how long do I have to get your attention,exactly three seconds hello everyone and,welcome to another video this week,review quick you guys say comm app so,you know the drill we do the walkthrough,then we show you a whole bunch of other,sections if there is something specific,you want to know about this app just go,to the timestamps down below go to the,right section and click straight on so,quick view has a 4.9 out of 5 reading,but we'll seal that in the facts corner,at the end as well are the integrations,and things like that and also there is,our contest so it's up to you to comment,right now at the bottom of this video,how many likes will this video have in,24 hours if you win you win four hours,of deaf words that mean me and my team,we come to your store and we fix all,those little quirks that's like 500,bucks worth of development work that I'm,giving for free to the person that,guesses how many likes this video will,have 24 hours after posting alright,let's jump straight into the walkthrough,of this quick view the app is installed,and we are on the app dashboard,it looks like the app is a one page app,so this is going to be quick the first,thing on the dashboard is a option to,rate the app alright straight out of the,gate I guess you're not wasting any,times by the way if you're rating them,make sure to LIKE and subscribe us as,well it makes a huge difference,alright on the right side we have two,options settings and pro version,features cool cool we are on the,settings page and here we have four tabs,the general tab disable or enable the,quick view template so here you can also,choose where to position the quick view,tab and change the button display on,mobile so that's pretty interesting and,in case you want to send customers to,the cart page right after clicking Add,to Cart which kind of makes sense you,can click this button right here in this,tab you can customize the size of your,pop-up and the number of words you,intend to use then there is the color,in this step you can and this might come,as a huge surprise to you but you can,change colors I know I know this is a,box of chocolates but this app allows,you to change the color of each element,in your pop-up which is actually quite a,quite interesting nice works echo map,the translation is the final tap and a,lot of abs don't do this and here you,can translate the text change the font,type size and translate the notification,to the customer when an item is added to,the cart after that we have three,options install for the current team,reset the default and Save Changes we,have made no changes we will just,install to the current team as is but,before we installed let us see what more,we have on the app so we are stuck with,the brand here that you can get rid of,if you upgrade to premium and they are,more templates as you can see when you,scroll down as well on the bottom right,we have a static floating button for,life support that's interesting we'll,speak about that in our customer support,section at the end of the video but in,case you want to fast forward to it,check the description box and there are,the timestamps okay let's go back and,install this to our current team click,on install here and a new pop-up appears,will upload all quick view files to your,current team if the current team has,quick few file already we will overwrite,it okay that's interesting click on yes,and it is processing our quick view is,up and running so let's go to our demo,shop are also loved demo shop to see,what we have done welcome on our demo,shop and if you run the cursor on top of,your products there it is,quick view and when we click on it what,is going to happen well there you go,the pop-up of your card and the items in,it,my good friends this is a shopping made,easy in 101 boom walk shoe is done and,that's means we are ready for the next,section roll the tape so here we will,use our free speed tool that you can use,to see how well your store is performing,and actually you can also use it to,check on your competition is spy on them,to see which app they installed let's,see what our Shopify speed check has to,say we already tested the results before,we installed the app so we can easily,compare it so now let's check it again,before the app had a tulip a charge of,349 kilobytes and now it's about 510 and,the app added 11 additional requests and,this actually makes sense because it's,very intimate,this means it does slow down the,experience a little bit and if this is,the only operating on your store and,that's absolutely no problem but if you,have 80 apps like this this will add up,so you know Mobile is crucial why don't,you pay more attention to it let's go to,the next section,all right let's check it out we are on,our demo shop again and here is our,product you click on it and boom there,is a quick View button the window loaded,very fast and it's looking very good,there is the Seiko map branding down,there but you know it's barely visible,so mobile is check ok it's a great,customer service is available via this,contact forwards my life chair usual,things but you can also include the,attachment which is fun let's send them,a message and see how fast we will get a,response in the meantime if you don't,want to wait for an agent you can try to,find an answer in the Help Center or you,know maybe just leave a comment down,below and we can help you out but the,Help Center has nine articles and also,instructions for installation and liquid,code edition we have waited why the bid,and haven't had yet had a response so we,will let you know as soon as they,respond and now you decided you don't,want the app any more so this section is,for you ok let's say that you guys don't,need this app anymore from some reason I,will show you how to remove the code,residuals from your team uninstalled app,from the Shopify admin and then go to,team code this app will leave a lot of,things in your team when you install it,which I mean it's kind of normal and,expected for this type of app this is,nothing specific with the app developer,so I do advise you to delete all of this,because in adds up and it does slow down,your team that's why we built this free,speed tool so you can constantly check,if there's any residue of apps still on,your team so click on the online store,in the Shopify admin and from there I,advise you to make a duplicate of your,current team so that you don't mess,anything up this is what we do with all,our developers when we work on your,store never work on a live version to,duplicate your team click on actions and,from the job down menu choose duplicate,now that your store is safe click on,actions again and now from the job down,menu choose edit code alright let's look,at the templates first here you have,this file that needs to be completely,removed so click on it and in this new,tab click on delete file next,line are the snippets completely removed,these trees snippet files they are all,related to this app and you don't need,them anymore for more files are left in,the assets deleted the files as you,already did in the previous steps so,from the file point we are all done,but there are still a few lines left,here and there so jump to the team that,liquid and let's search for quick view,here is one line highlight it delete it,and save and at the bottom of the page,we have one more line related to this,app repeat this process and the app is,no longer on your team in case you need,any assistance please pin me just let me,know in the comment section down below,where you're stuck because we we are,here to help you and you know we're also,available on social media pages and you,can find links in the description below,each of our videos,okay welcome to the Fox corner so here,let's go over the integrations this app,integrates with the free gifts the store,locator the store pick up the product,label and the currency switcher apps,I'll show them all over right here now,if you're kind of like okay but what are,my other options in here then we're,taking a look at the competitors so we,have quick view plus by quickly fly,quick view and tracking by war team we,have quick view and color swag by,e-commerce Inc we have smart quick view,by the web app team and we have quick,view by quick me five apps so that,brings us to the ratings we have a four,point nine out of five reading about,1130 reviews so the breakdown looks like,this and as you can see it is mostly,five-star rated there is a couple of one,stars here so we will over light them on,the screen so you can pause a second to,see that need anything of these comments,apply to you but most of the things,we've already covered and then we will,move that and that is it thank you so,much but wait last week's winner who won,four hours of free development work that,would be this person right here it might,be me because there is a guaranteed,winner and I'm the only one,participating in my contests make sure,to comment down below how many people,will allow you this video 24 hours after,posting if you're too late don't worry,we post videos all the time make sure to,LIKE and subscribe I love you so much,and I see you in the next video,you
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