how to make tabs on shopify open a new tab

How To Open External Links In A New Tab - Easy 2022 Shopify Tutorial bonjour bonjour okay this is a

Andrew from EcomExperts

Updated on Feb 23,2023

How To Open External Links In A New Tab - Easy 2022 Shopify Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to how to make tabs on shopify open a new tab

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How To Open External Links In A New Tab - Easy 2022 Shopify Tutorial

bonjour bonjour okay this is a very,important but very short video how to,make sure that all your external links,from your website open in a new tab,one piece of code that we're going to,paste now before we continue i do want,to underline the importance of it you,spend a lot of time money and energy,getting people to your website so if you,link on youtube or if you link on cnbc,or fox news i don't know if you link,somewhere else you want to make sure,these people don't leave your website,but instead it gets open in another tab,and that they can still find your,website back it's very important because,it costs you so much money to bring,someone to your website in the first,place that's why you need to follow this,code we talked about this extensively in,this video right here so make sure to,check that as,well okay let's let's go to the code,right now so we go to online store um we,are going to duplicate the theme because,we never work on live teams it's a bad,idea so we're going to click duplicate,right here,um and then we're going to work on this,version that way if we mess something up,in the code we still have our live team,up and running and we can just,destroy the duplicate and keep going,wait a second,okay we're going to click action edit,code,and then it's going to be really super,straightforward you're going to go to,assets on the left right here at the,bottom you're going to click on,team.javascript,and i'm going to close this you're going,to go all the way down to the bottom,and at the bottom you're going to hit,enter a couple of times and then paste,this bit of code you can find that bit,of code in the link in the description,down below there is a blog article,explaining and just copy pasting exactly,this so you save it and there you go now,all of the tabs,that go,so this is on the on the duplicate,version so make sure to put it live,or publish,yes we want to publish it,and now all of the links on your website,doesn't matter where on your website,doesn't matter where the links linked to,if the link links to your own website,it's not opening like you see in another,tab but if it goes for example to,youtube or to anywhere else but your,website it opens in a new tab,that's way easier powered by shopify or,really boom new tab and that way,your client that you spend all the money,bringing to your website,and now gets off of your website because,it's leaking like i explained in this,video,you don't can visit the other website,and i was like how did i get here again,oh that's right i was shopping with this,too oh yeah i actually want this,purchase you just made more money so,these type of videos make sure to like,and subscribe because you're gonna make,way more money if you follow all of the,videos in this channel specifically to,shopify ciao

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