how to make sure my shopify customers get free shipping

Free Shipping for Shopify Specific Customers hey everybody this is ori from astroweb,i'm gonna show

Astral Web Inc.

Updated on Mar 10,2023

Free Shipping for Shopify Specific Customers

The above is a brief introduction to how to make sure my shopify customers get free shipping

Let's move on to the first section of how to make sure my shopify customers get free shipping

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how to make sure my shopify customers get free shipping catalogs

Free Shipping for Shopify Specific Customers

hey everybody this is ori from astroweb,i'm gonna show you,how to make a free shipping for certain,customers in shopify right so,typically you have rules that you set up,in the back end you go to settings you,go to shipment,and you create rules and rates etc if,you want to set up ones just for,specific customers you're going to do,two steps really simply,okay so number one you're going to go to,your customers you're going to make sure,your customer exists,either a specific customer or you're,going to create a group,so for example i have a group and i want,to make a new group here so i'm going to,click on more filters,and for example my group is going to be,anyone who has,let's say spent more than one dollar,right they've actually ordered from me i,have a group right here okay so i create,the group and i'm going to save that,group right here,and i'm going to call it group,10 okay so once i click on group 10,it'll filter all of these and that's it,so now i have a group right here,called group 10 and i can use that in my,promotion that i'm gonna create in a,second,okay so now i'm gonna go step two as i'm,gonna go to discounts and i'm gonna,create a new,coupon code right here a discount code,and i'm going to call it,for example free ship1 fs1 for example,okay,so what i'm doing right here is this is,a actual coupon code,okay so what i'm going to do here i'm,going to click on free shipment,and i can select restrictions,restriction by country by minimum,amounts,and the most important thing is either,i'm going to select the specific,customer or customers,and i can search for example ori i'm,going to select ori,and maybe these two for example right i,can select those,right here or i can select a specific,customer group,right so i'm gonna call it for example,group 10. now the reason it took a while,to apply here is whenever you create a,group in shopify it usually takes 10 or,20 seconds to appear but now it's here,okay so group 10 and i go ahead and i,save my promotion okay so my coupon code,right here,i need to give this code to my customers,and when i give it to the customers the,customer can go to their checkout,right here and let's go here and let's,change my email to one of the emails,that is,in the group okay so obviously the,customer has to belong to that group,or specific customer and i'm gonna put,it here as a customer,and if i did that correctly i'm gonna,get free shipping right here,okay and free shipping now the second,option is,uh just a kind of an optimization for,this,is maybe you don't want to have your,customer,type in a coupon code when they check,out so you have a small,optimization which is you can get the,shareable link,so when you give it to your customer,when they enter their website,you're just going to give them this link,right here and then whenever they enter,there's going to enter this link and,then they're going to browse aside and,use it as normal,obviously they need to be logged in or,using that specific,email account that's in that group or in,that specific email you set up,and that's it and they'll be able to get,free shipping so you have two options,either they enter the coupon code,or they use a specific url this is video,is,for out of the box shopify there's other,ways to do it with apps and you know,custom development,but this is out of the box how you do it,so hope you enjoyed this video,let me know if you have any questions,thank you

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