how to make a subdomain your shopify domain

How to Add a Subdomain to Your Shopify Store (Easy to Follow) in this video i'm going to show you ho

Vic Oyedeji

Updated on Mar 22,2023

How to Add a Subdomain to Your Shopify Store (Easy to Follow)

The above is a brief introduction to how to make a subdomain your shopify domain

Let's move on to the first section of how to make a subdomain your shopify domain

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how to make a subdomain your shopify domain catalogs

How to Add a Subdomain to Your Shopify Store (Easy to Follow)

in this video i'm going to show you how,to make the domain name of your online,store actually be a subdomain to another,website or blog this will be a quick one,and you don't want to miss this,what's going on this is vic or adeji,from the online starting block i don't,want to speak too long i want to get,straight to the point so let's go let me,show you how to do this,all right so i have this online store,which is called love's cookbook,and right now it is, i created this in a,video that shows you how to create an,online store that sells digital products,that is in the description,i also have a blog that is called,diapers diaper that's one of the,weirdest names i ever created,but this is a blog that i created in,another video that's also in the,description on how to start a blog and,so what i want to do is i want to be,like sarah titus so sarah titus is an,example that i know and so sarah titus,has,her site,like that so that is her blog but if you,go to her shop,right here,it says, now this shop site,is ran by shopify so shopify is running,this and her main store sarah,is ran by wordpress so it separates,those two just in case one goes out the,other works,so how do you do that how do you make,her shopify store have a sub domain like,,so what i want to do is i actually want,to make this website,be,dot so i want to,make this, for this example,how do i do that,first thing to do is to go to where this,is hosted so diapers is,hosted using bluehost so i will go to,bluehost but this will work with,siteground hostgator no matter what,hosting you use we're going to access,what's known as the dns zone editor i'm,going to show you how to do it using,bluehost,to do that i will go to,and here i'm going to log in,and let me log in into my bluehost,account,so i'm here let me go to my shopify page,and let me log into my account i'm,actually already logged in so let me go,to my dashboard,and while in my dashboard let me go to,online store left side click on that and,then go to domains,and while i'm there i want to go to,connect existing domain,connect existing domain so what i want,to call this i want to call this shop,dot,now obviously this will be your own site,but the shop part that's the sub domain,this part right here the shop dot that,is the sub domain,so it can tell that it is connected,using bluehost,so to do this it says view the,instructions,and what i want to do is to connect a,subdomain,so to do that i'm going to go all the,way down,and it says connecting a subdomain to,shopify,that is instructions right there so the,reason why i'm pulling this up is,because it's giving me certain i need to,see this part right here,of the type and record type,and that is that,so go back to,my bluehost account which is where my,blog is hosted,from here i will go to domains,and you see subdomains right there but,that is not what i'm looking for,i'll actually have to click purchase,domain at first,and then when that happens,a new option appears called zone editor,it appears out of thin air i don't know,why bluehost does that but that is how,bluehost rolls,so that's what i'm looking for,on hostgator it has it on siteground it,has it,and that is that,so from here you want to make sure your,domain is right,go to your dns record,so in this situation the host record is,going to be shop,so that is that if you want to make a, you write store here,in a situation i'll put the word shop,the type is going to be cname,and then where it points to,that's where you go back to the,instructions,and i wanted to point to right here, this cannot be,anything different this has to be,,so go to points2,say paste,add,record and then once that is added you,want to make sure if you look under,cname if you see shop go to, that's exactly what,you want to see then you go back to,this area right here the domain is,,and click on verify connection,and this should connect bluehost,with that,right now it is saying it is empty,it may take a few minutes because yeah,it may take a few minutes used to be,quick but it may take a few minutes so i,will come back when this works and then,i will re-verify again but this is,good,all right let's try this again,and it looks like we are good,all right,so this is my primary domain and all i,have to do now is click on change,primary domain,and these are the third-party domains,and you can see, click on save,and that is going to be the domain of,the store,boom so if i click on the i next to,online store,the website is now called,,and that is exactly what i want it to be,so now this store is now the sub domain,for this so all i have to do now is i,can go in in the menu section add a new,mini item that is called shop,and then from there it will go,to it we go to,and that is what it is and i've changed,the name and it changed it back all you,got to do is to go back to the store,so in this situation i will go to dash,admin,now i'm back,i will then go to,online store,domains,and to switch it up i can remove this,domain or i can just change it back to,what it was which was,go to save and it will go back to the,old way so i have just made my store,the same name as,my blog which is exactly what i wanted,so that's it so now you know how to turn,your online stores domain name and make,that a subdomain to another website,really the only thing you have to know,is you need to know the main website's,hosting platform if they're using,bluehost or a siteground or hostgator or,anyone else you need to know what that,is so you can access their dns zone,editor and then you can follow the steps,that i just laid out and that is that,hit the subscribe button subscribe hit,the like,uh hit the bell you know what to do,leave a comment that you want and let me,go to the side right here i got some,more videos that you check out right,here some check out some more videos,videos videos that we have,here at the online starting block,if anything don't forget to subscribe,you

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