how to link aliexpress with shopify store

How to Add Products to Shopify from Aliexpress (Quick & Easy) in this video I'm gonna show you how y

How to Digital

Updated on Mar 15,2023

How to Add Products to Shopify from Aliexpress (Quick & Easy)

The above is a brief introduction to how to link aliexpress with shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to link aliexpress with shopify store

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how to link aliexpress with shopify store catalogs

How to Add Products to Shopify from Aliexpress (Quick & Easy)

in this video I'm gonna show you how you,can add products from Aliexpress to your,Shopify store the fastest and easiest,way possible now let's show you how that,works so for it is of course you want to,make sure to have Shopify opened you,also want to have a tab with Aliexpress,and then next up you need an extension,to do this now that extension is called,over low so you want to search for over,low Chrome extension so make sure that,you're using Google Chrome as well,because you can then go to the chrome,webstore and you can find this amazing,extension which has over 600,000 users,click on add to Chrome click on add,extension and there you go ok so right,now this is the extension if you don't,have an account yet you want to click on,sign up right here if you already have,an account you can click on login so I,already have an account and here we are,so I'm automatically signed in to my,account so like I said you can also sign,up for free which will only take you a,few seconds but once you're signed into,your account you can get rid of this and,you want to go to Aliexpress you want to,find a product that you want to add so,let's say that I want to add these,glasses cycling glasses I believe you,didn't click on that product and once,you're here you'll then you'll then be,able to find the overload icon at the,bottom right corner click on that and,what its gonna do is then gonna import,that product to overload so that's step,number one so make sure you go do that,for all the products that you want to,add now let's say that I also want to,add these let's see ok so I'm not sure,which kind of products these are what,we'll just click on this one right here,so find the products that you want to,add go to the product and click on the,overload icon and there you go so it's,now importing these products now once,you're done you can click on open import,list and is then going to the import,list on your overload account now the,import store action will be enabled when,a store is assigned so what you need to,do you need to connect your store to,overload so click right there and right,there you can then put in your Shopify,store URL so you want to make sure to,find that,okay so let's just go to my online store,and there we go so I just connected my,store to this Oh willow account as you,can start there you are about to install,over lo ok there you go so you want to,click on install app and what its gonna,do it's basically gonna install over low,on your Shopify store so that you can,import these products from Aliexpress,now right there you can put in your,store name now I'll just put in how to,digital which is the name of this,channel which is not actually my store,but I'll just put it in there now you,can like you have to customize all of,these settings ok so I'm just gonna do,that there you go now you want to go to,the import list right here,and right there you will then be able to,find import to store and import to store,you want to click on that and there you,go so this is now being imported I'm,also gonna click on this one and there,you go so right now these go like both,of these are imported and added to my,shop if I store you can in click right,here on edit product on Shopify click on,that and it will bring you over to your,Shopify store or you can in customize,your product and that's pretty much how,you can add products from Shopify from,Aliexpress of course to Shopify so as,you can see right there you'll now have,the title you have a description which,you can customize and you automatically,have all these medias which you have to,check whether that's allowed or not but,this is how you can add these products,from Aliexpress directly to your Shopify,store now if this video helps you out I,would appreciate it if you can leave,like on the video and let me know in the,comments down below if this works and,what kind of store you have I will be,interested in that and yeah that's,pretty much it for today hope you,enjoyed have a good day peace out if,this video helped you out please,consider subscribing to my channel to,help me grow the largest how to channel,on YouTube I appreciate it

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