how to make money on shopify ""

How To Build A Professional Email To Get More Sales (Dropshipping) you started your Shopify store bu

Ashutosh Nair

Updated on Mar 23,2023

How To Build A Professional Email To Get More Sales (Dropshipping)

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How To Build A Professional Email To Get More Sales (Dropshipping)

you started your Shopify store but don't,have a support or contact email yet or,you're just starting your Shopify store,and want to create a contact or support,email so that customers can contact you,in this video I'm going to show you how,you can do that and how you can create a,contact email step by step so make sure,you watch this video till the end and,I'm pretty sure no one out there showing,you how to do this so it would be great,if you can just hit the Subscribe button,so that's not wasting time and get,started now it's incredibly important,that you guys get a professional email,address for your store to get your,customers to trust you if your email is,fightmong when customers see,that for your customer inquiries they,won't trust you as much so it's very,important that you go ahead and get a,professional email made there are two,ways to get a professional email address,the first way is using Google workspace,which costs you around five dollars per,month and the second base with Zoho,which is a free email software so in,this video I will show you guys how to,get an email address from Zoho click the,Force link and here we want to go get,started with the free plan click rising,and come down to the forever free plan,and,and click sign up now so in here you,want to put the name of the store so I'm,gonna put fight Monk and then the email,could be created so find then,we want to add the password,once that's done I'll read the the terms,and conditions and sign up then you need,to go to the one-time password from your,email,so I'm gonna go back into my Gmail and,get the one-time password Zoho,verification code and I'm gonna copy and,paste that into so now just hit verify,so here we are in the admin and now what,we want to do is to connect the email to,Shopify so we have to click add now and,put the domain name in so,I'm gonna call it fight Monk and the,industry type I'm gonna go with is,retail and e-commerce and click add then,you want to proceed with domain,verification so click here,and after you have done that go to your,Shopify settings go to domain and then,go to The Domain you purchased and click,domain settings edit DNS settings and,then here you want to scroll down and,edit the txt record,so go in your and copy and paste This,Record copy the text name and put it,here,and then you go ahead and copy the txt,value and put in the txt value section,here I'm going to click confirm,and once you've done that you can verify,the text record and the domain should be,verified so here you can create the,email for your account and I'm going to,go with support so here,you can put anything you want like,support info or contact but for this,example we are going to use support then,you're gonna click proceed to set up,groups and then move to DNS mapping,so now we want to go in here and we want,to put all of these records into Shopify,so the first one we are going to do is,MX record so just copy the host go to,Shopify and remove the current MX record,click remove and add custom record,MX record and put the first pmsr,and then copy and paste the value,the priority for the first one is 10 so,set the priority as 10. after that's,done you want to add the second one so,copy and pastry value go ahead add a,custom record type in at and copy and,paste the second record answer the,priority as 20. and then once that's,done add one more MX record so once,again the name is going to be add then,copy and paste the value from your,and then copy and paste the priority,which is 50. after that's done this,after that's done that will be it for,the MX records after you have done DMX,records you wanna go ahead and do the,same for SPF recorder so go into Shopify,and click custom add custom record,select txt record once again the name,will be at and then copy and paste the,text value in here and click on form,after you've done that do the same with,the DK IM number once again copy and,paste the host it's gonna be a txt,record add custom record text record,copy and paste the post and then copy,and paste the value from your into the,text value,after you have done that click confirm,and then go ahead and click verify or,record,so now as you can see all our records,have been successfully verified then,click proceed to email migration proceed,to go mobile move to setup completion,and now our email address is all set up,so now you can go to inbox here now the,email is completely created we are gonna,test the email to ourselves so we are,gonna go here and click new email we are,going to send our email to the Gmail,account and the subject line will be,just test and then I'll just write hello,in your,once the sense we'll be able to go into,our Gmail and make sure that the email,is fully set up so here we are in our,Gmail account as you can see the,fightmog email has come through and says,support at so now this,confirms that our email address has been,professionally said if you guys like the,video and got a lot of value from it,don't forget please subscribe see you at,the next video till then take care

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