how to insert mailchimp pop up into shopify

Add a Mailchimp popup on Shopify hi and welcome to another mail chimp,update video in this video wh

Ricky Wahowa

Updated on Mar 21,2023

Add a Mailchimp popup on Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to insert mailchimp pop up into shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to insert mailchimp pop up into shopify

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how to insert mailchimp pop up into shopify catalogs

Add a Mailchimp popup on Shopify

hi and welcome to another mail chimp,update video in this video what you're,going to do I'm going to show you how,you can add a pop up on your Shopify,store so the first thing we'll do we'll,go to MailChimp and then we're going to,get the pop-up chord then we'll bring it,back to our Shopify admin area and then,we'll add that code on the team so let's,get started right away,and the first thing is for us to go into,MailChimp to get the pop-up code so to,get that code I would go into lists and,then let's use the form that we used,when we were creating our first pop-up,and that was in this list so I'll just,go here and click on signup forms and,then I want to go to subscriber pop-up,so I'll just click there so if you can,recall this is the pop-up that we,created when we were talking about,pop-up forms in MailChimp so if you,don't know how this was created go back,to that section and watch the section on,pop-up forms in MailChimp so here I'm,not going to edit anything I only want,to get the code so to get the code I'll,just click on view code and then ctrl a,ctrl C to copy everything and then I'll,come back to Shopify and then here in,Shopify I want to go to online store so,this will enable me to edit the theme,and any other thing that I want to edit,about my store this is just a sample,store on my development account in,Shopify so what I want to do here is you,see I'm already in themes if you're not,in themes just click on themes what I,want to do is I want to go and edit the,HTML and CSS for the theme so if I click,there it will take me to their code,editor area for Shopify,so these are all the templates that are,used in your Shopify theme so make sure,when you're choosing the theme to edit,you choose the theme that you're,currently using so in my case I just,come here into theme not liquid and this,is where I will add this pop-up code so,if I come here and I scroll all the way,down here just before the body element,is closed I can add that code right,there if you want to do this manually,this is how you do it so if I save this,if I save this and I go to any page on,my Shopify store the pop-up is going to,show up for my site so I do know that,I've already used this pop up somewhere,on a different website and therefore,it's not going to show up let me go back,here my store is currently protected by,a password so if I have to use it on a,different browser I would need to remove,that you can see it doesn't show up here,but I'm going to I'm going to open it in,chrome so that we can see if it pops up,but for your guests,just know that it's working that's all,you needed to do so let me go and remove,this password because I want to make,sure that I can access this shop on any,browser without having to input a,password so if I scroll down if I scroll,down in this section white says enable,password,I can uncheck that and then save let me,take this link control C and I want to,open it in Chrome,and if I open it in chrome you'll see,that the pop-up comes up and this will,happen for every page on your website if,you put it on team not liquid that will,ensure that it shows up on every single,page on your Shopify store so if you,want to close it I can close it here but,once I close it I won't be able to see,it again,in this session so that is how you can,add a pop up on your Shopify store so,just a recap how to add a pop up on your,Shopify store first thing you have to do,you'll get the code from MailChimp and,you know how to do that you can edit,this however you want to edit yours you,can change the theme here and once you,take the code you just click on View,code you'll get the code then you bring,the code back to your Shopify store then,you go into online store and then in,online store you go into theme store,into theme store you'll choose to edit,the HTML and CSS and if I click on,themes if I click on themes you'll see,that this is a the theme that I'm using,it's called simple and I can simply edit,there the code by going to HTML CSS and,that will take me to the page where I,can edit the HTML and CSS and that's,where I will add the embed code make,sure you choose the theme which is,currently active okay so that's it for,this video in the next video let's come,back into Shopify and we're going to see,how we can add how we can add an embed,form just on the page so if you want to,add an embedded form a MailChimp,embedded form watch the next video I,will see you in that next video

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