how to make a shopify empire

Empire Theme Shopify Designing | Step-By-Step Shopify Tutorial 2021 welcome to ecom ranks in this vi

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Updated on Mar 07,2023

Empire Theme Shopify Designing | Step-By-Step Shopify Tutorial 2021

The above is a brief introduction to how to make a shopify empire

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Empire Theme Shopify Designing | Step-By-Step Shopify Tutorial 2021

welcome to ecom ranks in this video i,will guide you on how you are able to,customize,the latest uh empire theme,okay for your shopify website let me,show you an example websites that are,built using empire,theme so this is the first example,here is the logo this is the search bar,and this is the menu,and here is the second secondary menu,okay after we scroll down,it's a slider image or the main image,and it's the feature text and these are,all the collections added here bedroom,dining living,and this is the featured section all of,these sections,uh have been added to create,a beautiful websites okay so all of,these,sections are available in empire theme,so,uh let me show you another example this,is another beautiful website that is,built using the umpire theme,okay so uh we will customize,this website okay this is the,uh german-based uh website and all of,the,languages german i have switched it to,english,but it is built using the empire theme,okay so we will build an exactly similar,website so that,you are able to move or get to know,about different sections,of empire theme okay,so let's get started our video,okay so first section is here that it is,the announcement bar,and then here is the logo section and,this,is this my website okay once i have,added my theme,over here just like here i have added it,it's the latest updated empire theme,version and i'm customizing it from,start,okay so once it's added here,we have to click on the customize,and after clicking on customize,this window will get opened okay in this,window you will see,all the changes and from this window,and this sidebar you are able to do all,the settings of your theme,okay so firstly we have to add this text,okay let me switch it back to german,okay,we have to copy it and simply go to the,announcement bar,and paste it over here okay so,the color the background color would be,this one,and the text color would be white okay,okay so the announcement bar has been,added,let's just move back what's the utility,bar,basically utility bar is,a bar that comes under an announcement,bar,here you are able to add one more menu,just like you have,some privacy policies pages or about us,or contact us pages,you can create a menu and add all those,links,here okay similar to this one,i don't want to use this in this theme,so simply i will disable it,okay so after this,here comes the header section once we,click on the header section i want to,increase its,width okay,set it to let's 60 px okay,and from this section you are able to,see the mobile version of your um the,mobile version of your website,okay so let me increase the width on,mobile version,okay it's already fine you don't want to,increase it in mobile version,switch back to desktop okay,to move so show search bar on mobile yes,i need it,i simply enable all these options these,are,very good options you can do the same,okay it's asking for the secondary menu,it's similar to the utility bar,and all the links are added here and,when we add the secondary menu,it will be added over here similar to,this shop okay this,this shop has added secondary menu okay,so i i don't want to add the secondary,menu,over here so i already have a large menu,over here so,simply i will skip this option,move back and one more thing that i want,to show you that uh once i scroll uh,down my header is moving uh,with me okay so it's bad because it's,covered 20,of the website area and it's not user,friendly,so let me disable this option,once i will disable it now the header,will not,move along with me okay,hit the save button okay so now the,announcement bar is done,utility bar and the header section is,done we have done with,customizing all this section okay so,here comes the slideshow section,okay so we don't need a slideshow,section basically slideshow section,um decreases your website speeds it's,an honest opinion to not use slideshow,if if you want to increase your website,speed,don't use that slideshow image so,what's this this is a new section called,featured image so let us add this,section we have to scroll down and hit,the add section button,and there will be a section called,image,this is the section that we want to add,image with text overlay,okay so let us add the image,move down,so this is the image that i want to add,i simply select it,and the section height i have to set its,original expect ratio so,let me tell you what's that okay,let me remove all these options,because we don't need it,okay so what's the opacity basically,opacity is the,color that would make your image,appear more good if you have some,background,images of if you have white background,images,you should have some opacity but for now,i have to set it to zero,so that to make it more visible for this,button text,let me remove it so now all the things,have been removed because here there are,no,text and no button so i have removed all,these things,okay so what's this,this is basically the section height,from here we are able to set the section,height to small,medium large or original aspect ratio,okay i have set it to original aspect,ratio because,doing so it will uh set,the section height according to the,banner size,banner width and banner height okay so,that's the best option,simply move this section at the top,hit the save button,okay the very important thing is that,when i click on this manner it takes me,to the page,where all collections are listed okay to,add the link,we have to move to that image and then,we have to add the link over here,collections and all collections,okay hit the save button,and it's done what's the next section,the next section is a,text a heading and a text okay to add it,we have to move down,and hit the add section okay,after clicking on it we have to add a,text,here there will be an option for text,where it is where it is,this is an option of text simply click,on it,and here let me copy the heading,and i will add the heading over here and,let's copy the description and i will,add the description over here,remove all the spacing,and i have to set the section width,width to wide wide or full width,okay so now it's according to this,website exactly let,us move it at the top under the banner,perfect now we have customized our,announcement the header section the,image section and this text section,so let's move forward,okay so now the next section is the main,product,or the featured product of the website,here we see the one product and another,one,another one one two three,four five six seven,so we have to add seven sections of,featured products,simply copy this uh,the product title and then from here,we have to,let me close all these options,okay from here we have to add the,featured product,section move down here,is an option to add the feature product,section select it and hand,then we have to paste our product title,and select that product,okay so it's added here,go back and move this product,under the rich text that we have added,okay similarly do it for,uh the six other products,hit the add section and then we have to,add the,featured product here is an option,okay okay so here we see that,i have added all of these featured,products,okay so we have to move it up,or simply i don't need all other,sections because i am customizing it,according to this website okay so,let me delete all these sections so that,those feature products will be move up,automatically,you don't need it and simply add it,again,if you want to add those sections from,here okay,so let's see our website the header the,main image that rich text,and the featured product section okay,so it's super great that we are,customizing it,quite easily hits the save button,and the announcement about the header,section,the main image there is text and all of,the featured products have been added,when we move down there is an other,section which is called collection list,all of the collections are listed here,let me switch it to english so that you,can understand it,these are all of my collections of the,website,this is the collection list title okay,put it back,for this we have to copy this heading,and from here we have this section,called collection list if it's not here,you can add it from here,collection list and simply,add our title over here and,scroll down,click on collections and all collections,okay,to add a collection under it you have to,click on this icon right after clicking,on it,there will be a cl all of the,collections are open,simply select it and from here,you can copy this,and paste it over here,let me do the same for all of the,sections,copy it and then paste it over here,okay so now i have added all those,collections,okay so the collections link has been,added,added here and this image has been added,here,uh similarly i have added all these,uh 10 to 12 collections,okay let me close this from here,and move down,the what's next section from here,we see is newsletter section,and this section okay to add this,newsletter section,i have to go down hit the add,section and then i have to,choose newsletter,for this i have to copy this a heading,and paste it over here,and for this we have to copy this,heading i have to paste it,over here you can simply,use any english text just like get,discounts get free discounts or get,latest news,on sale and discounts okay so it's,has been set according to this website,what's next section it's this is,the trust banner or the grunty banner,or the highlight banner,go back hit the add section,and here will be an option to add it,highlight banner,okay to customize it i have to,first of all change the icon color to,our branded,color and the text color,should be dark black jet lag,okay so it's set,move back and from here you are able to,add,the text just copy and paste it,let me do it fast okay,so i have copied it let's copy it,and paste it over here,okay so now everything has been added,the only one thing,is missing is that here we see a card,icon and here we see a location icon,today,to change this icon you have to,scroll up and hit this and select the,credit card option,okay so now it's same go back and hit,the save button,the newsletter section has been added,the highlight banner have been added the,only section,that is left on the home page is uh,the footer section so the footer section,we have,four things the about us the two menus,and and this is a social media links,okay so first of all we have to,uh add this text to our,footer section copy it and have to,go to the footer section and open this,tab,here we see a five to six section we,have we don't need it,we just need two menus let me delete,this block and for the social tab,i i have i need it,at the end and we don't need this,subscribe tab,okay and one more tab that i have add is,about us,let me write here about us,and move it to the top,okay so the about us section is added,here,the two menus are added here and the,social media icons,should be added here to add uh do to,make that,same menu it's called the quick links,i have changed its names let's change,that menu,so this is the quick links written in,german,so a quick link menu has been added for,another menu,i have to add it click on change menu,and then,from here i have to add this menu this,one,okay so it's added over here and the,fold the social accounts,we have to add links for,facebook twitter pinterest and instagram,but firstly i want to tell you that i,don't need,this menu over here okay to get rid of,it click on footer,and from here you can simply remove that,menu,go back and now we have to set,the social icons click on theme settings,and there will be an option for social,media click on it,and simply let me copy all these,links let me copy it,and paste it over here,and then copy it and,paste it over here and then copy the,pinterest,and paste it over here and then we'll,have to,copy the instagram,and paste it over here,actually it's my client store so if you,want me to customize,your website more professionally you i,have,left my contacts information in the,description section,and you can contact me from there on,fiverr or on skype,okay after doing all these changes you,can hit the save button,okay so the changes has been saved,now what the thing is left is that we,have to change these colors,okay so to do so you have to click on,theme settings,and then you have to select colors,and from here you can,change the colors i am,adding my brand colors,this is my brand color i let me add it,okay the color has been added so the one,thing is left,is that favicon what's favicon,it's called the fabric on the icon that,is shown in the browser,tab similarly for facebook twitter,pinterest instagram for my website i,want to show,ew to my favicon for this we have to,click on theme settings and then click,on favicon,select image and from here,i have to select this ew icon,select it and hit the save button,on the checkout page i have to add my,logo,here is my logo and i have to,change these blue colors to my branding,colors,this will help in building customers,trust,so click on the save button,so our home page is customized,according to our reference website this,this one i have designed as,exactly similar layout okay,so home page is done what about the,product page we have to click on,products,and then we have to choose the default,product,section okay,from here let us check whether it's same,or not i have to,go to the product page,so the product page is opened i think,it's completely,similar yes it's completely similar,to this website okay so this is the,quick tutorial on how you are able to,customize the home page the product page,of your website uh if you,want um help or expert guidance you can,message me on fiverr and don't forget to,subscribe to my channel,thanks for watching

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