how to link shopify to etsy

SIMPLE Etsy Shopify Integration | Cedcommerce TUTORIAL how to integrate Shopify with Etsy using,said

Sam Dey - DeyTips

Updated on Jan 21,2023

SIMPLE Etsy Shopify Integration | Cedcommerce TUTORIAL

The above is a brief introduction to how to link shopify to etsy

Let's move on to the first section of how to link shopify to etsy

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SIMPLE Etsy Shopify Integration | Cedcommerce TUTORIAL

how to integrate Shopify with Etsy using,said Commerce,hi guys it's some day here from databse,calm helping serious entrepreneurs like,you to boost sales to products and,services online using simple but super,effective online marketing tips and,tricks so if you are a serious,entrepreneur make sure you subscribe to,this channel and click that burner a,vacation button so you never miss a tip,that could help you to boost your online,earnings so in this video I'm speaking,about how you can integrate your Shopify,account with your Etsy account so this,means if you're currently selling on,etsy but you want to sell on your own,dedicated website you can do so and also,if you're selling on Shopify but you,want to import your products into Etsy,then you can do that as well,and kind of manage them seamlessly using,the said commerce integration this video,is kindly sponsored by said commerce but,I really like their tool in their app as,well so I want to show you how you can,utilize that so here I am inside of my,Shopify store and if you go down to the,apps section you can go to visit the app,store and the very first option,available is this one here with this,little line through it and it should,look like that and when you click on it,you should see it says a said Commerce,and when you install that app you should,see this page where you can connect with,your Etsy account now one thing to know,is said commerce is a premium app you do,get a 7-day trial but it's $30 a month,after that I'll leave a link in the,description down below where you can,kind of access the said commerce app as,well just in case you can't find it so,make sure you go and check that out but,essentially the very first steps are,connecting with Etsy is to actually log,in or create an Etsy account so when you,click here it will take you to your Etsy,shop and you can actually if you've,already registered for Etsy that you,just need to log in if you're not,registered yet then you will need to,choose a shop name so kind of like the,second step in the process of,registering for an Etsy account is where,you register your shop name I'm gonna,have a shop name of Sam day 45 and you,can check the availability and as long,as,available you couldn't save and,continue' and then you can set up your,product listing once you have your Etsy,store name you can type it in here and,agree to the terms and connect with Etsy,you'd then want to make sure that you,allow access to your Etsy account as,well and then you can start the process,of importing,your product so you can select one of,these options you can import all of your,products that are on Etsy you can import,your published products or you can,filter the options of what products you,want to import so for the purposes of,this video I'm going to import all of,the products and confirm and then you,can go to the dashboard so this is how,the interface will look once you have,properly integrated your Etsy account,with the said Commerce and your Shopify,store one thing that I really want to,kind of focus on is profiling so when,you go to profiling you can add a new,profile and what this allows you to do,once you name your profile is it allows,you to kind of put products into,specific categories though for example,all of your shipping details might be,the same for a specific product in a,specific category so you can make this,kind of really easy and seamless for you,yourself if you add profiles so again,said commerce actually have a 7-day try,also I would recommend going through the,different features within here and,seeing what you can do and seeing how,easy it is to kind of manage your Etsy,account within this said commerce,Shopify app so I really do hope this,video brought you some value if you're,trying to import your products from,Shopify into Etsy said commerce also,have an importer app available as well,and I'll leave a link to that in the,description down below if you want to,import your products as well they have,another app and solution so you might,want to check that out as well,but I really hope this video brought you,value and if it did then please click,the like button down below,and make sure you share this video with,a friend if you have any additional,questions or comments and leave them for,me in the comment section but until next,time what some of my other great videos,makes you subscribe to this channel for,more awesome business related content,have a great day,download the formula to generating leads,and sales online and I look forward to,seeing you soon

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