how to make ad for product on shopify

How I Create $1k/Day Dropshipping Video Ads (Shopify Dropshipping) what's going on guys today i'm go

Tan Choudhury

Updated on Mar 04,2023

How I Create $1k/Day Dropshipping Video Ads (Shopify Dropshipping)

The above is a brief introduction to how to make ad for product on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to make ad for product on shopify

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How I Create $1k/Day Dropshipping Video Ads (Shopify Dropshipping)

what's going on guys today i'm going to,be showing you how you can create high,converting drop shipping video ads so,you can absolutely blow your store up,it's no surprise that facebook ad costs,are rising dramatically and in order to,combat this we need,engaging and effective video ads most,people find this process,pretty daunting and they end up,outsourcing this task to one of the,video ad companies,but what i'm going to be showing you,today is industry secrets that will show,you how to make these,exact video ads for literally no cost to,you,so with that being said if you do enjoy,this video make sure to destroy the like,button and subscribe to the channel but,without further ado,let's get into the value alright guys so,the first thing we need to do,in order to create a successful facebook,ad is we need a really good script that,grabs our customers attention,and luckily for you guys i actually,created this document that will show you,exactly how you can create these,effective viral,facebook ads and i will leave this down,in the description for you but basically,the first thing that we need to do is we,need to actually gather some intel,this is a very important step that if,you don't get right you're going to,severely struggle,what we want to do here is we want to,figure out the product's value,proposition,and here's a very relevant example i'm,giving you when someone goes to buy,jewelry it's not,just for the jewelry they obviously have,some type of motivation for buying that,product,so maybe they want to look more,beautiful so what i want you to do here,is i want you to figure out that inner,motivation for actually purchasing your,product,because this is gonna make things super,easy when we actually hone down and,craft our script,and one question i get asked all the,time is how we can gather this,information,relatively easy and what i want you guys,to do is i want you guys to head,over to and what we can do is,we can actually type our product name,inside this link and what we can do is,we can find the exact same product on,amazon and then we want to go down to,the reviews,and we actually want to read these,reviews because these reviews will give,us invaluable information,about why they're buying this product,what type of problem it's solving,and inner motivation so i highly,recommend if you do get stumped on this,part,to do your research using amazon and,after you gain this intel you're pretty,much,set so what we're going to want to do is,we're going to want to fill up these,blanks so i have a few different,questions for you and after you answer,these questions,your video script will literally be done,so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna fill,this out,for this posture corrector over here and,i'll be back in a few minutes to show,you guys exactly what i did,all right guys i just filled mine out,and if you see the very first question,is the reason why my customer want to,buy this product,is because and i wrote it's gonna fix,their posture,and they want their posture fixed,because it will help them relieve their,pain,and why do they actually want their pain,relieved because maybe they want to have,more quality time with their family and,be more comfortable at work,so i definitely want you to think of,those problems that are being solved,from the original problem that's being,solved,what and i know that's kind of a little,bit confusing but usually when you're,solving one,problem there's a bunch of other,problems that you're solving within that,and that's how you're able to actually a,and b,test ads super efficiently and then the,second question here is what is the,biggest problem that my product solves,for my potential customer,and the answer is it solves the problem,of bad posture,now the very last question that i ask is,what problems are solved from you,solving their problem so i know that,sounds confusing but here's a great,example,if you're selling a phone case to,someone obviously the problem that that,phone case is solving is protecting your,phone,but for example another problem that the,protected phone solves,is that your data is always going to be,kept safe all your photos are going to,be there you're not going to lose your,apps,so you got to really think of different,problems that are actually being solved,with your core problem,and after you filled out that,information then this section is going,to be so much easier,because we can just plug and play the,information that we actually acquired,from gathering our intel,so now that the intel is done the very,first thing that we want to do is we,want to create an,introduction to our video ad and usually,we call this the hook because it's that,one-two punch,that gets their attention and after we,hit them with the hook we want to,introduce our product as the solution to,whatever problem they're struggling with,so here's a really good example of this,in action,sick and tired of tangled cords up and,this video will be showing a bunch of,tangled up chords,and then the solution would be me,cablemate the car charger made for even,the biggest neat freaks,and the clip that you would be showing,is a video that shows how the product,actually solves tangled up chords and if,you look down here there's something,called,angles and there's actually three of,them so what i want you to do is i want,you to write,three different hooks all targeting,different problems or sub problems,within,that main problem that you're trying to,solve that way we can actually target a,wider demographic and this will,definitely give us,much more rich data on what's actually,succeeding and what isn't,and then after the hook and solution,section we get into the benefits,and this is the part where we're able to,tell them why this product is so,valuable for us,so if you see in this document we want,to write down three separate benefits,over here,so here's a great example of a benefit,that will convert very highly,our nano silicon toothbrush heads clean,deeper and further with less pressure to,help protect your gums,so if you see what i did there i broke,down the benefit with a feature that,related with it,so the feature is that we have silicon,bristles,and the benefit of this is that it,cleans deeper into your gums,so you definitely want to use this,structure whenever you're creating your,features and benefits of this product,you always want to describe how the,features actually give them,some type of benefit because if you,don't then you might just be saying that,the product,looks cool and guys trust me no one,cares if you're saying that the product,looks cool,all right guys and after you finish that,we're pretty much all the way done what,we actually need to do the last two,steps,is we need to write some social proof,and we need to write a call to action,so if you don't know what social proof,is it's basically exactly what it means,it's people talking about your product,socially so,here's a great example after you list,all of your benefits you could say,people all over the world are loving,upgrading their toothbrush,and here we could show customer,generated content and then the very last,thing we want to do is a call to action,so a call to action is telling them to,do something so basically,here we could say that our product is,currently 40,off and to click the link inside of our,ad so this is the exact,structure that will get you viral video,ads so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna,head over to the absolute best software,to create video ads for this,and i'm going to show you guys exactly,how we can put this script into clips,and you guys can actually make these in,like 30 minutes from home,all right guys so here we are inside of,in video if you haven't heard about in,video before,the reason why i absolutely love them is,they have over 4 000 pre-made templates,for us,so we can literally browse through any,of these templates that they have for us,in their gallery and we can use them for,our videos,and did i not mention that this app is,also completely free,so you guys can actually check this out,i'll leave a link down in the,description,and they do have a couple other pay,plans where you get some good benefits,but you definitely get a lot off the,free plan,so all we need to do to create a video,ad is to come pick one of these,templates out,so for example we could pick this dental,ad over here and then all we need to,click,is the ratio that we want to use for it,and then you just click,use this template and the template will,populate into your account and then we,can edit everything up in,second so the thing i like most about,this editor is how easy it is to use and,how easy it is to edit everything out,so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna set up,my hook sequence inside this video,editor,and then i'll show you what this looks,like and then i'm going to be crafting,this ad from beginning to end,so you guys can see exactly what this,looks like and how you guys can set this,up super easily inside in video,all right guys so there we go it,literally took five minutes and we got,our hook and our solution part of this,ad,done so let's actually check it out,what's really cool about this editing,software is that they have,all these stock footage that we can,actually use so literally in like five,minutes we actually built this which is,really cool,so if you check out how we found this,clip all we did was come to this video,over here,and if you see they have this library,where you can search literally like any,type of videos,so this makes it super easy when you're,doing the editing process you can just,throw different clips in here,and you're pretty much ready to go so,now my plan is to finish a little bit,more of this ad and i'll be back with,you guys in a little bit,all right guys so the ad ended up taking,about 45 minutes but i think it came out,really good so here's a little preview,but as you guys can see this ad came out,really good and i was actually really,happy with the editor,i would compare this software to canva,for graphic design,so this was definitely really easy to,get started and build a video ad,i think one of my favorite features was,having a stock library gallery over here,i would say the one difficulty that i,did have making this ad,was actually finding enough good clips,to use for this video ad,so my process for finding these clips,was going on youtube and all i did was,type posture corrector,and what i was looking for was different,reviews of people actually using the,posture corrector,so while this definitely is not the best,way to get content this was the only way,that i was able to show you guys how to,create an,ad if you guys are at home trying to do,this what i definitely recommend,is that you use a combination of stock,footage and you also order the product,yourself,from amazon and then you can shoot,different scenes depending what you want,done,so this will give us a lot of freedom,and it will actually give us a lot of,power when we're going to craft our,video ads,so when you're actually creating your,script you can think of different scenes,that you could actually record,that would properly represent what,you're actually trying to get across,so this is definitely the best way to,actually compile footage is to record it,yourself,most people think you need some,high-tech cameras,some really good recording gear but what,i found over years of advertising on,facebook,is that people absolutely love organic,content that means you can literally,bring out your phone and just record,your product,super simply just putting it on if you,have anyone at your house you can have,them put it on and you can get lots of,different b-roll,that you can effectively use for your,video ad,and another thing that i love about,using this video editor is we can resize,any clips inside of here super easily,and we can add multiple clips in here so,it's just so nice to be able to do this,you can drag two clips right there so if,we wanted like three or four videos,showing at the same time,we can do it and it only takes like a,few seconds and how fast this editor is,really blows me away so i definitely,think if you are on a low budget then,it's absolutely paramount to use this,video tool editor,because like i said it's completely free,and it took me like 45 minutes to build,this,so you can effectively go out and build,something that costs you like 45,to order online and this is definitely,gonna make it so your budget to actually,get,launched and create a profitable drop,shipping store is less than otherwise,now i'm actually pretty happy with my,video ad but if i was actually gonna,launch this on facebook,what i would do is i would duplicate,this section three times like what i,mentioned about having three different,angles,so you could change this section up so,instead of is slouching slowing you down,you could say is back pain killing you,something like that to catch their,attention,and that's what the texting of different,angles is because you're gonna drag,people into your ad when they actually,see this hook,and if we actually come over to this,scene you can see the solution part we,talked about before,how i actually addressed that this,product as a solution so this naturally,restores your posture and then we start,going into some of the benefits of this,product,so the first benefit was saying that the,lightweight material won't restrict,movement,and then i go into how the nylon straps,can be easily adjusted to provide,maximum support and remember this was,how i take a feature and actually turn,it into a benefit of the product,so the feature is the nylon straps and,the benefit of those nylon traps is,having maximum support and then in this,third scene i list another benefit of,this,product which is regaining confidence,and getting back to a slouch free,lifestyle,and then ultimately i get onto the,social proof section i talked about,before,thousands of customers worldwide love,and trust posture pro,so what i would do in this situation i,would find three separate clips of,people,actually using this product and put in,this exact orientation that i have here,and then the last section is just the,call to action so get posture pro 40,off click the link now so this will,actually encourage them to go to that,link and,improve your ctr so as you see it's,really simple to get these video ads off,the ground,and i think after you have one template,done you can literally just,change out those clips for different,products and use the exact same,structure,so i definitely think this is super,repeatable and this is an awesome way to,get video ads launched off the ground,for beginners,so let me know if this video was helpful,for you guys i really wanted to break,this down as easy as possible,but there's definitely a lot of,complexities in actually creating your,video ad script so i hope it was easy to,understand for you guys and i really,hope you guys got a ton of value,if you did make sure you guys destroy,the like button and subscribe to the,channel and i will see you guys in the,next video,peace

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