you want to make money with drop smith,you don't have any money right what you,can do is you can use free traffic,channels,to start your drop shipping business,you'll never make as much money as,somebody who spends money to make money,but it's a good way to start in this we,want to talk about the best alternatives,to facebook ads that you can use to,gather first free traffic channels and,grow your channel steadily and also,maybe you find one good way that,actually makes a lot of money and that,you don't have to pay for,i want to present you three ways that,you can do right now,obviously you already got your story set,up you have your products etc all is,good now you just need to bring people,on your store,tick tock is going crazy right now,and especially with certain themes like,if you have a shop you have to know,where your customers are and what kind,of stuff you're selling,obviously on tick tock the customers are,much younger but if they see something,viral and it looks legit for them,they will buy it it doesn't matter where,they are,i mean there are different people out,there even though you don't believe,maybe a new product somebody else will,believe in your product i once saw this,like funny,advertisement for a lawyer company like,even if you're wrong,it doesn't mean that you're wrong right,in this case it's probably the same even,if you wouldn't buy it like you have to,be good you have to know how to sell and,then you will be able to sell it so tick,tock is going really good and there's,different strategies one is for example,on this hashtag tick tock made me buy,this basically,they just do like an advertisement of,products that they are selling on their,store right here you can see that,they're actually using like their,websites,and basically they're advertising for,their own products,they thought they think like okay people,saw those products and um that's why i,bought them but actually they just,advertise their own products and you,know they unpack this they make sure,that it looks cool it looks legit and,look at the views,9 million views 12 million views,2.8 million views 26 million views i saw,this product,myself when i was scrolling on tiktok,and i think it's a good product and i,think they also put some extra effort,into that but what they do on tick tock,and this is the strategy for tick tock,they basically just keep posting the,same ad over and over again but,with just another angle with a different,music video,so here you can see that they they,post the same kind of video the whole,time i mean what else can it show,obviously but again it's like the same,thing over and over again you just have,to have a good product and then just,keep posting the same repetitive stuff,over and over again and you see how much,how much free traffic they get from,every single video that they are doing,i mean for me that's just crazy to,believe it you will not get so much free,traffic in a couple of years on tick,tock right now is the time to go on tick,tock and make viral videos for example,if you post something on instagram it,will also not reach massive organic,audience usually you have to pay for it,or you have to find a different way that,i'm also going to present you,but on,instagram the only way that you can go,viral is to get on the explore page and,to get on the explore page usually you,have to have a following already and you,only get there from time to time but i,feel with tick tock if something is made,to be viral it will go viral safe with,that being said let's go to the second,strategy and that is basically giveaways,what specifically are giveaways how do,you do them how to make sure it's a good,giveaway,so,it's not 100 free because you have to,buy the product and send it to the,influencer,but that should be worth your money or,you can,if you're cheap you can get the product,first to yourself make own videos and,then send the product uh to some,influencers and then require it back,probably it's not the smartest thing but,maybe it will work,but if your product is like ten dollars,who cares like them that amount of money,should be worth it for you to test and,basically you just give it to,influencers and if the influencer is,really interested in your product and he,believes that this product has a value,for his audience it solves the big,problem of the audience,it's a huge wow effect,if he represents the products he feels,like he's on top of everything,like there's different kind of products,and if they're so niche that they solve,a big problem for a small,type of niche,they will be happily to advertise it,just give me let me give you an example,so like if you're in the biohacking,niche and you solve a problem for better,sleep and you send the product for free,to,some influences in that niche they'll be,happy to do a review and then basically,the thing is it's about to do a giveaway,because that's how you engage people to,do stuff,and,the way you want to do it is to,influence a post picture on that they,want to say to the audience that they,should follow your,page that they should like your page,your comment etc so they get more,engagement on the post and also you get,the traffic to your website,then you give the product away as a,giveaway that also gives you the,incentive that the people who win the,giveaway,receive the product and they're happy,about it and they will also tweet about,it and you get more free traffic channel,more people see this product in total,and therefore they will go to your site,and buy the product,that's basically the way it's,if it works for you,and you make money with that you can,reinvest the money and then you can,start going to influencers that are only,working with people that are getting,paid,influences are not so expensive as you,might think like you won't go to kim,kardashian in the beginning but you will,go,in your niche to the biggest influencers,and you will reach out to them you will,make an agreement and then you pay,something between 50 to like 500,for most niche influencers so as you can,see like there's many like giveaways out,here like it's a common theme people,people do that kind of things and if you,do it properly and if you're reading,more about the strategy and you're,forming yourself,it's basically a good reliable way to,make your first money the third minute,that not many people talk about is,actually going quora on quora you have,the advantage that you have high earning,potential clients,that are happy to get the product that,they need,so in quorum,like,people have questions like,what can be the best valentine's day,gift,for,you know my my husband my wife etc this,was one of the questions and as you can,see it has also many followers so they,actually really want to get like a good,answer on this one and then,you have people like,man and chandelle who advertise his own,product and as you can see from the,collection just the way like the,structure was built on this it's a,shopify site,right,so he advertised his own gps tracker and,anti-theft alarm for valentine you know,and he gave like a good review on that,then also like he advertised some other,things and if you scroll down basically,you find a lot of things,this is basically not how you want to do,it it's too simple,like it also looks like an advertisement,but the way you want to advertise on,quora is basically give a good,understanding what the person needs go,on the emotional side so they,truly like feel okay this is something,that i want to give my valentine's day,and if you know dropshipping and you go,on ads by you go on aliexpress you know,what the best sellers are,and it's not hard to like,advertise the product because it's,product that they will probably buy,anyways but that's the first point where,they get to know you right some people,they're not on facebook nor on instagram,nor in tiktok so the way to get them is,to get them on quora,because,if people need valentine's day they,type it in they will maybe go to reddit,maybe they go to quora and that's,basically the point where you can get,them,and then obviously you don't want to,make it too sally give give them again,like a good explanation etc and then,point out the products that you have,like this guy here,it's it's a different name right now,but he advertises the same kind of site,again,which is interesting so what they do is,like send some some,send them some amazon affiliate links,here that's also how we can make money,because people trust amazon but you have,more profit margins if you sell your own,product and if you make it like very,repetable right,so that's it,take action,right now,use some of those methods see if it fits,with the kind of product that you want,to sell and start making money right now,and with that being said hit the like,button subscribe to the channel and also,hit the bell button so you receive,notifications for upcoming videos i'm,posting really regularly my name is,daniel,see you on the next video cheers,you
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