how to make landing page in shopify on mailchimp

Mailchimp Landing Page Tutorial 2023 (How To Create A Landing Page For FREE) what's up my name is si

Metics Media

Updated on Mar 30,2023

Mailchimp Landing Page Tutorial 2023 (How To Create A Landing Page For FREE)

The above is a brief introduction to how to make landing page in shopify on mailchimp

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Mailchimp Landing Page Tutorial 2023 (How To Create A Landing Page For FREE)

what's up my name is simon and in this,video i'm going to show you step-by-step,how to build your own landing page using,mailchimp,and how to connect your landing page to,your own domain,so this is the landing page i'm going to,show you how to build in this video,on this landing page i give away a free,lead magnet in exchange for an email,address,i usually recommend to give something,away for free in exchange for the lead,because then the people will be more,likely to actually sign up,using their email address but the design,is very simple i'm using here in this,tutorial,so you can basically use this design for,whatever you want to build your landing,page for,and the cool thing with mailchimp is,that you can build as many landing pages,as you want on their free plan,and if you haven't already log into your,account right now so we can get started,on our landing page,alright so now i'm going to show you how,to create a simple landing page,using mailchimp that you can then use as,a standalone website,that is just for collecting new email,subscribers new email leads,and for your business so to create a,landing page we just go to the top left,on this pen icon where it says create,and,then we scroll down and click on sign up,form,and now we're going to choose sign up,landing page on the top right,and first we have to give our landing,page a name so i'm going to create a,landing page where i give away a free,lead magnet which is the term for giving,something away for free,in exchange for a new lead so i'm going,to give away a free,checklist that is designed to help,people and optimizing their videos,for youtube so i'm going to name it,youtube,seo checklist and,and then choose your audience you want,to you want people to be on once they,sign up using this landing page,and then click on begin,and here we have a couple of different,templates kind of as a starting point to,build,our landing page now i usually go for,a very simple template because i don't,like to have,too many uh things on my landing page,that distract people from actually,signing up,so i'm going to use this very simple,grow your list template,and we're going to build our landing,page from there,so click on your template and that will,take you inside,of the landing page builder of mailchimp,now the way it works is if you want to,add a new block right here,so you see we have four different blocks,we have this logo this headline this,text,and the signup form if you want to add,something new just go to the right side,on this blocks,field and then just drag in whatever you,want to have,in your canvas so i just dragged an,image,and whenever you want to adjust a block,right here just click on it and then on,the right side,the menu about this specific block will,open up,and then you can change the content the,style and also a couple of,more settings and once you're done just,click on,save and close and that's basically,everything you need to know to build,your landing page so let's actually go,ahead,and create a simple landing page so,first i don't want to have a logo on the,top so i'm just going to click on this,trash icon,and get rid of this click delete and i,do want to insert an image on the top so,i'm going to click on browse right here,and i've already uploaded this image so,if you don't have anything here just,click on upload under on the top right,and you put this image into your content,library and once it's in there just,select it and then click on insert on,the top right,and that will insert our top image so,here i'm just going to,have something um to make people sign up,to,my email list so they will get this,youtube optimization checklist,um so they can rank number one on,youtube for certain keywords,and then i'm gonna change the headline,here um let's say something like,learn how to rank,number one on youtube,using these easy,steps kind of has headline,and then i'm going to change this text,as well just click on it,and then on the right side we're going,to change the content to,um enter your name and,email address to get,instant access to this,checklist and let's make this a bit,bigger so i'm going to highlight it,right here,change the size to let's say 24 or let's,say,let's make it 21 and let's center this,as well so i'm going to go to,style and then i'm going to choose the,center option right here,so to make it centered and that's,actually everything i'm going to put on,my,landing page now i'm going to move on to,the sign up form,option here so i'm going to click on,that and i'm also going to add,a first name field so i'm going to click,on first name right here,and that will add this field on the,bottom and you can,normally move these around but the email,address has to be the first field,of your landing page you can't really,change this unfortunately,but doesn't matter we just ask for the,email address first you can also make,this required by just activating this,button right here i usually don't make,it required but that's up to you,and then let's move on scroll down here,and let's change the button text to,and get let's say instant access,to uh to,this checklist,and let's make let's change the color as,well so let's go to style,and let's go to button style,and then change the color,from from blue to let's make it kind of,a green,cool and you can also change like the,borders and all that kind of stuff so,just,go through there play around with it a,bit until you find,that the design works for you so let's,now go back to,content on the top right here and then,scroll all the way down,until you see a button and then send,to um after form is submitted send,visitors to,and here you can either let me let me,quickly drag myself to the left side,here,so here you can choose if you want to,have them sent to a,specific url so you can change this to,web address,and then type in whatever url you want,people to go to,after they sign up here so what you,could do is,um send them directly to let's say your,dropbox folder where you have that pdf,that you're giving away here,or to a specific thank you page on your,website,or what you can do is just change this,to confirmation message,and then and right now it's saying,success you've been added to the,audience,now i want to change this to success,check your,email inbox and download,the check list now,because i want people to actually go to,their inbox and go ahead and open up my,email because that in the future,will really help my delivery rates now,what you could also do,if you want to give them your lead,magnet right away is,something like download,your checklist here,and then all you need to do is highlight,this,go to the link icon right here,and then you're going to change this to,either a web address so you can send it,directly to your dropbox or google drive,or whatever,or you can just put that file on,mailchimp itself,so you can click on file right here and,then you can upload,this file so for me it would be um,youtubechecklist.pdf,and then it will upload it to mailchimp,itself and then you just click on insert,and then whenever they sign up here they,will get,this message so um let's say success,it says um check download your checklist,here,and that's it so they don't need to go,to their email,but again i prefer the method where you,actually send them,whatever you're giving away in the first,email because then they will have to,open your first email,which again will help your delivery,rates,so that's it click on save and close,and then let's preview our landing page,so go to the top,right where it says preview and this is,what the,landing page currently looks like on,desktop and then you can also change to,mobile,this is what it looks on mobile all,right so let's close,out of this right now and click on save,and close on the bottom right,and here we can finalize our settings so,page title,is youtube seo checklist we can leave it,at that,then this is the current url that you,have to send people to,if you wanna um if you wanna if you want,them to get to your landing page,um this is fine if you wanna do that but,i would actually suggest you,put it on your own domain or your own,subdomain,because it's a lot better for your,branding and it's a lot more,professional,i'm going to show you how to do this in,a second audience and,tags now you can change this one as well,edit audience obviously i only have one,and then you can also add tags so let's,add a tag here let's say youtube,checklist,so i know that people who have this tag,came through this landing page,click save and then the content we have,just,um we have just created,cool so um on the top we need to click,publish right here,and then this website is published or,this landing page,so we can check it out by clicking on,here open this in a new tab,and this is how it currently looks like,again you can test it out right here,type in an email address and the name,and then see if it actually will work,now i want to quickly show you,how to um use your own domain,um to uh to host this landing page on,so i'm gonna go back right here go back,to this menu,and then i'm gonna click on edit url,and now i'm going to choose i want to,choose,use a custom domain so i first have to,connect my domain,to mailchimp so i'm going to click on,connect domain right here,and that will take us to our website,menu here,and domains so i have to scroll down and,click on,connect domain and here is where you,want to type,in your domain that you want to have,your landing page on,so for example i can put it on,,and then everybody who goes to this url,will land directly,on my landing page but let's say this is,my main website and i don't want to,so when people when i do this actually,when i,connect this to mailchimp then people,won't be seeing my,main website anymore they will only see,my landing page so if this is your,main website what you want to do is put,it on a subdomain so all i need to do,here is,type in something like let's say,,and then my main website will be,untouched and everything will keep,working,so this is what i'm going to do here i'm,going to use a subdomain so i'm going to,type in and then,i'm going to click on,submit and now to connect it,to mailchimp all we have to do is add a,cname record,similarly like in the beginning of the,tutorial where i showed you how to,um how to authenticate your domain and,we have to add this new cnm record,to our dns settings,so again wherever you have um wherever,you have registered this domain,you have to log in there so log into,your godaddy your namecheap your,bluehost,or what wherever you have your domain,and add this cname record,now i'm going to show you how to do it,with bluehost because that's where i,have all of my domains,so i'm going to quickly log into,bluehost,then i go to domains and look for the,domain that is relevant for me which is, then i'm going to go,to dns,and here's where i look for cname so,it's right here,and i'm gonna click on add record and,here,the host record will be what's in front,of your domain,so for me the sub domain should be,,so i would type in content right here,and then points2 this will be that code,right here so,copy this and then paste it,right into this field and then click,save,and that will add a new cname record to,your domain,and it does take up to 48 hours until,this actually is all set up and working,in my case it usually takes like 30,minutes until everything is working,and um a mailchimp will actually send,you an email,once everything is set up so you can,just wait until you get that email,like again for me it takes it usually,takes like 30 minutes,and once everything is done go back to,your mailchimp click on connect,and then you see here that this,,is now connecting now once it's,connected,after like a couple of minutes or maybe,hours in your case,um it will say something like connected,so i've waited now for like 20 minutes,and as you can see now it says connected,right here,so now we can go ahead and put that,landing page on,this domain or this sub domain right,here,so let's go to the left side menu click,on campaigns,and this is where we find our landing,pages so as you can see here we already,have,this landing page youtube seo checklist,so let's go to the drop down arrow,click on edit,and then where it says url we want to,click on edit url,and now we're going to choose use custom,domain,and obviously this is the only one we,have so it's already pre-selected,so we can now say,and youtube seo checklist you can also,change this to a youtube checklist,whatever makes sense and then click on,save,and now we have our landing page on our,own domain which is this one right here,we can open it,and see if everything works so let's,type in let's say simon,simon4,and then simon get instant access to,this checklist,this is the success message check your,email and download this checklist now,and let's see if this contact is now in,our,audience list so click on audience all,contacts,and we see simon4 is now in,our email list all right so i hope this,video,helped you getting your landing page up,and running using mailchimp,if it did give this video a thumbs up,and also leave me a comment down below,in the description,this was actually a part of my complete,mailchimp tutorial that's also available,here on youtube,i'll leave a link to it down below if,you're interested in watching that,entire tutorial about mailchimp,and also if you want to see more,tutorials from me make sure you,subscribe to the channel,and with that being said thank you very,much for watching and i look forward to,seeing you in the next video

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