how to grow your instagram shopify

how to grow your instagram page (for Shopify brands, personal brand, etc) what is going on guys Seba

Sebastian Esqueda

Updated on Mar 08,2023

how to grow your instagram page (for Shopify brands, personal brand, etc)

The above is a brief introduction to how to grow your instagram shopify

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how to grow your instagram page (for Shopify brands, personal brand, etc)

what is going on guys Sebastian is,grittier I want to preface this video by,saying I have allergies so if I'm,sniffling or like talking weird that's,why or blinking a lot,I have bad allergies now that that's out,of the way in this video I want to walk,through how you can start and grow,Instagram pages for you know whether,it's for your personal brand your,Shopify store just cuz like a theme page,this applies to all of them I use it to,start and grow my Shopify brands,presence I think it's very valuable to,grow an Instagram page for your brand it,just helps out with sales a lot and it,can kind of add some credibility as well,long term and it's just it's valuable,like if you go to sell your store and,you have a Instagram account with a,hundred thousand followers people look,at that differently because that's,people that you could potentially sell,to in the future so how do we do it I,think first we need to think of a reason,why someone would follow you on,Instagram in the first place,so for myself I'm gonna give you guys,like how I get people to follow me I,don't think of anything complex,I literally understand like in my head,people are following me because they,probably want to buy something from me,and I'm fine with that I'm fine with not,having like any form of value other than,the fact that they're following me,because maybe they want to coupon code,from my store maybe they want to like,something for free or something along,those lines so always think of why,people will follow you for my personal,brand people probably follow me because,I post I don't know decent content on my,feed and I post a little bit of valuable,information on my story some of the,stuff I post is kind of funny so I think,people some follow me for comedic,reasons so I always figure out why you,should have someone follow you like why,should they follow you that's number one,that's obviously basic info I'm not like,just gonna say that I'm gonna get into,in depth like how I grew my Instagram,page that I started a week ago from like,zero impressions to we're getting around,I think we're almost at a hundred,thousand impressions for one week which,is really good so number one I run,giveaway ads when I'm starting an,instrument page so for my Shopify stores,I have products u.s. inventory I don't,dropship anymore i order products in,bulk and sell them in the beginning I,create an Instagram post where it's like,a nice picture or video of the product,I basically have a caption like giveaway,follow us like this post and comment,tagging three friends for a chance to,win this product so that there is,basically the reason why people will,follow me they are following me because,they want to potentially win a free,product okay that's the beginning and,then what you want to do is you want to,post content every single day that's,very essential because the less you post,the less engaged your audience is gonna,be I post every one to two days on my,pages which is a lot to manage I have,three brands right now so it's a little,bit to manage but it's valuable like my,engagement is through the roof I get on,average like 50% engagement on my page,so if I have 10,000 followers 5,000,likes that's freaking nuts so that's,really good that's one of the those are,like the two main things that I do,another thing you want to make sure your,audience wants to continue following you,so in the beginning you're hooking them,with like giving them a free product and,they're not sold yet they just are like,I'm gonna wait til this giveaway is over,and if I win dope I'll take my free,product and peace out if I lose I'm just,gonna click that unfollow button you,know worth a shot to win the giveaway,but I didn't so peace out but that's,where a lot of people go wrong what you,want to do is you want to either hook,your audience by giving them an,incentive to keep following or you could,say something like hey if you didn't win,the giveaway DMS and will give you,something special or like something cool,and then give them a discount code or,like maybe add an upsell to your product,that's maybe cost like 50 cents to a,dollar and if your product cost 40 bucks,you can upsell or you can give them like,a free product I'm doing air quotes a,free product where they think they're,getting something for free but it didn't,really cost you anything when they buy,the product and then you can like hook,them and they think they're taking,advantage of you and your brand I hope,that makes sense by the way a lot of the,stuff I stay like makes sense in my head,because I've done this stuff and I,understand it and then I explain it to,people when people are like what are you,talking about,so hopefully that made sense another,very very crucial thing when you're,posting on Instagram make your captions,enticing so here's an example this,picture that I just put on the screen,it's my shirt says fo 9 to 5 and the,option is read the shirt so that's like,enticing cuz they read the caption and,they're like oh what is this shirts and,it says Oh F a nine-to-five,and then people comments cuz they're,like oh my god cool shirt hahaha,agreed or like can't relate to that,something like that so people like,engage with me because of that or I'll,ask people a question like I had another,I have a jacket that has like Chinese or,Japanese lettering and I put as the,caption what is my jacket say or like,guess what my jacket says and people,were like oh it says like I don't know,random and they comment like they,comment funny stuff and that's good,because it engaged it has people engage,with your page which then Instagram,values higher engagement and shows it's,more people so at the end of the day,posting Instagram pics and asking,questions on the caption very valuable,that's what I do with my brands I can't,explain exactly what the questions are,cuz they don't give away my product but,let's say I'm so I've lighting set up,right here let's say I'm selling these,lighting I don't know what they are it's,lighting for filming let's say I'm,selling that what I would ask is if I'm,posting an Instagram picture what would,you use this lighting for like stuff,like that and then when people comments,oh I would use it to review food or I,would use it to review products or I,would use it to film content about how,to grow an Instagram page that's what,you want you want people to comment and,engage with the post because then here's,where the other step comes in if you're,using hashtags an Instagram sees that,you're getting crazy engagement in the,first like 30 minutes they will show,your posts on the top of the hashtags,and then that is when your posts go,freakin crazy,I have posts that have over a hundred,percent engagement meaning if I have,5,000 followers on a page I'm getting,more than 5,000 likes on a post which is,stupid that happens I give credit to the,hashtags the hashtags will perform well,if you have enticing captions because,then Instagram will see you have very,good engagement off the bat and then,boom you'll get pretty much placed at,the top for the hashtag so that is very,valuable as well okay this is really off,topic I'm trying my best to look at the,lens rather than the display screen it's,really hard because I don't know if my,face is like I'm making a weird face or,something but I'm trying to do that,because I think,that'll make the videos look better so,hopefully it does but it's very tough,but that's basically what I do I don't,really do anything crazy,it's just posting consistently I run,giveaway ads so I actually pay Facebook,and Instagram well it's just Instagram,it's it's on the Instagram platform but,I run ads engagement ads towards that,post where I basically say you know in,the caption hey follow us comment below,tagging friends and like this post for a,chance to win a free studio lighting or,something like that and that's sort of,my hook and then I post content daily or,by daily and have very hooking and,enticing captions with hashtags so that,I can squeeze out as many comments as I,as I possibly can because then Instagram,will pick up the hashtags and will place,me highly on the hashtag you like top,posts but that's basically and it's not,some complex like strategy that takes me,30 minutes to an hour to explain it's,very simple so if you guys are running,any dropshipping brands or e-commerce,brands or a personal brand follow this,strategy maybe don't do the giveaways if,it's your personal brand maybe do I'm,not really sure but yeah follow this,strategy and I'm pretty sure it'll work,for you I've done it countless times,last year I grew up aged from 0 to 30 K,and like 45 days with this exact,strategy and we did not post content,daily so we probably could have grown it,way more and had way higher engagement,but I grew up the page really quickly,same thing this year at growing pages,really fast using the same exact,strategy it works very well but that is,about it for this video hope you guys,did enjoy if you did make it to the end,smash that like button click the,subscribe button below and drop a,comment below if you have any questions,or video recommendations I am posting,another video in a few days because I,have some great ideas so stick around,for that,but other than that I will see you guys,in the next video peace

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