with the FedEx shipping label app by,plug-in hive you can integrate FedEx,with Shopify to completely automate the,order fulfillment process the first step,is to configure your FedEx account,credentials log into FedEx develop a,resource center once you've created an,account scroll to the FedEx Web Services,section and check on the move to,production option answer no and select,FedEx Web Services for shipping and,corporate developer and continue we,didn't sign the FedEx web services end,user License Agreement fill out the,contact details along with a FedEx,account number to get your production,credentials copy meter number and web,service key you can find the account,number from the account management,section the web service password will be,sent to you via email now your FedEx,account is successfully integrated the,app automatically configures your store,location as the shipping origin you can,modify the address if required the,shipping costs for your orders are,calculated based on the total weight of,the product so it's important to,configure weight for each of the,products if your product dimensional,weight is more than the actual weight,you'll need to configure the product,dimensions choose the advanced packaging,option and configure the right boxes,configure the FedEx standard boxes and,enable FedEx one rate option if you'd,like to use FedEx one rate for domestic,US shipments you can check the,dimensional weight of your product from,the FedEx website the app displays all,applicable FedEx services at the Shopify,checkout page,you can choose your preferred FedEx,services to display from the rates tab,you can set the display names of the,services to show with the Shopify,checkout page and control what you,charge for the FedEx services by,adjusting the charges you can add or,deduct a percentage or fix charge for,any of the services you can also show,delivery estimates for the applicable,services in addition to all FedEx,domestic and international services the,Shopify FedEx app also supports these,FedEx services FedEx SmartPost,FedEx Freight services and FedEx,Saturday services the app seamlessly,integrates with the FedEx same day city,account as well now let's see how the,app automates the shipping process add a,product to the cart and proceed to,checkout the app displays real-time,FedEx shipping rates for all the,available services the app uses the,FedEx address validation process to,classify the address as commercial or a,residential address and displays FedEx,Ground or FedEx home delivery at,checkout accordingly now head to the,rates log section to verify if the FedEx,real-time rates displayed by the app are,accurate check the shipper and recipient,address and make sure it's correct check,if the product weight dimensions and the,package type are configured correctly in,the app compare the rates from FedEx and,the rates returned by the app the app,allows you to use either the FedEx,published rates or the account rates you,can also display shipping rates with or,without tax now let's select FedEx,priority overnight and place the order,now let's place another order but this,time let's use free shipping as the,shipping method select the orders and,generate shipping labels you can view,both the orders in the app dashboard,here the shipping service is set to,FedEx priority overnight the one we,selected filed placing the order however,for the order placed using free shipping,the app automatically selected FedEx,Ground which is the cheapest available,shipping service now you can easily,print shipping labels for both the,orders with a single click,once you generate the FedEx shipping,labels for your orders the tracking,number is automatically updated in the,Shopify order details and the order is,marked as fulfilled if you've received a,CO D order the app automatically selects,the co d label to process the order the,tracking number is included in the,Shopify order shipped email which is,sent to the customers from the order,status page they can click on the FedEx,tracking number to view the status of,their order now,initiate the pickup request for both the,orders the package will be collected by,the FedEx agent and delivered to the,customer for international orders the,app automatically generates the,commercial invoice you can enable,electronic trade documents ETD and use,the customer digital signature option if,required the app allows you to choose,the customs duties payer as the sender,or the recipient and also allows you to,add a discounted price in the commercial,invoice now if the customer has issues,with the product the app allows you to,create FedEx return labels so that they,can return it and there is more the app,also helps with other features as well,you can enable insurance for each,product enables signature on delivery,option mark the product as alcohol or,dangerous goods or if a battery or dry,ice is needed,you can categorize the products based on,the harmonization HSN code with all,these features the Shopify FedEx app is,the best integrated FedEx shipping app,for Shopify if you have any queries feel,free to contact plug-in hive comm,forward slash support
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