hi,in this demonstration i'm going to show,you how you can import shopify orders,into quickbooks desktop using z-axis,now there are quite a few solutions out,there for,importing orders from shopify into,quickbooks,but i'm going to tell you why z-axis is,different,z-axis gives you more control,so a lot of these other solutions are,automated and they'll just happen in the,background,but many of our customers find that it's,importing,information in the wrong way and in the,wrong format,and into the wrong place so with z-axis,because it's a process of downloading a,file from,shopify and then manually uploading that,into quickbooks,using z-axis you get a lot more control,over what is imported and how it's,imported,so we support a wide range of different,fields,in different formats so if you want to,bring in custom fields,you want to be able to record inventory,by site,you want to be able to call record class,tracking,along with these transactions you,download from shopify then that's all,possible,equally we can filter what data's,brought in,we can filter it so only fulfilled,orders are brought in,not returns we can manage those orders,which are going to a certain location or,need to be,handled in certain different ways for,tax reasons,also z-axis is sold as a one-time,fee not a monthly subscription that you,have to pay for that data,so you only have to pay for z-axis once,rather than having to pay,every month for something you might be,using a lot we might be using a little,so let's go ahead and show you how,z-axis,imports files downloaded from shopify,into quickbooks desktop so from in,within the administration area of,shopify,we're going to create some test orders,that we can then use to download into,quickbooks,so i'm going to create an order here,add some items,we're also going to add a discount to,this so i can show you how the,discounts can be applied into,quickbooks as well and added some,shipping,now once we've saved that order,now we can go back into the order,summary and we can see those orders that,we've created,now these are the three that i'm going,to download you can obviously on,download a lot more,orders than that import into quickbooks,so once we're ready we're going to,select the orders that we want to,download,so we'll mark them as fulfilled,now we can go back into the import,summary the order summary and we'll,select,export so here you can select whether,you want to download,just the orders on the current page all,orders,within your current panel there,or you can filter by date so i'm just,going to select current,page and i'm going to say csv for excel,and we'll export the orders so the,orders we,exported to your download folder,so you can see here these have been,downloaded and,and are now available to be accessed,from your desktop and we'll now switch,to,z-axis to show how we can import those,into quickbooks,so we've downloaded the orders export,from shopify,now we're going to go through the,process of importing those,into quickbooks enterprise using z-axis,so we open the company file that we're,going to import the orders into,and we'll open a copy of z-axis,so first off we make a connection we,click on the import tab,and we're going to browse to the file,that contains the,orders that we're going to import into,quickbooks online,so here's the csv file and we click open,so once the file's been opened you'll,see the contents of that in this grid,here,now we're going to go through the,process of mapping so that is,mapping the columns in the import file,to the corresponding fields in,quickbooks,so we select add new mapping we select,the transaction type as sales receipt,and we go ahead and match the columns,so the customer reference full name,goes against the billing company,or individual's name,we then match the sales receipt,the date and so on,so we're going through a process of,matching up as many of these fields,that we have relevant information for,the ones marked in yellow are mandatory,so those are the ones we're definitely,going to need,so i've gone through and matched up all,the fields that i know i have data for,no i'm going to need on the sales,receipt so the ones marked in yellow so,we've got,primarily we've got the the name of the,customer we've got the sales receipt,reference number the date,the address and we've got the item that,we're selling,the quantity and the rate as well as,the shipping and the discount charge now,there's lots of other additional fields,that we can match,and we can map so you can bring,additional information,into quickbooks that might be relevant,once you have it inside quickbooks so,there's lots of,flexibility around using z-axis and,importing this data in,so once we've finished that i'm going to,give the mapping a name,so that we can reuse it the next time we,download,a shopify order file and we click save,what you'll notice is only the columns,that we've mapped,will now appear within this grid so we,can inspect,we can actually go ahead and edit some,of this data if we need to,before we go ahead and import that into,quickbooks,so you'll see here there's two rows on,this sales receipt,two and then another three on this one,the next step,is to just make sure we've configured,the shopping cart fields,now this is to cater for the way that,charges for discounts and freight,are constructed on the shopify order so,they're normally put down,at um the footer of the order whereas,quickbooks requires them,to go in as extra rows or line items on,the sales receipt,so what we need to do is we need to,associate those,a freight charge and discount amount,with the corresponding items in,quickbooks so i click on more options,and i go into the tab marked shopping,cart fields,and i'm going to select the item name,that we'll use in quickbooks for those,two so if that one's gonna be very,simple it's gonna be freight and this,one will be discount,once i finished i click ok so we're now,ready to begin the import process,into quickbooks so we'll click import,so the first step in the process is,access will validate all the data to,make sure it's in the correct format for,quickbooks,and then i'll begin the process of,importing those directly in,if there aren't customers already set up,in quickbooks or items,then access will create those on the fly,as well,so now the import is complete you can,see that those,four sales have been shopify sales have,been imported directly into quickbooks,desktop,so to view those we just click on this,view button here,and access will open that sales receipt,as it appears,directly in quickbooks so we can review,that,we can then move to the next one and,review it and so on,and there you can see the items that,have been ordered plus the freight and,the discount charge,another great feature within zx is the,ability to undo these orders,individually or we can roll back so we,have got the option,if we don't like what's been imported we,can actually delete it and then,re-attempt the import again so just,giving you,added flexibility and power when using,z-axis for the import process,so when we're ready we can click close,and that's,very simply how you use z-axis,to import shopify orders directly into,quickbooks desktop,you
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