how to link shopify listings and amazon listings automatically

Salestio — Integrate Amazon listings to Shopify store hello everyone,today we would like to show yo


Updated on Mar 25,2023

Salestio — Integrate Amazon listings to Shopify store

The above is a brief introduction to how to link shopify listings and amazon listings automatically

Let's move on to the first section of how to link shopify listings and amazon listings automatically

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how to link shopify listings and amazon listings automatically catalogs

Salestio — Integrate Amazon listings to Shopify store

hello everyone,today we would like to show you one,feature of our celestio shopify amazon,integration,we named this feature autopilot it helps,you migrate your amazon active listings,under the control of the celestio,application,in the first step let's install celestio,on a new shopify store,review and confirm the required,permission scope and process for the,following installation step,after the installation of the app is,finished you will be needed to select,default integration,in our case it's amazon,this setting could be updated later,please add your amazon account to,celestio,define an account name,then choose the region and all,marketplaces available for your account,please avoid selecting marketplaces,where you are not registered,please also verify our data protection,and privacy policy,you will be needed to confirm permission,on the amazon marketplace,when an account is added click on the ok,button,at the next step you can activate the,automatic import of all your amazon,listings to the celestio application,please read the conditions,as an example we can't create new,shopify products and a connection could,happen only when sku on amazon listing,matches a shopify product,if you are ready click start import,now you are on the celestia dashboard,in the right section you can see a,progress bar,here we indicate the progress of,importing products from shopify and,amazon and connect them,please be a little patient,this process usually takes from 5 to 30,minutes depending on catalog size,the status of downloading amazon,inventory you can find on the background,job page,the current state of the job is process,the result of these jobs will be shown,on the inventory page,because the job is not finished it's,empty,all integrated listings will be shown,under the selling list page,now we skip the part with waiting for,the inventory download part and jump at,the moment when this step is finished,on the inventory page you can already,find out all your amazon listings,now let's jump to the moment where both,the two remaining steps are already,finished,and right now we can see that amazon,listings from the inventory page,migrated to the selling list section,with all of these listings there you can,execute price and stop update operations,also all changes in shopify products,related to stock and prices will be,automatically reflected inside the,selling list and the connected amazon,listing will be updated,thank you for watching,hope you enjoy our new feature with,amazon listings automigration

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