hey guys sam here from keycommerce.com,and today,we're going to learn how to install,hotjar on your shopify website,now i'm on the hot jar website right now,let's walk through create an account and,then we're going to install it on your,shopify website so i'm going to go in,inside it's going to register myself so,just go to sam baldwin,i'm going to put key ppc just like a,random email address,awesome get started,awesome sort of password,uh doesn't matter too much for me oh it,wants me to do a better one,that's okay,it really wants me to set one uppercase,character,sorry guys okay there we go,my role that doesn't matter too much uh,no uh key surfers,organization size that's fine that's,just they want to collect some data on,you so don't worry too much about that,okay let's put in my website,site type ecommerce i just want to,confirm that i've got the right domain,this is my my shopify site here yep i've,got the right one,awesome,um and then start using hotjar cool,it's now going to bring up the dashboard,and we need to now install the tracking,code,okay so with shopify um it's going to,connect in,really easily so let's try this so let's,go verify installation,oh wait so i got to get the tracking,code here so click click that button and,then it's going to open up this go to,tracking code over here,and we're going to copy this so copy the,clipboard go back to shopify,go to your online store go to themes on,the left hand side,it's i'm going to load the theme spa,here and go actions,edit code we're just going to edit a,little bit of code in the theme,so theme.liquid so make sure you click,this one here that says theme.liquid,this is the the like these like the home,sort of the main,file for your theme now see this it says,head there we want to put it,in this section here but i like to put,it at the end,right before the end of the head section,so i'm gonna gonna um,scroll down until i see the head there,and then i'm going to make some space,and then paste that bad boy,right there boom hot jar tracking code,for keysurface.com,click save now that that's saved we go,back to verify,installation make sure that url is,correct and then click verify it's going,to then open up a page,and basically run um test it so it says,hotjar,installation verified so it's now been,properly installed on this page,browser site in this window if you wish,to verify isolation on any other pages,that,it was totally fine and that's done so,boom you've got it all,verified that's absolutely fantastic,that's cool so,now um we go over to heat maps,and it's already started a heat map here,which is really really cool for,the home page um it's collecting data so,that's going to start doing it,automatically let's go check recordings,as well,cool so now it's just starting to record,and it's going to record the first,visitors too which is absolutely,fantastic,let's now jump in and have a look at,some existing heat maps and recordings,so you can see the actual potential of,this app okay guys so here i am,on some of the heat maps that we've,generated for for a client that we're,working with,and you'll see here that it'll actually,show you know the heat where people are,really clicking this is a mobile version,for example,and where people are touching when,they're selecting different things so a,lot of people hit of course add to cart,and they select accessories and stuff,like that and you'll get a scroll down,and see even,people are really you know clicking that,video of course uh that sort of thing,clicking through reviews,it's really really fascinating you might,see that people are going to a certain,part like a lot of the time they're,really,congregating their traffic in a certain,part of the page maybe it's they keep,going to,the review section so maybe that tells,you hey they really really care about,reviews,most people do but especially for your,niche and we have the recordings here so,let's just take a look at some of these,recordings,what this does it records the visitors,on the site it's really fantastic it,uses some javascript and some stuff i'm,not sure the actual technicalities i'm,not going to pretend i do,and it and it recreates their journey so,you see here this is,watching someone scroll through on their,mobile and it actually shows,where they stop where they scroll to,and you it's going to play them one,after the other i recommend sitting here,with a notebook,it takes some notes like what what story,does this tell you,about your customers and about your,website,you know do they go straight to a,certain section maybe they're frequently,asked questions,do they keep going and trying to find,their shipping information maybe they,really want to know,how you're actually going to ship this,to them how long it's going to take this,can tell you,hey you need to put this a bit more at,the forefront of your brand,on your product page to make it really,clear to the customers,and answer these questions for them,anyway guys that's it start collecting,some heat maps and some screen,recordings,and get some stories there that you can,really use to craft your product pages,so they're better and better for your,ecommerce site,because if this video was helpful,getting you set up with hotjar on your,shopify site please hit the like button,just,leave that click that before you leave,otherwise if you have any questions or,feedback,leave them in the comments if you want,to learn more about growing your,ecommerce store i make a ton of videos,on this sort of stuff,all the marketing how to get traffic how,to find products you know all the parts,of growing a successful ecommerce store,so check out my channel consider,subscribing apart from that i'll see you,guys in the next video,bye for now,bye
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