how to make product sold out on shopify

HOW TO HIDE SOLD OUT PRODUCTS ON SHOPIFY hey guys welcome back to another,shopify's tutorial and in

Happiness Tugutu

Updated on Feb 12,2023


The above is a brief introduction to how to make product sold out on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to make product sold out on shopify

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how to make product sold out on shopify catalogs


hey guys welcome back to another,shopify's tutorial and in today's,tutorial i am going to be showing you,guys how you can set up your shopify's,collection in your store to show only,available items in stock um so let's say,if you have another product that they,are sold out on your store and when your,customers visited your store they will,see that this item is out of stock so,what i'm going to show you today is to,hide those products that they are saying,out of stock and show only products so,if you want to know how to do this make,sure you stick around until the end of,this tutorial so you can know how to do,that the process is very easy very,simple and quick and it will it won't,take so much time so before we jump in,today's video please don't forget to,give me a big big thumbs up subscribe on,my channel for more tutorial like this,and leave me a comment down below to let,me know what do you think about today's,tutorial or if you have any video,recommendation you would want me to do,it for you guys let me know down below,on the comment section and without,further ado let's jump into this,tutorial so in today's tutorial i am,going to show you how to hide out of,stock product,and to do that let's click preview so we,can view our shopify store,so this is my shopify store,and i'm using venture shopify free theme,if you want to know how to customize,your adventure shopify theme i'll leave,the link down below so you can customize,your shopify style so what we're trying,to do we're trying to get rid of,something that is on our collection so,this is my collection i have coffee cup,collection coffee spoon clear cups like,i have different collections so for,example here on my home page this is my,home page,and i have several products,um,several collections this product is,staying sold out so i'm going to try to,get rid of these from appearing on my,homepage as well as on my catalog,selections so if we click catalog there,you can see here i have a sold out so i,am going to get read the sold out on my,product catalog and my home page,product selection here,so,so let's go back on our shopify,dashboard or the shopify home page here,and to do that we are going to click,products,and then we are going to click,collection,then click right on the collection of,the product that they are saying sold,out,so we have coffee cups here this is the,collection that was saying sold out so,once you get here let's go straight on,our condition section here and you can,see um condition of my collection here,is um,coffee mug and,the product must match all condition so,let's click uh so now let's exclude all,the sold out product that has this kind,of condition and all we have to do is,come here on the conditions section,and add a new connection and add another,condition so let's click add another,condition and let's select a condition,that we want to add,so now let's select inventory stock so,after selecting the inventory stock,let's click here zero,okay,and then after that let's click save,so now let's go back to our online store,and click the i think so we can preview,ours our store,okay,and,we had a sold out before and now we,don't have it it's not sold out and if,we go to the catalog here,you will see it's still saying sold out,but we don't have a sold out um product,available right now here so these,changes that we did is only on the,collection page so this is a collection,page here if we click back under catalog,on our product section,you'll see the sold out product is still,showing and it and this is because of,the setup on our store the way we set up,our product page is very different let's,fix this as well let's go back to our,shopify admin page and now let's go to,the product,and then let's go to the collection,okay,then click create collection for,everything so let's click here create a,new um,collection and type your collection,title i'm going to type it as all,and it's up to you to put a description,and then let's come here on the,collection type so under condition here,let's pick a condition and this will be,a product price okay product price,and,this will be is greater than zero dollar,okay and then let's add another,condition and this will be inventory,stock and the inventory stock should be,is greater than greater than zero so,this will include all our product on our,store as long as they have pricing and,they have um stock so then let's click,save,okay,and now let's go back,uh we can still we still have it let's,refresh our page and see if it's gonna,be there boom,now it's not there the sold out product,is not available,on our catalog section,as well as our,um,main menu or our homepage section so,another trick that i'm going to show you,um let's go back on our shopify homepage,and let's click here on the online store,and then let's click navigations,and then let's go to the main menu here,let's click main menu,and right here,um,where it says catalog we are going to,edit this so let's click edit,and instead of doing all products here,we're going to select,um the collection that we created so,let's click collections and click all,because that was the collection that we,created so this way we can control when,um sold out products are gone from the,store,so,this will helps a lot so um,once you're done click apply changes and,then click,save so your main menu,will be saved,now let's go back on online store again,let's refresh it,okay,so,this is how you can get read all your,sold out or out of stock product on your,home page as well as on the catalog,section so as you can see the process is,very easy very simple and very quick,um it doesn't take so much time so yeah,guys that is how you can get rid of your,out of stock product on your shopify,store,thank you for watching and if you,enjoyed this tutorial make sure you um,subscribe on my channel give me a big,big thumbs up,leave me a comment down below if you,have any question or if you have any,video uh requests you want me to do it,for you guys leave me a comment down,below on the comment section and that's,it for today's guys thank you for,watching and i'll see you on the next,tutorial

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