than done,very true I'm not saying this is easy,it's not but there's a simple structure,in place and if you follow it eventually,you're gonna get to the end result,assuming you not me you put in the work,and you execute on that and be creative,enough on top of it that's all it is so,you need to follow a process we put out,a ton of content on this channel abroad,on other people explain,pretty much everything with the business,fairly in-depth but the actual process,itself if you guys have been watching,this channel and kind of follow me on,both Instagram and YouTube for like the,last four months or so we've had a,semi-private test group I've opened it,up twice and on very small occasions two,people over my DM just to let them,through the process and I call this a,process and a structure because the,process is what I'm doing when I'm,bringing other people inside of it so,let me explain there's a few different,things right now that's going on first,things first I just made two new Shopify,stores in the last week those are things,I'm gonna be growing and kind of,documenting more so on YouTube just to,show you guys something that's going on,I'm actually explain exactly why this,number oh come on focus in there the,lighting is not exactly the best I'm,gonna show you why that's been going,down so far this month just because I,haven't touched I mean we looked at,these Facebook ads for the last week and,a half this week so far you can see it's,just the start of the new month in March,this store come on focus in there,anyways it's been doing about $1,200 a,day roughly last month to clear just,over 40,000 I'll show you guys a,screenshot here of last month this was,the last day I took the screenshot on if,it gives it a minute to focus about 35 K,there as you can see there's still a few,more days left in the month that cleared,just over 40 with just over 20 of that,being profit that's one store the reason,it's kind of going down first of all I,have it literally touched or looked,at all in the last week and a half,that's because I set it up the right way,and the cost per purchase is just stupid,low actually that's only off one product,by the way so that's a lower ticket one,product I need to go add one or two more,and then that would be a six-figure a,month store as well then the two more,we're doing and then the back end stuff,with the team which I'm not fully taking,credit for that that's what the team has,in place we have shares and different,people are in place there's people,building the store there's product,research influence there multiple people,for Facebook out I have a head of my,facebook ads team they're managing that,so far and they've been in place for,about two and a half months now actually,running stuff done probably a quarter,million in sales just with Facebook ads,about 160 to 170 thousand not being last,month this month alone should definitely,clear over 200,000 with multiple stores,so trying to get those up there should,be one of those stores hitting six,figures this one should probably will,come close to that probably 60 to 70,this month and then those two new ones,will really start hitting this in next,month so I'm gonna kind of keep you guys,documented with that the process I'm,pushing people through with that,now it's primarily focused on Facebook,Facebook for me that's what I said in,the beginning four months trying to,figure this out took a lot more than,four months to figure it out but I was,only doing Facebook in those four months,and it wasn't until I transitioned into,Instagram that I started making any,sales and what I did get it consistent,it was really only a few hundred dollars,a week in revenue not even profit so,really a long road trying to figure that,out but identifying the right process,than the right structure that's been,everything for me so now being able to,do that duplicate it for multiple stores,figured out as you guys see it's working,take that and then now start plugging,other people in I'm even plugging,students from the test group brushing it,with influencers by the way if any you,guys are watching this comment in the,comments down below how badass it is so,far but that's been insane plug-in a few,students were already making like I,don't know if I can say names but he's a,cool guy,Arial make a 30k a month already with,influencers now taking him plugging him,into my Facebook Ads team to scale that,exponentially with Facebook so kind of,taking those students and really helping,them scale that if they're in a position,to do so so building the structure now,being able to slowly push people through,that I haven't ever like blasted of,course do I leave it in every video no,is it in any video at all right now,no is it on my Instagram no do I talk,about it and no there's a reason for,that I want to leave it,still like semi-private so my posted up,here there if you guys want access to,that I'm gonna leave it down below since,a stupid amount of people are asking and,I'll actually show you right now I,cannot keep up with my Instagram DMS I'm,so sorry like literally up until about a,month ago I used to say I respond to,every single DM and I did it I just,can't anymore,I really can't like there's too much,stuff going on I just moved out the,stores the new businesses the,investments now getting into apps and,I'm going to talk about that right now,but there's a lot going on actually let,me show you guys this and move the,camera here hopefully people don't mind,me putting in my camera but 99 plus if,you guys can actually see here at the,speed that they're coming in oh that's,some people responding happy birthday,but look at this down here that's before,I said anything about the birthday like,multiple every hour and then just it's,an insane guy I literally cannot it,literally lags it doesn't even load,anymore so I do my best to try and get,through every single one but sometimes I,cannot keep up so I do apologize with,that and I know there's a lot of people,who are qualified and wanting help,already doing stuff and want to scale it,I can't even plug you in the tester,because I don't see your stuff so I'm,gonna leave the link down below here and,there I might start doing live streams,on YouTube on a regular basis to go,through maybe do some live ads with,people kind of make it for them and if,their store helped go through and kind,of review people's store set different,stuff up find products pick a niche,build a new store any of that stuff,gonna kind of let me know what you guys,would want to see in the comments down,below on some of those live streams and,open up spots here and there so I'm,gonna drop the link down below if you,guys want access to that I'm gonna take,it from the regular course price and put,it down to what the test for your price,was which is half off you can go down to,the link I'm not really going to talk,about it you can go down there and check,it out and read the information on there,but this stuff has been insane so if,anyone has any questions at all again,Instagram not exactly the best place,that I still try and see most of them,but if you want anything answered I'm,gonna make sure to go through all the,comments on this video in the next 2,days or so so if you're seeing this,within a few days feel free to drop a,comment down below I'm gonna do my best,to get back to you and give you as full,of an answer as possible so with that,being said you guys there's a lot of,stuff going on I'm gonna keep posting,every single day if you did enjoy the,video how to appreciate if you left the,like down below and of course let's,smash that milestone in the next few,days help me get to 50,000 subscribers I,do appreciate it hit that nice thing and,subscribe button and obviously new,tomorr in the next video peace

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