hey there folks Peter here with Black,Rock business I'm so glad you're back to,the channel today today we are going to,continue our wonderful series on making,your store not just a brick-and-mortar,store but also extending it online and,so in the last video we hooked,QuickBooks point-of-sale right up to,Shopify Online which is very popular,online shopping cart today we're gonna,continue that and I'm gonna show you,just the awesomest thing you can do and,that would be to push all of the,products right here on your item list,right up to that Shopify store you don't,need to export stuff and import stuff or,create stuff by hand this is going to,knock your socks off because it is going,to be so easy to get your products from,your brick-and-mortar store your retail,shop right into an online shopping cart,and with webbed ility the integration,everything is gonna be synchronized so,that your quantities don't run out in,one place or the other most importantly,if this is interesting to you if you,have more questions if you want to see,this in action some more click on the,link down in the description below get,over there and put your name in to sign,up for an on-screen demonstration,question and answer session where you,can get all your answers for all of your,wonderings and questions and every store,is different,so I'm sure that your shop is different,than the next job it's different than my,pretend little shop I'm doing today and,so you're gonna have specific,customizations and questions for the,people there at web Jilla t and they're,going to just you're gonna be impressed,with their service quality as well,that's the only reason why I recommend,them really is because everybody tells,me after they've gone over there from me,to web bility and and they've dealt with,them they're like oh those guys are,awesome they get things done they answer,my questions it's I I'm not mystified or,anything okay let's get into this last,thing I'm gonna say is if you want to,click on the other link down there in,the description you can get over to our,quick,books point-of-sale Facebook group join,up there ask all the other questions,about point of sale and get your answers,but let's do this I've got my point of,sale my item list is full of sports,equipment here and you saw in the other,video we hooked it up to Shopify this,here is web Jilla T which is a dashboard,it's totally empty because all I've done,is connected point of sale to Shopify,there's not a whole lot going on here so,this is the inner connection software,like I said get in on that click on that,link and sign up for an onscreen,demonstration oh my gosh it's gonna be,so awesome alright so back in web duty I,am going to show you how easy it is to,just push your point of sale products,straight up to Shopify save you all the,work you don't have to export,spreadsheets import them into Shopify do,any manual entry you don't really don't,have to do anything at all you just have,to push them there and then maybe add a,picture afterwards in Shopify and you,will be set to sell online and the other,things you're gonna get out of this,software they're super beneficial is,that the quantities will be synced,between the two you can process your,orders right here in the ordering,dashboard and they'll be recorded to,QuickBooks point-of-sale I could go on,and on but I'm not going to at the,moment,so we are going to go on the products,menu here and we're going to transfer,and list products it's gonna tell us,that there are no products in our,Shopify store we already know that now,the first tab here is if we want to,transfer products from the Shopify store,to QuickBooks or QuickBooks,point-of-sale we're not doing that today,today we are taking the products in,QuickBooks point-of-sale and pushing,them up to Shopify a couple things we,want to note before we do it is you just,gonna want your point of sale to be a,little bit ready to do this and by that,I mean there's some information you're,gonna want in there probably beforehand,it doesn't all have to be in there,because you can edit it later on Shopify,but,for my first example I'm gonna do this,tennis racket I'm gonna bring up the,Edit screen here and just point out some,things that we wanted we want to have,the manufacturer in there because for,some reason Shopify wants that and then,of course things like cost and price and,then what I did was I copied and pasted,like a really nice little description in,this tennis racket from online and I put,that into the item description a lot of,people around their point of sale with,no description in it but you're gonna,want to do that but like I said you,could add the description later you,could go in to shop fine touch it up,because maybe you don't care in point a,sale you only want the description,online right and so I saved that and now,back to ability I want to find that,tennis racket it's right here,and I want to push this to my store so,I'm gonna put a check mark in there you,can see that it's loaded up my point of,sale information the item number product,name the description constant price and,then how many I have I guess I have five,in stock now over here for manufacturer,it loaded up Dunlop which is good and,this is some information that is in the,Shopify store these are the categories,or departments that I've created in my,shop I store so I put a check mark next,to tennis equipment and the compare at,price that could be correlated to MSRP,where you kind of say hey we're cheaper,we're gonna have this low price and,we're gonna compare it to the MSRP I,don't have any MSRP s filled in and,point of sale so I'm just gonna choose,price and fix it later on Shopify now,I'm gonna hit save and you can see up,here in the status column all these ones,that are missing that means that they,are missing in the online store and then,since I filled out this little area this,one is actually ready to transfer for my,Dunlop tennis racket now here we go just,once again I'm going to show you the,Shopify screen products pretty much says,hey you don't have any products we need,to add some,so I'm gonna hit transfer product and it,was successful it was that quick you,know if you have a bunch of products,they're all in one department they're,gonna have mainly all of the same,information here you could choose them,all at once now I'm bringing this back,I'm gonna hit reload and right away here,we are in Shopify we are going to see,that we have our Dunlop tennis racket,it's all set to go I'm going to open it,up it automatically created the title,the description how many are in stock,which is gonna be synchronized from now,on it gives you a little readout of what,it might look like in Google from here,it has one tag you can add more tags if,you'd like for SEO and what product type,it is and we're pretty much set it set,to go here I think I can just say I want,to immediately publish it and save and,then if I take a look at it of course,you're gonna want to add pictures to,your stuff online and so you can go,ahead and add a picture but that's about,it you're pretty much gonna add pictures,and publish your stuff you've just,pushed it from your point of sale and,there you have it it is all set to go on,your store this would be a little more,impressive if I had a picture but I,currently don't at the moment now people,can add it to their cart and buy it,that's it you have an online store it's,that easy holy cow,so like I said there is a link down in,the description below to sign up for a,one to one on screen demonstration,answer all your questions see if this,works for your store you can get online,in the matter of days maybe a couple,weeks at the most if you have a lot of,stuff going on in your store but it's it,really can't even be easier than this I,don't think there's a possible way for,this to be easier to get your,brick-and-mortar stuff online and ready,to sell web Jilla tea also has modules,that will pick pack do pick slips so,your people can pick out orders do the,shipping labels throw,in a box ready to go they pretty much,help you out every step of the way sign,up for that on-screen demonstration down,below and get your answers to your,questions my name is Peter with,Blackrock business thanks for coming,along on this little journey and pushing,products from your brick-and-mortar,store up to Shopify you have yourself an,excellent day Blaine
Congratulation! You bave finally finished reading how to import qbpos item pictures to shopify and believe you bave enougb understending how to import qbpos item pictures to shopify
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