how to hide the add to cart button in shopify

How To Remove Add To Cart Button from Shopify Store (2023) hello what's up everyone I'm back again,w

The Best Way To Do It

Updated on Mar 15,2023

How To Remove Add To Cart Button from Shopify Store (2023)

The above is a brief introduction to how to hide the add to cart button in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to hide the add to cart button in shopify

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how to hide the add to cart button in shopify catalogs

How To Remove Add To Cart Button from Shopify Store (2023)

hello what's up everyone I'm back again,with another video tutorial and today's,video is about Shopify so let me quickly,jump into my Shopify store and as you,can see I've created a demo store here,where I'm selling GTA 6 here which not,all yet but now here what I'm gonna do,is what I'm going to show you actually,is how to remove this add to cart option,from your Shopify store let's suppose,you are selling a single product and how,you can remove this ad took card from,your store,so basically what you need to do is go,to your admin page of your Shopify and,after that click on online store and,after they click on theme,it takes a bit of a loading depending on,the internet connection and after that,you'll be here now we're gonna do it for,the Dome theme of Shopify and we are,going to Simply go to clicking these,click on these three dots and after that,what we're going to do is we're going to,click on edit code,once we click on edit code this window,is going to load up now what we are,interested in is to remove the add to,cart option from the product right so,we're going to do is again here we're,going to type in Main,uh sorry main Dash product right,main Dash product.liquid this is what we,are interested in right now after that,what we're going to do is we're going to,click here somewhere,and after that we're going to press Ctrl,F and enter cart and press enter,now you would see that this will come up,right I'm not giving you any uh line,number because if there is an update the,light number might change this is this,is for the latest one right now as of,right now,7.0.1 so yeah,now here we are interested in this,button right there is this button which,says add to cart basically there is this,one too we don't need to mess with this,one we are interested in the one below,it's a button so as we can see here I,have highlighted this you need to be uh,you need to make sure basically that the,that you are selecting this one and what,you need to do is simply remove it you,can just uh,copy it if you mess up you know uh to,just be uh just just to make sure right,so if once you have uh removed that what,you need to do is click on Save,it takes a bit of a time to save and,once the save is done it's as it's saved,now what you need to do is go back to,your product page and just simply,refresh your,store and as you can see Buy It Now,shows up here you can also delete this,part from here what it's going to do is,it's going to simply just remove,this option right now the next thing,that we are interested in is if you see,there is another card up here,that's not the header right so how we,can remove that from the header now what,we want to do is simply what we're going,to do is we're just going to click here,is Type in header,and you can see headed or liquid shows,up here right now what we want to do is,simply again click here somewhere and,just press Ctrl F and type in cart and,press enter now there on the header,there's a bunch of cards you need to,click next next next next what we are,interested in is this one,error,href and then this right we're going to,do is just simply select this line make,sure that the brackets are selected,otherwise you're going to get a get an,error right so just select this line and,after that remove it,right once you've removed it what you're,going to do is you're going to click on,Save right now it's going to take a bit,of a time to save and once it's saved,it's going to say asset save now just,simply go back to store again and what,we need to do is simply refresh the page,and voila the card is gone from the,store so this is how you can remove the,card from your Shopify store I hope you,found this video helpful if you are,facing any error any issue just feel,free to comment down below I'll get back,to you guys as soon as possible and yeah,uh make sure you subscribe to the,channel for future videos like this one,and press the Bell icon to stay updated,when I post something new and yeah I'll,see you in the next one peace

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