how to make all pictures the same size in shopify

How To | Resize photos on your Shopify Store hey y'all it's aj here with fluffy,hustle and this is g

Asia LaShelle

Updated on Feb 20,2023

How To | Resize photos on your Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to how to make all pictures the same size in shopify

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how to make all pictures the same size in shopify catalogs

How To | Resize photos on your Shopify Store

hey y'all it's aj here with fluffy,hustle and this is going to be a very,quick video,so if you have a shopify store and you,do not like the fact that your pictures,are all different sizes,and things like that like how this is,looking i have found an application on,the shopify app store that will get all,of your photos,the same size it's auto resizer so i'm,going to show you how to do it,as per usual go to your store click on,apps go to visit the shopify app store,you are going to type in photo resize,in the search you're going to add the,application on,install the app,and this is literally my first time,doing this so you guys are going to see,this,in real time because i'm testing this,app out,okay analyze shop images so they doing,it's doing its thing,okay so it recommended that,um i resize 19 images let me preview,what they're talking about,view store preview,okay and let me scroll down,so right now that all looks straight let,me go to the catalog,and see if all of the pictures in here,look the same,they are this is a little different,though this is a little different so let,me see what it does let me go back,resize 19 images,okay it's pretty fast,okay well we gonna see before we rate,um the photos let's go to the store,and i'm gonna refresh it,oh yes that fast,yes everything is the same size now,love that i don't know if y'all saw the,difference i hope you did,but literally everything is on the same,line now,all everything oh that is perfect,so yes listen i don't know maybe i'm,just a little boosh,but i do not like when i go onto,websites and the pictures like are,all over the place different different,sizes and the products are on different,lines like,it just it irks me to no end so this is,a cool little app y'all,i'm going to be reviewing these apps,sporadically,just to give you guys like some things,that you can do to enhance your shopify,stores,so yes do this get your life,and do this that is a really cool little,app again,the app is called a photo resize by,pixie,so photo resize by pixie and that was a,100,free and you saw how quick that was this,is,day five of hustle miss so,if you have not watched the other videos,i've literally shown you how to find,drop shippers for hair how to bring,products in from aliexpress into your,shopify store,how to create banners that look,beautiful um,like like the one on this store,i'm showing you how you can use canva to,make beautiful,um banners and things like that like,this,so yes um if you guys,are interested look down below i have,links to,um brain fart,sorry i have i have links to my free,boutique launch guide,links to the vendors list on my store,i have links to setting up your own,canva account,and also if you need to start your,shopify store,i am a shopify um affiliate,and so yeah if you want to set up your,shopify store you can get 14 days for,free,and the link is all below for all of,that i will catch y'all tomorrow with,another,video alright bye

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