how to link shopify blog to facebook

Post Shopify Blog to Facebook Automatically Using Zapier (Shopify How To) welcome back so today we'r

Jody Edgar - The Shopify Expert

Updated on Mar 21,2023

Post Shopify Blog to Facebook Automatically Using Zapier (Shopify How To)

The above is a brief introduction to how to link shopify blog to facebook

Let's move on to the first section of how to link shopify blog to facebook

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Post Shopify Blog to Facebook Automatically Using Zapier (Shopify How To)

welcome back so today we're gonna be,going over a little bit more of what we,went over yesterday about how to,automate our processes using zapier,today what we're gonna do is we're gonna,use zapier in order to post things on,Facebook from when we add them to our,Shopify blog so let's jump into it all,right so I'm going to show you a little,bit more about how to use zapier and how,to automate their process now this is,again something that I use all the time,it's great for telling two systems,together especially if they have open,api's zapier has a ton of different,applications that it connects to so if,you're ever looking to have some sort of,automation done for one it action,happens and then it triggers something,else it's a good place to start looking,before you have something custom built,so let's hop over to the screen and we,will go through what we're gonna do,today so if we're back here on our web,browser let's just go to zapier comm and,what we're gonna do is today we're going,to make it so that when something gets,posted to Shopify a Shopify blog it's,actually going to go and post it to our,Facebook page now this is important,because when you create content you want,it to end up everywhere you want it to,be on your Facebook page you want it to,be involved Twitter you want to be on,your Instagram but each one might,require a slightly different format in,order to come out properly now there are,great tools available like hubs or sorry,like HootSuite which will allow you to,do automated post but this allows you to,do it quite easily without having to,having to schedule anything so when,we're back on our dashboard here we're,gonna click on Shopify again this is a,premium integration because it's it,requires you to have a paid account with,inside of zapier and on to be able to,use these kind of interpretations but,once we're on Shopify trigger we want to,click on show less common options and,it'll give us a bunch of other options,now the one we're gonna select today is,going to be new blog entry so we can,click new blog entry so this is gonna,trigger when a new entry is added the,blog inside your Shopify store might,continue and then we're gonna pick an,account so let's go make our shop our,stumble demo account and save and,continue,and then we're going to make a blog now,the only blog that we have set up on,this specific Shopify store is our news,blog so we're gonna pick that one,we're gonna go to continue and then it's,going to pull in some blog entries so,we'll select the first blog entry which,is the sample one that we did in the,last video and we'll hit continue and,then we need to add another step so one,you click on another step you have a,number of helpers or actions we're gonna,stick to actions right now but you have,options to do path which allows you to,select different paths depending on,criteria so if you know if it's based on,a tag for example it can go on to one,blog and if it's based on another tag it,can go on to another blog this allows,you to set up a singles app for a,multiple multiple actions really really,helpful in certain situations filter,allows you to filter through them delay,allows you to put a small timer delay on,it so say you don't want to post it,right away say you post everything on,your blog first and then 24 hours later,people can get it on Facebook driving,some some motivation to go to your blog,and say well your Facebook page and then,formatter you can modify the incoming,con oh the incoming data this is a quite,a complicated one we'll get into this in,a later video,so let's just go to actions in the,search and what we're gonna do is we,wanted to post it on Facebook page so,we're gonna select Facebook as our,trigger app and we want it to go to a,Facebook page,so we're go to Facebook page and we're,going to create the post and hit save,and continue alright,I have my facebook pages already,connected so we can save and continue,here and now it's time for us to set up,the template so the first thing we need,to do is we need to select a page so I,have a number of pages that I manage I'm,going to go and select our son bull page,and then we're gonna put in the message,now the message is basically an open,text field that you can put into,Facebook now you can play around with,how you want things to pull up in here,Facebook will format them based on what,kind of content they are so if there's,an image there it's gonna put it in as,an image if it's a link it's going to go,off,it's gonna unfurl the link and pull some,of those items in there there is a not a,lot of customization that you can do,with inside Facebook or with inside,zapier for facebook but it's something,to play around with and see what you get,right I'm gonna just go and put in the,title and I'm gonna go and put in the,body HTM I'm actually gonna put in the,video URL which is gonna come up here oh,wait so this is sorry we're coming from,coming from Shopify not from YouTube so,what we want to do is we want to write,in everything that we've got in there so,we're gonna hit the body HTML which will,be perfect so it's going to post the,title that we post on our Shopify store,on our blog as well as it's also going,to post the description so just a quick,in there and then we will also probably,want to put the link in there so that,people can go and follow it to our blog,so we can drive traffic from Facebook to,our local blog and we're gonna do that,by selecting should be a handle here yes,so yeah just like the handle so,selecting the handle is essentially the,URL handle that we're going to be,linking things through however it's,important to remember that it's going to,have there's more to the there's more to,the URL than just a handle so what we,have to do is we have to prepend it with,the URL of our store so we're gonna go,it's TTP s and for right now our store,is humble - for doubt my Shopify dot-com,and then because it's a blog we have to,put in the blog's slug so that it goes,slash blog and then we can get the,handle so we've got a link set up there,now all we need to do is hit continue,and it will come up and it will allow us,to post this to a Shopify store so every,time that or a certain little lettuce,post this to a Facebook page so every,time we go and grab this URL we can test,it because it's holding our information,so we can go here I'm just gonna change,just because you got to be on a,different website v2 pulls it up,perfectly great so now that we have so,now that we have that all set up what we,can do is so that when anybody ever post,something to our Shopify store it will,automatically post it to our Facebook,page and that's basically how we set up,a little bit more automation in son or,your blog posts inside of Shopify thanks,for coming by I hope that this was,helpful for you don't forget to Like and,subscribe hit the bell notification if,that's something that you're into and we,will see you in the next one

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