yo yo yo what's up you guys it's Jeremy,Ray and in this video we're going to be,doing something that I've never done,before you guys in this video we're,going to be literally going on the whole,journey from start to finish on how to,build a successful Shopify Drop Shipping,business so stage number one is picking,a product before we get to actually pick,a product the first thing I want to,explain to you guys is the criteria that,I use in which to pick products so,number one the first thing that I always,make sure that I do is I make sure that,I sell a product that's problem solving,you guys want to sell problem solving,products because they literally make,people feel like they need to buy it,it's not just a want or they just want,to buy this thing from you because they,like it like a Gucci belt or Gucci shoes,it's an actual need they feel like they,actually need to have that because it,solves a problem so problem solving,products number one something that I,always do the next thing is I always,make sure that the products are viral,eye-catching have gone viral before or,at least have viral potential you don't,want to sell boring products right you,can't drop ship a banana but with that,being and said the last piece of,criteria that I always use when I'm,finding a product is I make sure that I,can sell it for at least a ten dollar,profit margin if you guys can't make ten,dollars per sale on the product that,you're Drop Shipping it's going to be,very very hard to scale with paid ads in,the future and you're not going to like,the margins that you have even if you,make it work with a 10 profit margin and,are running paid ads you're just not,gonna overall make a lot of money doing,things that way okay you guys so there's,a lot of ways to find winning products,but in this video I wanted to give you,guys only the examples that you could,use today for 100 free you're basically,just going to go on to tick tock open up,the app and you're going to search up,basically hashtag Amazon best finds so,the reason that we're searching these,hashtags you guys is because hashtag,Tick Tock made me buy it or hashtag,Amazon best finds means people are,posting videos on Tick Tock about,products that they bought off of tick,tock so if you're the one selling those,products you're going to be the one,making money and 99 of the products on,this hashtag are able to be drop shipped,when I'm looking through these products,what I'm doing is going filtering by,this week so I filter by this week and,then I filter by the most liked videos,because that's going to give me the most,viral so as I'm going through here as I,can see right this little shelf thing,for example you know this has 211,000 you know likes just off of that,which is pretty crazy if I'm scrolling,down you guys here we'll search up,hashtag Tick Tock made me buy it and if,you're not finding products you could,always do another hashtag so you could,do like you know hashtag lifehack,hashtag helpful products hashtag pain,relief products right anything you're,really trying to go but going through,these hashtags all you're going to do as,I said is sort by basically this week or,this month more preferably and then,you're gonna go most liked as you guys,can see right here we've got a bunch of,products popping up that are absolutely,viral so all I'm going to do is just go,through here like look at this one right,2.7 million likes on this video of this,product you guys this product is,something you could easily easily easily,drop ship I'm sure you can find this on,AliExpress for very very cheap and if,you guys can sell a product like this or,be the one selling a product like this,you're going to do extremely well we're,gonna look for products and once we find,one I'll hop right back on the mic,alright you guys so we found a product,the product that we're actually going to,be using for this video and showing this,whole process is this little cup cleaner,thing so this thing went insanely viral,and this is definitely a product that,I've seen go viral a lot but I haven't,seen anybody honestly reach its full,potential with this product yet I know,this is a crazy viral product and a,great product to be selling so that's,why we're going to be rolling with this,one so now that we have a product picked,out the next thing we're going to do is,think of a name think of a logo and then,build the website what I usually do in,order to think of a name and think of a,logo is first I think about the product,I think about what type of feelings it,creates what type of emotion it gives,off what vibe does your product give off,then think of those and turn them into,words and think of what words kind of,resemble your product and that's how you,make a name and then off of that name,you'll start creating a logo your logo,could literally just be your name,written in cool font it could be,whatever you guys want all right you,guys so when it comes to picking a name,in a logo as I said you got to keep it,simple this is not something you should,over complicate or take too long with at,all you're just wasting your time if you,take too long with it because the most,important thing is just getting the,marketing to test if the product's even,going to work in general so with that,being said you guys when I'm thinking of,a name I'm literally just gonna think of,words with my products so basically my,product is that little cup or that,little thing that basically cleans cups,right so one word is cup and one word is,clean right so maybe we could go clean,cut maybe we could go with cup clean but,I think we'll just go with clean cup so,essentially you guys once I think of a,name right see how easy that was that,literally took five seconds right clean,cup it tells exactly what the product,does you guys keep your name simple with,that being said the next thing I would,do is just go and pick a different font,you guys could literally just write your,name and put it in a cool font for this,app that I'm editing on it's called,canva this is no way a paid promo for,canva or anything like that but they're,just the software I've been using,literally since I started and I,absolutely love using canva maybe what,we'll do right here is search up clean,and we'll try to find some little sort,of you know image or something that we,could throw in here so we look and we,see clean let's go ahead and maybe try,with this guy so maybe we try putting,this you know right by the piece see how,it kind of circles off right there like,maybe like right there would look cool,you know like um,right,uh,nah now I have the logo kind of looking,like this so it essentially just says,clean cup and then it has that little,green little like L's to make it kind of,cool you know to make it pop out the,next thing I'm gonna do is just prepare,for the social media accounts when you,make the social media account to,Instagram Tick Tock you need to have a,profile photo so all I did was went and,literally just duplicated this logo onto,another size just a square size in canva,and made the logo for profile photos,essentially on Tick Tock and Instagram,now we're gonna move on to stage two and,actually start building this website all,right you guys so now we're gonna start,building our website this is a super,exciting spot to be in when you get,started doing e-commerce so with that,being said you guys all we're going to,do in order to start using Shopify is,we're going to go ahead and go to,shopify.com so we're going to go to,shopify.com and then all we're going to,do after we land on the Shopify page is,click Start free trial then you're gonna,go ahead and grab an email account it,doesn't have to be a business email or,nothing like that you guys this could,literally just be your regular email so,I'm just starting out or I can just skip,through these questions you can just,skip skip or you can answer them United,States is where I'm basically doing my,business and now I'm just going to,continue with Google so I'm just going,to continue with Google because I have a,Google account already set up for this,actual product so go ahead and basically,sign into my Shopify account and now,what happens you guys is our store,starts getting built as soon as this,loads up we're going to be able to fully,customize our Drop Shipping Store,however we would like in order to do,that you guys one thing with Drop,Shipping you guys want to be using,premium themes What premium themes are,are essentially what allow you to make,your website look good it's kind of like,the makeup of your website and premium,themes usually cost anywhere from 500 to,a thousand dollars but at the end of the,video the theme that I use in this video,is actually a custom theme that I had,made for me by my development team so,you guys if you want that theme you're,going to be able to get it for 100 free,I'm going to go over here and I'm going,to download my premium theme so this is,the exact same link that you guys will,see when you go down to the description,then you just click this and basically,download this premium theme this is good,to know just because you guys will,probably have to do this at some point,with your Shopify store even if it's not,with my theme all I'm going to do is,Click download on all of this it's going,to download this ZIP file and then,essentially all I'm going to do is go,down here and import my theme so as soon,as I go to online store you're going to,see and this is your Shopify dashboard,this is where you're going to be able to,see everything so this is where you're,building your store and for those of you,who are totally lost and new to drop,shipping you guys Shopify is basically,just a website host or a website,provider so all I'm going to do is go,down here and go into add theme and then,I'm going to upload a zip file so I'm,just going to upload my zip file because,I'm obviously using my custom theme for,this video and then I'm going to click,upload file once I've clicked that you,guys the themes automatically going to,import into Shopify and then I'm going,to click actions and as soon as this,thing's done I'll be able to click this,little button that says publish but,there's also free themes you guys could,use on Shopify as well which are totally,cool to check out it's included in your,Shopify subscription so you guys will,have access to these themes as well but,basically all I'm going to do is Click,actions and then I'm going to publish it,and that's what's going to make my,website actually be using this certain,theme basically you guys if you just,follow what I'm doing in this video,you'll be able to set it up so if you're,getting confused just pause this video,and follow along with it while I'm,talking but with that being said you,guys we're gonna go ahead and go to,customize and now we're going to,actually start customizing our store so,the first thing that I always like to do,on my stores is just kind of get the,base model built out for it mess with,the colors mess with the logos all that,sort of stuff and just kind of get in,you know get it looking good so the,first thing I'm going to do is I'm going,to go to the header and I'm going to,bring our beautiful logo over into this,header so I'm going to drag and drop,that little file there that I made in,canva if I get lucky it's going to pop,up right up top just like that you guys,another tip for drop shippers only edit,your website in mobile view you,guys I see so many drop shippers editing,their websites on desktop view but,nobody is going to come to your website,on the desktop most everybody is going,to your website off of mobile if you're,doing Drop Shipping because you're,probably doing social media marketing so,with that being said just focus on the,mobile view now I'm going to go ahead,and go down and customize my colors so,when I go down to customize my colors,I'm basically going to go into my theme,settings I'm going to go to colors and,then I'm just going to start messing,around with my colors so I want my,heading to be black I want my body text,to be black I want all of this to be,black essentially I like to make things,super super clean you guys none of my,websites look crazy there's a lot of,other drop shippers that might do it,differently but this is just how I do,things and this is what always works,best for me so for the background I'm,going to leave it basically probably a,little light green slash white up top,just so it kind of matches the logo just,maybe like that just super super light,right this kind of Mint type of color I,really like this color for this product,because green kind of makes you feel,clean if that's a little rhyme so for,the footer we're going to do the same,thing we're going to make the footer,actually this light green as well we're,going to make the heading text black so,it pops up and then we're going to make,the regular text black as well out so,heading text all the way black boom boom,we're going to go ahead and actually,make this let's make this little sidebar,green as well just because why don't we,so we're going to make the sidebar,navigation green as well and the easy,way to do this is just copy and paste,these little numbers down here and then,just paste them into the next one,otherwise you're going to be like,adjusting the colors trying to mess with,it so with the newsletter I'm not even,going to use that so I'm just going to,leave it and then we're going to go,ahead and click save so the next thing,you guys can do is adjust or mess with,your font on your store so I'm going to,go here and just kind of check out the,different options so you guys can see,what options are available on my custom,theme but I'm going to use the option,that we were already using for this,store just because it looks good with it,I can basically just go ahead and use,whatever font I like the most so I,definitely like this sensor riff font,it's pretty cool let's try this mono one,one more time see what this guy looks,like I honestly like this one the best,so we're just going to leave it with,this one and then you guys could also go,currency conversion you guys can go,animations you guys can mess with,literally everything go ahead and just,make sure that on this checkout thing,right here it looks similar colors to,your regular stuff so for example,background color right here right for,your checkout I'm going to want it to be,the same little green color background,color for this I'm going to want it to,be the same little green color just so,it makes sense so now as you guys can,see it's basically that really really,light green color on the background this,just makes your whole brand look like,more of a put together brand and not,just like a bunch of random different,colors the next thing you guys are going,to want to do is go on this announcement,bar and just put free worldwide shipping,next thing you guys are going to want to,do is go up and customize your little,header up top so what I'm going to do,for this one is I'm going to make the,background basically black and then I'm,going to make the text white so,background black text white just because,I think that looks good since we have,kind of a light header with that little,bar up top that'll look really good so I,want to show my bar on both pages so I'm,just going to leave it that way and then,basically all I'm going to do next is,I'm going to remove this collection,section because we're just doing a one,product store and I'm just going to go,ahead and basically add our product to,the store next and then we're going to,come back into these settings another,thing I want to show you guys is if you,click add section this is where you can,add basically everything else that,Shopify offers so if you want a,slideshow images whatever you could add,them all right here like I said at the,beginning of this video I personally do,everything super super clean and minimal,so I'm not going to use anything other,than literally the slideshow the,featured product the Instagram feed,which I'm not going to use in this video,since I'm not going to really be,actually selling this product I'm going,to be obviously giving this website away,but you can use the Instagram feed I,literally just I'm going to have a,slideshow a featured product and a,newsletter on my home page so all I'm,going to do is that and then basically,the next thing we're going to do is,start importing the product to our store,all right you guys so the next thing,we're going to want to do is get started,adding the product to our actual store,so all we're going to do is go ahead and,click exit and then essentially once we,click exit I hope I click save okay you,guys remember to click save on your,store remember to click save please all,right you guys so basically now we're,just going to go into Apps and we're,going to download dessers but all we're,going to do is basically is Type in,dsers and go ahead and add this app to,our Shopify store so we're going to go,ahead and click add app we're going to,go ahead and just click install app,as you can see you guys we've got our,dazers or dancers account set up so now,I'm going to go ahead and do is go ahead,and click AliExpress and now I'm going,to link my AliExpress account to my,deezer's account you guys can use,zendrop CJ Drop Shipping anything you,really want register your location,United States your email address and,then I'm going to make a password guys,don't peep my password I know I got this,camera coming over the top of me all,right verified I'm not a robot now I'm,going to save the password for this I'm,going to go to my email because there's,a verification code and then I'm going,to grab that code and basically enter it,right over back into this little,AliExpress right here two four six one,two four six one verify email,five four three two one boom now deezers,and AliExpress is essentially connecting,AliExpress is where you're gonna find,your product deezers is actually what's,going to connect it to your Shopify,store and I know before you guys go,running to my comment section saying,Jeremy didn't you just make a video,saying not to use AliExpress in the,video I specifically tell you guys that,you need to use AliExpress in the,beginning but once you make sales you,switch to a private supplier immediately,and if you need a private supplier you,could obviously hit me up on Instagram,and I got you but the point is when you,guys are in the testing phase of just,seeing if a product's gonna work there's,no point in setting up a private,supplier right now I'm just going to go,ahead and click I will explore freely,and learn they give a little tutorial on,deezers which is nice but you guys don't,need that so with that being said you,guys next thing we're going to do is,just go right here and enter the,keywords we want to search so we just,want to search cup brush essentially,right cut brush boom let's see if it,pops up if not we'll try a cup cleaner,and we'll just kind of go from there so,anyways you guys cup brush wherever my,product is right here so so another,thing I want to show you real quick,though before I import this one is if,you guys can't find your product right,on this screen you guys just simply pull,up AliExpress right here and if you want,to search on AliExpress you can do the,same thing and actually import any,product from this website to your store,through dessers but essentially I found,it already right here so all I'm going,to do next is go ahead and click add to,import list as you can see I'm getting,this product for 1.52 cents which is,crazy but now that I have it added to my,import list next thing I'm going to do,is go right here and go to import list,now you guys all I'm going to do is,literally just clean out everything,right here so I'm gonna go clean cup so,the official,the official clean Cup right just to,make it seem like it's official another,thing I'll go ahead and do is just go,our trademark symbol and then I'll just,add it to the side because it just looks,kind of good and looks kind of cool and,I like to use this thing on everything,for some reason Boom the official clean,cup so for the variants you guys on here,the rest of the stuff on my edit I'm not,going to edit any of this because it's a,one product store but you could choose,collection like that but this is,just a one product store so we don't,have any of that so with variants right,it's going to cost us 225 shipping seven,dollars so basically I want to make sure,that I'm at least selling it for you,know 19.99 because I want to be making,ten dollars per sale and then I'm going,to make it look like it's on sale so I'm,going to make it seem like it's,regularly 49.99 this compare price value,is basically going to be crossed out,you'll see it once we import it to,Shopify but it's basically going to show,like almost you know like a hypothetical,discount type of thing like the products,on sale what I'm going to do right here,for description is just delete at,literally everything that they have this,is all garbage you guys cannot be using,the descriptions that they just give of,you as soon as you import your product,from AliExpress that is a garbage way to,do it you guys do not do that it's not,going to work long term you're not going,to build a real brand that way so I,deleted all that you guys now I'm going,to go to images and I'm just going to go,ahead and basically see if they have,good ones if they have good images you,guys can use them if not you guys can,make custom content you don't,necessarily have to if they have good,enough images but you always can so this,product actually has some really great,images so what I'm going to do is,actually uncheck all of them and just,check the ones that I want to bring over,to my store so I actually do like these,images you guys it is important to make,custom content but for the sake of this,video and for the sake of saving you,guys some time I'm not going to do any,of that I'm just going to get right into,things you guys can take and what I mean,by custom content is taking your own,photos and videos but you guys now that,we have some photos picked out that we,like I'm just going to select the ones I,like and click save once I click save,you guys all I'm going to do now is go,ahead and go push to Shopify and,basically just click continue selling,when out of stock also publish to online,store and not click the pricing rule do,not click the pricing rule thing now all,I'm going to do is do push to Shopify so,now you guys this product is going to be,pushed right onto my Shopify store and,basically what I'm going to do is go,back over into Shopify and I'm going to,go to products it's really cool because,literally if I click this I right now,and look at my store you can actually,see the product for sale as you can see,this is the compare app price I was,telling you about right 49.99 crossed,out it's 19.99 right it's on sale now,all we're going to do is work on the,product description all right you guys,so what I'm going to make my product,description one thing that I like to do,is just I get ideas from competitors so,if you want to see competitors basically,selling your product all you're going to,do is just go ahead and type in your,product name plus Shopify so literally,cut brush plus Shopify and now I'm going,to see a bunch of Shopify stores that,are selling essentially cup brushes all,right you guys so with your description,you're just going to make it basically a,sales pitch think about actually selling,the customer do not just put in oh it's,made with this material this this and,this don't put any of that you guys just,put what people want to see why is it,cool what makes it awesome what makes it,the best product out there so basically,for my description you guys can just go,ahead and see this but basically what I,did is number one I said making cleanup,time and easy time the official clean,cup will clean your dirty cups in the,sink faster than you can put them in the,dishwasher right cool little tagline,makes it kind of cool makes people think,oh it grabs attention right then the,next one is going to be one that grabs,attention as well and then the last one,is going to be more descriptive so the,second one says no more full sync no,matter if you're on vacation or just at,home chilling with the official clean,cups simple and easy to use design you,won't only be able to take it anywhere,you'll want to take it everywhere so,what I'm doing there is just explaining,something cool about it something cool,about this product is you could remove,it so you could bring it anywhere,whether you're in an Airbnb on the go in,a hotel this would be a very very,convenient product to use especially if,you don't have a dishwasher and you wash,everything by hand so I'm trying to make,that point in this section the next part,of the description the third part is,just going to be kind of descriptive so,what I'm going to do here is just,describe it a little more this product,uses highly elastic densified silk wool,one brush with two heads the inside of,the cup and the cup body can also be,easily cleaned the base has a suction,cup that can be sucked on a flat surface,for cleaning making cleaning more,convenient and faster I just like to,describe a little bit more about the,product because there is some people who,are going to want to know a little more,about it in words but as you can see the,first two parts of the description are,just basically hyping it up and then in,the last part I actually describe it the,next thing you guys are going to want to,do is add gifts to your website if you,don't know how to make a gift you just,go to giffy.com and make one I already,have some basically made so what I'm,going to do is go ahead and just grab,these gifts that I already have and just,insert them right into my description so,if I go ahead and click this one I'm,going to insert that guy right there I'm,actually going to make it a little,bigger,boom just so it looks a little better,then I'm going to go ahead and do this,one more time so I'm going to go ahead,and upload file and I'm going to go,ahead and use another one you guys for,the sake of this video I'm just using,gifts that I found off the internet,obviously since you guys will have the,time to sit down there and actually make,custom content you guys want to probably,be making your giffies by yourself,because it's better to make them custom,obviously Customs always better than,just doing something that you know is,out there on the internet and then click,save so after I've clicked save you guys,now when I go ahead and go to my online,store I'm going to actually go and check,out what the product page looks like so,we can get a live example of how this,description looks and if it looks good,or if it looks trash and I need to get a,new lesson on how to do this stuff so,basically if I click select where the,product is this is just going to be our,featured product and essentially right,here you guys as you can see the gifts,look great right little right here you,know make cleanup time and easy time,with the official right you got the,description you've got the add to cart,you've got everything right here I want,the description option to be below the,add to cart I want to make the add to,cart up top so make sure you click that,little button just so people can see add,to cart right away but as you can see,right here you guys it looks insanely,clean this website's starting to come,together super easily all right you guys,so all I'm going to do basically here is,just go ahead and upload a cool image,I'm just going to do a cool image of a,kitchen that I can find just because I,want it to be something clean I don't,want it to be something that's,necessarily the product I don't want,them to just see the product right off,the bat I want them to be intrigued by,the website so it looks like you know an,actual website that's there to actually,you know help you out with something not,just a website that's just selling you,know one product and I don't want to,make it look like a Drop Shipping Store,I want to make it custom so I'm just,going to find a cool picture of a,kitchen and then essentially once I find,a pitch that looks good right here I'm,going to roll with it and we're going to,get started with the rest of everything,all right you guys so I actually really,like this image because it's light it,kind of matches the theme of the website,and it just looks good so basically I'm,gonna go with this image is and all I'm,going to do is go ahead and like I said,you guys you could add custom content,here obviously if you're taking pictures,and videos of the product like you,should be,clean easy simple all right you guys so,for this I'm just putting clean easy,simple just because it seems like words,that go well with this right next thing,I'm going to do is go down to newsletter,I'm going to select an image and I'm,going to find another image that I want,to use for the newsletter maybe for this,one I'll use the actual product let's,see how it looks nah we're going to go,ahead and type in kitchen again and then,I'm basically going to pick another,product that I want to use for the,newsletter so right here this is,actually a great one because what I'm,going to say in the newsletter is going,to go along with this so basically what,I'm going to say in the newsletter is,just go ahead and say more updates keep,updated with our team subscribe to,receive updates access to exclusive,deals and more enter your email,subscribe right it looks clean it looks,easy it's easy to see it's you know it,looks nice right easily boom right there,newsletter looks good now you guys with,our services this is a great thing to,just leave right here it says it says,something real nice which people like to,see right with the footer you guys as,far as footer menu goes I'm going to go,ahead and edit this in a bit links you,guys you could go ahead and add links if,you want but you don't have to all I'm,going to do now basically is get rid of,this powered by Shopify so in order to,get rid of this powered by Shopify logo,all you're going to do in here is going,to edit code and then basically once you,go into edit code you're going to go,down here into article liquid,and then basically all you do once you,go ahead and click edit code is you go,on here and you type in footer so once,you go in here and you type in footer,you guys,you're going to see that basically you,can go to footer liquid once you're,inside a footer liquid all you're going,to do is Click command F and then you're,going to find where it says powered and,basically that's going to give you the,powered by link all you're going to do,here I know it looks crazy but it's not,you're just going to go ahead and click,delete you're just going to delete it,and then click save trust me it's not,going to be scary you're totally fine so,now all we're going to do is Click exit,and then we're going to go back to our,Shopify store and as you'll notice you,guys there is no powered by Shopify Link,at the bottom of my website anymore boom,called it there's no Shopify link just,clean Cup right which looks pretty good,and then essentially all that's left to,do is make my legal pages so I'm going,to go into settings and I'm going to go,into policies and then I'm going to go,ahead and make my legal templates for,your refund policy you can just do the,30-day one that Shopify recommends you,which I'll just do for the sake of this,video or you can just write whatever,custom you know paint refund policy you,want to run but the cool part about it,is you guys have all these policies Made,For You by Shopify you just have to go,in here and basically insert,instructions or insert different things,if you want to customize it for yourself,but Shopify already does all this for,you so you don't have to go doing all,this by yourself so now you guys,basically once we have all that set up,all I'm going to do is go ahead and,click save and then once I click save,I'm going to click X now after I do that,I'm going to go to navigation and I'm,going to start actually adding these to,my footer menu so first thing I'm going,to do is go down to policies I'm going,to terms of service number one right,boom boom boom paste it right there,terms of service then I'm going to go,number one policies again I'm going to,go refund policy add and for this video,I'm just using the templates you guys,but feel free to do whatever you want,with these I'm going to click add to,that and then I'm going to go down here,and I'm going to do one page which is,going to be the contact,us and then I'm gonna just bring this,contact us one right up to the top just,because that's usually what people are,going to be asking and I'm going to,delete this search because there's no,point in having to search on your,website if you're doing a one product,store so now I'm just gonna do instead,of footer menu I'm going to say more,about us basically you guys now after,that's done all you're going to do is,start adjusting the shipping settings,you're going to go ahead and go in here,and the first thing you're going to do,is just get rid of all your current,rates so you're going to click manage,rates and then you're going to go ahead,and just delete all these rates that,they already have set up for you in,Shopify you're gonna go to show details,you're going to click manage remove,rates for shop location you're going to,click manage and then you're going to go,ahead and add rates for dessers so now,all I'm going to do is go rest of world,I'm just going to go free VIP insured,foreign,free worldwide shipping the reason I'm,making my shipping for you guys is,because you do not want to charge a,customer twice and I'm just going to go,minimum weight zero maximum weight zero,and then I'm going to click done and,save and just like that you guys I will,have free shipping on all my products,there is a couple things I want to show,you guys that I'm not doing in this,video because I'm giving this store away,so the new owner who's going to be one,of you guys watching this video is going,to have to do this themselves because,they're going to want to set up their,payment info but basically you guys you,want to make sure that you set up your,payment info so go ahead and go to,settings go to payments and go ahead and,complete your Shopify payment setup just,click activate Shopify payments if,you're somewhere else in the world,there's a bunch of other providers you,just click see all providers and see,which one works for you if you're,anywhere else in the world chances are,to check out is going to be offered to,you next thing you can do is add a,PayPal right here you can just go ahead,and click complete account setup and,it's going to take you to PayPal where,you can set up your business PayPal,account the next thing you guys want to,do is go over to markets and make sure,you have your Global International,Market turned on if you don't have this,turned on people will not be able to buy,from anywhere other than the United,States so click manage and make sure,make sure you activate this so you click,manage you click to activate and now,your store will be recommended,everywhere in the world and not just in,the US next thing is if you guys want to,add a custom domain like a.com to your,website is you guys go over to domains,and you just click buy new domain and,then you can search for whatever domain,you want so for example Jeremy Ray right,if I'm going if I want to do,j-r-e-m I can't even spell my name,jeremireholz.com it's unavailable sadly,because I took it but you guys as you,can see there's tons of other options,right.net.org.clothing.boutique.shopping.store.shop.us.academy.accountants,show more 10. this is just the ace so,you could literally do dot anything so,you guys can just choose through,whatever you want right here if you guys,want to know how to make discount codes,which is something you can do for,customers you can go to discounts you,can go to analytics to see the actual,van analytics behind your website you,guys can go to customers products orders,and then just basically your home is,where everything's going to be now that,we're done with stage two which is,basically your whole entire website,build out now we're going to get into,stage three all right you guys so when,it comes to stage three something that's,super super important to understand is,this stage is literally just marketing,as we talked about in the beginning of,this video so we're just going to be,talking about marketing and in this,video I'm going to be talking about the,marketing method that I use most,commonly and that is free traffic so,what free traffic is is essentially,posting on social media just for free,just posting regular like Tick Tock,videos right and utilizing the algorithm,in the right way in order to make videos,go viral some key things to remember,about free traffic is number one you,guys need to be posting custom content,so you guys need to order the product to,your house so you can take custom,content with it which is exactly why I,have the product with me for this video,another thing you guys want to make sure,of is that you guys are selling products,that are viral and eye-catching as we,talked about in stage one and the next,thing you guys want to make sure of is,when you're doing free traffic you need,to be consistent you guys must be,consistent with posting three times per,day on Tick Tock you guys want to be,posting just three times throughout the,day no specific times nothing like that,just posting three times per day testing,anywhere from three to four hashtags in,your captions and just recreating other,people's viral videos so all I'm gonna,do is go on Tick Tock and as you can see,right here I have this viral video that,I literally found the product on so all,I would do in this case is just recreate,this viral video exactly use the same,text use the same video the same sound,use everything the exact same on Tick,Tock and basically just recreate this,video and all I'm going to do is,basically just make a simple Tick Tock,account put the logo as the profile,photo and just put a simple bio you guys,are going to want to have a tick tock,and an Instagram account so make sure,you make both on Tick Tock you can't,actually put a link in your bio until,you have a thousand followers I get this,question all the time and that's why I,wanted to answer it in this video so,basically you guys instead of having a,link in your Tick Tock bio you're gonna,just basically go ahead and put shop now,on our Instagram and put a little,pointer finger towards your Instagram,logo on your Tick Tock bio as you can,see on my screen so then when people,want to buy it after they see your Tick,Tock video they know to just go to your,Instagram and then you can just put your,link in your Instagram right here so,obviously I don't have the website live,because I'm going to give it away to one,of you guys,so when it comes to posting on social,media you guys the number one thing to,remember is that that being consistent,absolutely matters if you guys want to,utilize free traffic in order to get,viral videos and go viral on Tick Tock,and ultimately make sales on your store,you need to be posting consistently,three times per day I recommend you post,three times per day just recreating,viral videos about your product or using,videos that you think of just post three,tick tocks per day about your product I,recommend you guys doing this for at,least two weeks so a total of 42 posts,over two weeks you guys can just go,ahead and dip on the product and start,with a new product you guys do not feel,bad to leave a product if you're not,able to make it go viral in two weeks,but make sure you guys are posting,consistently three times per day as far,as hashtags and captions you guys could,use on your videos just go get ideas,from competitors go on Tick Tock look at,other people who are selling your same,product and copy exactly what they're,doing social media Works off an,algorithm so if you know that a video,has gone viral before if you recreate,that video the exact exact same way,chances are yours will go viral too,another question I get is if you're,outside of the U.S how do you get U.S,traffic because Tick Tock will,automatically put your videos in places,where you're from lucky for you guys,there's these things called vpns which,you can use on any phone or laptop just,go on the App Store search a VPN and,download it and basically that's going,to allow you to fake your location,if you just save a tick tock just based,right out of the app just click save,it's going to have a watermark on it,this little Tick Tock symbol you guys,don't want to have that on it when you,go to repost it on Instagram reels so,all you're going to do is go to this,website called snaptick and then,basically Once you pull up the website,snaptick you're going to paste The Tick,Tock link right in there click download,and as soon as it downloads basically,you guys are going to be able to,basically have this video with no,watermark and just as you can see I have,the video saved basically now with no,watermark on it and it's even more,quality than the tick tock version now,what you guys are going to do is simply,just take that video and post it on,Instagram reels the nice thing about it,is you're just reposting your Tick Tock,so you already made the video all you,have to do is post it on Instagram reels,and now your videos are on two platforms,instead of one so you have double the,chance of going viral you guys could,also repost Tick Tock videos on YouTube,shorts which I highly recommend you do,and even on Pinterest so you guys be,posting your videos on all these,platforms it's worth it because it's,easy decided to start a women's clothing,store so I had like the Shopify free,trial on that one I had like 50 bucks at,the time left and uh then I basically,put up like 150 or 200 products on it or,something crazy in like two days like,made an Instagram for it and then this,girl dm'd me from Lake Oswego she hits,me up she's like can I be an ambassador,I was like what's that and she's like oh,you give me a 20 offer a discount code,and um I basically shop at your store,and then promote you guys in my bio and,she went and bought like 70 worth of,stuff and I got the order like when I,was in the OC parking lot and I was like,like I my pants went home kind of,planned out I was like I'm gonna DM all,the people who are following all these,other women's clothing brands and ask,them to be my ambassadors my girlfriend,at the time was there she I was tripping,I was like we're about to make like four,G's a month like we're about to be,traveling like it's gonna be nuts like,crazy and then so I just literally,started dming all day long and I did it,was like 50k gross before I ever got,into like Facebook ads or anything just,out of the PMS,once you start making sales you want to,use a private pliers so you could get,faster shipping in order to do this you,guys you could either DM me on Instagram,and I could hook you up with my private,supplier connect or you guys could use,stuff like zendrop CJ Dropship or just,search up private Drop Shipping supplier,online and there's tons of them that you,guys could use a bunch of different,things that I recommend but mainly if,you guys want a for sure connect that's,going to do you really right with a,private supplier just go ahead and DM me,on Instagram and I'll connect you with,my private supplier who I use and all my,students use at crystalline Academy when,you guys go to scale you're going to,want to go and start running paid ads I,recommend either using Tick Tock ads or,Facebook ads or both but I want you guys,to really just focus on what I covered,in this video first and not get,yourselves overwhelmed so with that,being said you guys I know we talked,about a ton of stuff in this video so if,you need any help or have any questions,please do not hesitate to DM me on,Instagram or just drop a question in the,comment section I'll reply to your,comment and get right back to you thank,you so much for watching this video I,definitely hope you got some value from,it
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