hey what's going on today we're going to,be importing a product CSV file onto,Shopify now before you go according to,my data over here my analytics 99% of,you have not subscribed to her channel,so if you find any of these tutorials,helpful you want to subscribe because we,are putting out tons of tutorials and,definitely find them helpful so make,sure that you subscribe do it now let's,get into it all right so the first thing,you want to do is obviously go to your,products and in here you have the option,to export import or more actions what,we're gonna do today is import right so,this is important if you have a big,product list if you're switching,platforms if you're going from like mu,commerce or something like that you want,to go into Shopify you can download your,product list already and then import it,in here now Shopify has a very,particular way of uploading products so,you have to make sure that you match it,exactly as how they want you to so the,first thing that I would do is click on,this download sample CSV file this will,open up a new tab with a lot of,information really on the CSV file and,I'm going to touch on this a little bit,too but right here this first sentence,you can download and view a sample,product CSV file and you can use that as,your template all right I'm gonna save,that on my computer and I'm gonna open,that and then there you have it so this,is the template version of what you want,to do these titles here at the top you,want to make sure that they you have all,of them even if you're not using them so,for example if I scroll down here,towards the bottom there might be things,like google shopping custom label one,custom label two that you might not use,but you still want to keep them there,and not delete the columns because,Shopify will not recognize that CSV file,okay now in order to understand all,these headings a little bit better,that's when we go back to this,Paige that Shopify opened for you which,if you scroll just a little bit down,you'll see products see this B file,format and this will actually walk you,through each of the titles the handle,title body the vendor the tie-up tags,published and it will actually give you,descriptions over here on what exactly,you need to put in there obviously the,template will give you an idea of what,you need to put but this page right here,who actually give you a better,understanding of what exactly you need,to put in those fields now some things,to take in because their consideration,here when you're uploading your product,CSV file I would 100% recommend to do it,on Google sheets so I have a little,product list over here so this is,another example mmm I would do Google,sheets just because you can collaborate,with other people and you can share that,with either your web developer or other,people on your team to be working,together on this and what we've done,here you can see here at the bottom you,can see different categories of products,ladies apparel contemporary hand back,and small letter leather and inside of,those then you have a bunch of different,products so the number one thing that,you need to make sure you do before,you're planning this CSV file product,list is to figure out your,categorization of products so we can do,that in a different video but right off,the bat you need to make sure that you,know how you want to categorize your,products on your store if it's ladies,apparel and inside of there you have,tops pants skirts you need to make sure,that you organize yourself and organize,your products and you can use just a,word document to list this out and you,can see it visually because when you go,here to the product type you want to,make sure that you match it exactly as,to where you're gonna have it in the,store and same with tags you know you,want to make sure that they actually,match exactly as you want them in the,store because when you're setting up,these categories inside of Shopify you,want to make sure that these match,exactly word for word what you're going,to create those categories for so even,things like using plural like tops,instead of top take those things into,consideration now,something also to do consider is the,handle the handle is the identifies the,product right so if you look at all this,this is all just one product right and,you only need to put majority of the,information on that first line and then,normally there is additional lines,because of variance right so this is,option one will be varying on which in,this in case includes the sides and all,we're changing is just the option right,small medium large extra-large etc now,something else to take into,consideration is the SKU numbers the SKU,numbers are very important that you have,some sort of format or template that,you're following so that people who are,uploading products in the future they,know exactly what to do and how to,format those SKU numbers some people,like to include for example right here,we have some information about the,vendor we have some information about,the actual color of the product we have,some information about the size of the,product all those things are important,for your employees and for people,uploading products onto the website,let's see keep walking here a little bit,more and another big thing is the images,right so that's something that this,might be a little bit cumbersome but for,image purposes you have two options here,you can come over here and go to your,settings and go to files and you can,upload all your images right here and,then all you would do is you would copy,the URL after you upload an image which,you can click I by clicking that purple,button and then you would come back to,your product list and you would paste,that URL right there within the image,source now something that's kind of,tricky if you want to add multiple,images to that same product you have to,do an additional line so remember how we,did an additional line based off of,variants you would also have to do an,additional line so we just click here,and then insert one below and then you,look again you want to make sure that it,matches the handle so the Shopify knows,that this additional image is four,that's the line of blouse and you can,leave everything else the same,and then put the same SKU number in here,and then put your second image right so,let's say this is my second image that I,want to add in there you just copy that,URL and put it in here in an image,position BB my second image that shows,for that particular property so this is,very important this is something that,it's kind of hard to find as far as like,documentation on how to add multiple,photos your other option with adding,images is that you don't put anything,under image source or image position and,after you've uploaded all your products,then you go in on a product by product,basis and start adding and uploading,images there's really no better choice I,mean they're still they're both very,time-consuming but that's just part of,uploading right bulk uploading all these,products so again I would highly highly,recommend that you go through this,breakdown of what each title and the,description means so you have a better,understanding if you have any questions,about any of these please leave a,comment down below,curl your appreciate that so let's go,back to this to do and let's just save,this right so we talked about creating,your product CSV list right here within,Google sheets what you want to do after,you finished it is go to download and,then inside of download you'll see the,comma separated values to CSV that's,what you want to click on and that will,create you that CSV file that you need,now if we go back over here and then we,go back to products and then click on,import and then add the file open and,then this check mark over here says,override any current products that have,the same handle existing values will be,used for any of the missing columns so,if you have already products in there,and you want them to override some of,those products you want to make sure you,check mark that if not just leave it,unchecked you click upload and continue,and then this will give you this window,will give you a little example to make,sure that it's matching column by column,and they had the right information right,so right now I just have one product,with two images and it will not,overwrite so I'll give you a little,summary of how that would look and then,all you have to do is import products,now if for any reason you have any,errors or there's something wrong with,the CSV file it will tell you right here,on this pop-up want to click import,files and there you have it it's almost,instantaneously obviously we only had,one file in there but that's how you do,it that's how you upload or import a,product CSV file for Shopify and if you,see on that example I had two different,images that got uploaded and then this,only had one size so I didn't have any,variants or anything like that again the,import is a super super valuable,resource and it makes things just a,little bit easier so if you have any,additional questions regarding importing,CSV products make sure to leave them,down below and if you are wanting to be,super hands off with your Shopify,building experience and going through,all this process then you can definitely,go to vit branding co and send us a,message and we'll be more than happy to,help you walk you through the process of,building a website or we can completely,do it for you it doesn't matter again if,you have any questions make sure to,leave the number low we'll do our best,to answer them for you or if you have an,idea for another episode tutorial,episode let us know we've more than,happy to create those for you and if,you're not subscribed make sure that you,do so by hitting that subscribe button,you
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