how to make money with shopify and aliexpress

Aliexpress Dropshipping 2023: What It Is + How Beginners Can Start in this video revealing a step-by

Mike Vestil

Updated on Feb 21,2023

Aliexpress Dropshipping 2023: What It Is + How Beginners Can Start

The above is a brief introduction to how to make money with shopify and aliexpress

Let's move on to the first section of how to make money with shopify and aliexpress

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how to make money with shopify and aliexpress catalogs

Aliexpress Dropshipping 2023: What It Is + How Beginners Can Start

in this video revealing a step-by-step,tutorial to aliexpress drop shipping,what it is and how complete beginners is,earning 100 a day to 700 a day with no,experience more than after the intro,hey guys how's it going mike fasil here,welcome to this video before we actually,remind you that some spots have opened,up for this week's free workshop where,it's the fastest and easiest way to make,money online sign up for it in the link,below we literally have a 62 year old,woman go from zero to a hundred and,sixty thousand dollars in profit in as,little as 90 days so check it out right,now so one of the reasons why i got,started with alex's drop shipping was,because i just wanted more freedom in my,life i wanted to find a way to for,example make money online that didn't,require a lot of time little did didn't,require much experience it also required,as little amount of money as possible,because quite frankly i had no money,whatsoever it just felt like all the,other ways to make money online just,felt extremely risky and i just was,afraid to lose money and my fear of,failure was like overwhelming how many,guys can relate and that's really when i,heard what like aliexpress drop shipping,and drop shipping was and it literally,took one of my first businesses from,zero to five thousand dollars my first,month to literally over 1.5 million,dollars the first 12 months and my,entire life changed right and granted,this is only maybe like 30 profit,margins but like would you complain with,30 profit margin when you pull in over,1.5 million dollars in less than 12,months right and that's like the biggest,thing that changed with my life and as,you can see we literally use this to,like start traveling around the world um,i mean here's me like with the ukulele,here's me in peru here's me with a whale,shark and whatnot and here's me going,over to a bunch of events and teaching,this to people just like you exactly how,to do this for yourself and by the way,if you want to get access to one of,these uh tickets for free to one of our,next upcoming events just join this,week's free workshop below but it,completely changed and um we literally,started teaching people the same thing,so you're probably wondering well,what is drop shipping mike how do i get,started how can i as a complete beginner,make my first hundred dollars a day this,is what i wish i knew when i was first,getting started and that's step number,one what actually is drop shipping,because before you understand what,aliexpress dropship means you gotta,understand what drop shipping is and,it's quite frankly very simple the old,way of doing business is you buy,products and then sell them but this new,way of drop shipping is you sell them,first and then buy it after you've,already made a sale meaning there's,virtually no risk because you don't have,to buy products unless after you had,made a sale does it make sense like you,could see here's a really good example,of drop shipping here's this product,that's on ebay right goes for 242,dollars and 12 have been sold right but,you can literally get the same product,on walmart for 199,so all drop shipping is is taking this,picture throwing it up on another,platform waiting for a sale when you get,a sale you can pay 242,you use the customer's money you buy it,at the suppliers site for a lower cost,and then you order it and ship it,directly to your customer you keep the,difference in profit so that overall is,what drop shipping is now aliexpress,drop shipping is just utilizing,aliexpress because of the fact that,number one you'll get the cheapest,prices because you're dealing with china,um number two there's literally hundreds,if not thousands if not like tens of,thousands of products you could go and,choose from and you can literally go,ahead and you know use it kind of like a,gorilla warfare style testing because,you don't have to buy a bunch of,products you literally make money by,literally testing and finding which,products to go ahead and work right um,and you can really get started by the,end of this video right now the only,cons with aliexpress is you're dealing,with china you're dealing with you know,a different country if you don't know,how to communicate with suppliers it,might be you know a very very difficult,and you also might have product quality,issues where if you pick a bad supplier,you could actually get a bunch of refund,requests which could literally kind of,take away all of your profits and we had,a huge nightmare using alex west that,way i'm going to teach you actually how,to prevent that so you don't actually,have to suffer those consequences right,so let's actually go ahead and for,example how to actually get started,making money without express drop,shipping,the first step that you need to do is,focus on finding the right winning,product product selection is maybe,97 of the battle right because if you,really think about it you know the,traditional business you would have to,go ahead and for example buy products,and then for example sell them right but,here you don't actually have to buy them,to after you sell them meaning the,hardest thing is finding a product and,an advertisement or a way of doing,marketing that actually fits and scales,to go ahead and grow like for example,the only reason why we were able to go,ahead and go from zero 1.5 million,dollars in the first year was because we,literally found a really good product,and a really good market to go ahead and,promote that product does that make,sense um but the product was literally,key so you're probably wondering well,how can i go ahead and find winning,products well it's very simple one of,the things that i like doing for example,is literally just picking any niche and,say we want to go ahead and sell the cat,niche i can literally just type in the,word cat,and uh sort everything by orders now,why do i go ahead and do that well,number one it literally sorts what were,the most top-selling products with cats,on aliexpress in all of aliexpress,and you can see i mean look at this,eighteen thousand were sold ninety,thousand were sold fifteen thousand were,sold what does that actually tell me,that means there's a lot of demand for,this right and most of the times a lot,of these people are drop shippers that,are running facebook ads to these,campaigns meaning they've already done,all the testing for me so i can,literally go in here and start selling,some of these products because i know,that people want to buy because people,have already shown that they want to buy,it right that'd be like the first step,that i would go ahead and for example do,now if you're going to go ahead and do,this method make sure that you for,example pull up the product and actually,look at the reviews to see what it looks,like right so you know and are aware,with what your customers can actually,receive when you go ahead and for,example sell it like if you look at,customer reviews you can see that a lot,of people for example leave a bunch of,pictures so you can see that this is,literally the packaging that people will,get right um and you can see that what,it looks like it comes with like sticky,tape and whatnot there's different,colors so the red one looks kind of like,interesting and cool and you can see,that this is literally what people get,when they go ahead and buy right i mean,you can see that your price would be,like for example,like literally less than a dollar and,you could ship it directly to for,example the the person right same like,the ebay and walmart method you could go,and get this product and sell for like i,don't know ten dollars seventeen dollars,fifteen dollars right 1997. so that's,one way where i go ahead and find,products another way that i use which,what i don't see a lot of people talk,about is because it's the,most voted popular products on ebay now,if you think about it if someone buys a,lot on ebay right and they buy this,specific product that shows that there's,demand but if no one else is selling it,via like aliexpress drop shipping then,you have a huge opportunity just finding,what's already popular in one platform,and selling it on another platform like,one of the reasons why i did really well,was my product was really popular on,amazon right but it was saturated it was,saturated on amazon so i literally took,that product from amazon and sold it you,know for example on my own website and,literally it went like gangbusters to,like the tune of over 1.5 million in,sales in the first 12 months does that,make sense so i would literally just,stick to those two for uh product,research and you're ready good to go the,second step that you need to do is you,need to go ahead and for example create,your own website right,so the fastest and easiest way to,literally go ahead and get started is,shopify shopify is where we host you,know like our for example ecommerce,platform and the reason why is because,it's so easy to get started i mean,within five minutes you can get a fully,done for you website like this where all,you got to do is just kind of like,import for example the products onto,there and like i said it goes about i,think 29 a month and if you have a bunch,of products already,done and ready i would recommend go,ahead and get started right away with,that um and the next step with that when,people get started is they're like,what's the fastest way to leave,aliexpress from shopify well that would,be oberlo now overload was very,interesting because one of the downsides,with this method like uh ebay and for,example walmart is when i would make a,sale back when i did this in the day i,would literally go ahead and have to,manually you know take the customer's,money go ahead and walmart buy it input,the for example uh customers details the,shipping the location um and update the,tracking which you know after a couple,sales a day it turned into a big hassle,and it started taking a lot of my time,which is why i pivoted away from that,original drop shipping method but with,oberlo you could literally go ahead and,not only import products directly from,aliexpress to shopify but when someone,orders from your site oberlo will,literally automatically buy it from,aliexpress and ship it to your customer,and not only that but also update the,tracking information so you can really,get it up to the point where you're,making hundreds hundreds of sales every,single day and you don't have to,manually put in like the tracking,because the software will literally do,it for you does that make sense now the,next step once you actually go ahead and,do that is you need to get good at,marketing you need to know how to run,like for example facebook ads so there's,multiple ways you could go ahead and do,that you can either do facebook ads or,youtube ads or influencer ads but we're,going to teach you exactly the best ways,to go ahead and do that now if you don't,want to do it at all you can literally,hire someone else to go ahead and do it,like if you go to upwork and type in,just something as simple as facebook ads,you could actually hire people from the,philippines probably my cousin right if,you literally go ahead and type in for,example philippines you do hourly rate,less than 10 an hour below there are,people that are willing to do facebook,ads for you for literally less than ten,dollars an hour look earned over 20k 100,job success right so you can see that,there's already proven things now if you,do not want to know facebook ads or you,don't want to hire it you could,literally go and you know check out our,free it's like passive income cheat,sheet and look below where there's,literally over 77 plus free guides,ultimate guides i'll teach you exactly,how to run any passive income business,you can literally just search for,example facebook ads and you'll learn,exactly how to run for example facebook,ads over here and we have a bunch of,free tutorials and trainings right or,you can even go to one of our upcoming,events which you could actually attend,for free find out how when you qualify,in the links below um where you can also,learn in person as well and also get,surrounded by a bunch of amazing people,that are just like you except maybe make,a little bit more money and we'll,support you around the entire process,right another way to go ahead and for,example make money that way if you don't,want to do facebook ads is you literally,could do like influencer marketing like,one of the things you could do is you,could for example type in cat tips,and find out like who's someone that has,a bunch of views but very little like,very very little subscribers someone,like this girl seven hundred thousand,views only four thousand subscribers if,you literally partner with her have her,make videos in marketing on for example,her youtube channel and say hey you know,i'll split the profit for you for every,single person that buys you could only,partner with someone like her or like,who else someone like um or literally,like any one of these people that have,you know a bunch of views and very very,little subscribers and you can literally,make a deal with them like i said where,you know they just make videos and you,only pay them after you've made a sale,well you're probably wondering why would,they do that well number one they don't,know exactly how to build like this,e-commerce business machine on the back,end and quite frankly a lot of these,people just like making cat videos you,can either pay them up front like 50,bucks for a video but like heck if one,of those videos blow up and you know you,literally get like for example a million,nearly a million views to your product,page you'll for sure make more than 50,bucks right but um that's just like one,way you could also strike a deal with,them we where you could literally give,them their own like special collection,or link or coupon code and then you,could actually track how much sales they,made and then you could just say hey,i'll give you like 10 or 20 percent of,the sales in terms of commissions that,way it's a win-win because they make,money and you make money but you only,have to spend money on them when they,make you money so it's no risk to you so,these are all the ways you could go,ahead and for example make money with,drop shipping with alex fresh dropped me,as a complete beginner,now what i would recommend when you,start making a bunch of money is,literally move over and try seeing if,you could find you know suppliers on,ebay because they're us suppliers so,what i did when i found a winning,product on aliexpress i literally found,someone from the us and i just ended up,starting drop shipping directly from the,us because it's faster shipping time and,the quality was a lot higher if you,literally go ahead and reach out to them,directly you could actually pay a lesser,price because the fact that they get,charged when they go ahead and sell on,ebay but i remember i was getting my,grill mats for like when i was like,selling grill mats for like three or,four dollars and it was shipped from the,us so refund rates went down and even,though i spent a little bit more than i,would on aliexpress i ended up keeping,more money in terms of profit because,the product was a lot higher quality and,people were getting it a lot faster with,terms of shipping because they come,literally from like the us like this,one's literally from like new jersey,right and they also connect with your,shopify store kind of like how oberlo,connects aliexpress with shopify which,means it can be completely turn key and,automated which was great because it,what's allowed me to scale even further,in one of my businesses right but like i,said if you want to get like the,complete list and you want to find out,how to go to one of these events for,free then literally sign up for the free,workshop below and for that being said,also check out my podcast of all these,really successful people that make a,bunch of money online that live here in,bali like this 11 year ago they turned,on 30 million dollars and this kind of,makes a million dollars a month profit,check it out right here right here hope,this helps love you guys see you guys,later,you

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