how to make a pop-up after an item is added to cart shopify

How to automatically add a product to the Cart on your Shopify Store? hi everyone this is once again

SPEEDFLY - Shopify Theme

Updated on Feb 26,2023

How to automatically add a product to the Cart on your Shopify Store?

The above is a brief introduction to how to make a pop-up after an item is added to cart shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to make a pop-up after an item is added to cart shopify

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how to make a pop-up after an item is added to cart shopify catalogs

How to automatically add a product to the Cart on your Shopify Store?

hi everyone this is once again coren,from speedycom with a new interesting,tutorial,today we are going to see how you can,automatically add a product to the cart,of your shopify store,i think this system is going to be,useful for a lot of people for example,let's say you have a free product you,can offer for all the people that get,something from your store then it's,going to help your conversions or maybe,you have a product that doesn't cost you,much and you want to sell it for i don't,know five or ten dollars then it's going,to be a useful upsell and you're going,to earn a little bit extra for each,order,before we begin you will find the link,to the written tutorial in the,description of the video,and i would also like to remind you to,subscribe to the channel not to miss out,on any of the upcoming videos and please,like the video leave a comment if you've,enjoyed it and let us know what we can,do better or what kind of tutorials you,would like to see,and lastly i want to suggest you to,check out the spitfire theme it's one of,the best in shopify,so the first thing we're going to do is,copy the code,that you can find in the tutorial,then we're going to go to,edit code,of the theme,find the card that liquid file,and we're going to paste,the code,right at the very bottom,after that the next step is about,customizing the different options of the,code,the first thing you need to decide is,whether you want to automatically add,your upsell product no matter what your,clients try to buy initially,if that's what you prefer you have to,select yes,right here but if you want to,add automatically the upsell only for,when specific products are initially,added to the cart then you have to,select here no,if you have selected no you will have to,also customize this second line of code,but if you have selected yes then you,can ignore this line so let's say we,have,first selected now,right here you will have to choose for,which product you will have to add the,upsell,and the way it works is quite easy all,you have to do is change,the targeting,of the product with the url portion of,it,so right here you can see product one i,have already pre-configured,the code but i'm going to show you how,you can find the url portion,so right here,what you see,here at the end of your product url is,what you need to copy,so here i have product one,it means that whenever someone adds to,their cart product one with this,third line of code we will add,automatically product two,so right here i'm going to show you,product two,this is the url,so,right now the code works so i'm going to,give you,a taste of it,so let's say,i add to cart my product one,you see that automatically the product 2,is added as well,but if i remove this now,and try again with the third product,you're going to see that it will not add,the upsell,so what you can do,is go back to the code,click yes here,which will mean that the second product,will be added automatically no matter,what we do with the store so,i'm going to try again with the third,product,and now you will see the upsell works,there is another thing you need to,understand and remember this system will,only work if you have a card page so if,you have a mini card or something,similar unfortunately it's not going to,work so be careful with that and we're,going to continue there is another,option you can customize,so with the last option you can actually,pick a specific variant of the product,you want to add to the card so i'm going,to go back,to product 2,and here you can see that we have,multiple variants by default it's always,the first variant that's added but if,you want a specific variant,you can for example pick it and then,click on edit,and you will see here at the end of the,url section there is an id of the set,variant so if i want to add,the variant m,this is,the id that i'm going to copy,and all i have to do is just,replace,this text,with the id,now if i try this,let's see add to cart,we can see product 2 size m,so this is it i hope you liked the,tutorial and i hope it will help you get,more sales and please don't forget once,again to subscribe to the channel to,leave a comment to like the video and i,will see you for the next one,you

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