how to manage inventory between etsy and shopify

BEST Inventory Management App for Shopify & Etsy Together 2021 (Etsy Realtime SHOP SYNC) so how,do y

Hannah Gardner

Updated on Feb 17,2023

BEST Inventory Management App for Shopify & Etsy Together 2021 (Etsy Realtime SHOP SYNC)

The above is a brief introduction to how to manage inventory between etsy and shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to manage inventory between etsy and shopify

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BEST Inventory Management App for Shopify & Etsy Together 2021 (Etsy Realtime SHOP SYNC)

so how,do you keep track of your inventory,and prevent overselling if you're,selling online via shopify,and etsy,hey guys so in this video i'm gonna be,going over something that completely,changed the scope of my business,and what that actually is is a shopify,application called,stock sync by shopups and what it,actually does,as you know i sell via etsy and on,shopify,and we have multiple brands like etsy,and shopify,and basically embarrassingly enough,that i'm about to admit that basically,we've never even kept inventory,of our products and because we honestly,just didn't even know how because,there was no way to get shopify over,here to communicate with etsy over here,based off inventory and it was too,difficult when we have like 600 skus to,basically,try to keep two separate sets of,inventory so basically we just never,kept inventory,if you also are experiencing that issue,as you know,what you end up doing is just adding,stock even though you go out of stock,but you don't even know if you have the,stock so then you start over,selling products that you don't actually,have which causes,a lot of problems inside your business,and unfortunately that's kind of just,like what we've been doing,you don't know what you don't know so,but that's part of this channel,and learning from your mistakes but,luckily,i was reached out to an application a,new shopify app called,stock sync that has literally changed,the scope of,my business so that being said what's,happened to this video i'm going to,share,this application with you that has,literally,helped us change all of that um so,again the stock sync act app,app literally keeps track of all of your,inventory on etsy and shopify together,so if one person buys on shopify,then that inventory is also going to get,deducted from your etsy inventory as,well,so that you actually have an accurate,kind of view,of what you have in stock and so you can,imagine,over a year and a half later of selling,we have increased our skus to over like,600 skus,so that's a lot of freaking inventory to,like not understand what you have,so or have a grasp on what you're what's,actually in the room with you,so this has helped us a lot um so yeah,let's get into it by the way my name is,hannah gardner and if you're new to the,channel,this channel is all about documenting,our journey our,entrepreneurial journey into the world,of e-commerce,so yeah if that is something that you're,trying to get into,or you're interested in make sure you do,subscribe to the channel because,we are now putting out new videos,regularly i know i haven't posted a,video in like a minute but you know what,we got a little busy,um we got a new office so that's super,cool,and hopefully i'll be able to share all,that with you guys here in the upcoming,months,as we get this youtube thing down all,right,so basically we are going to screen,share with you here,and show you uh what we got going on,inside of stock sync,all right so this is the app that you're,going to want to download here,it's 19 a month you get a 14 day free,trial and basically once you download,the app you can watch the video in here,and,you know download it super easy what you,need to do,next is what's it's going to look like,this you're going to come,up to so this is the inside of my store,um okay so,you sync it to your store it's really,intuitive it takes you through the steps,but after you sync it to your store,basically,what's gonna happen is it's gonna show,you all of your products,that you have listed in your store and,if you're like me,and you let your business grow without,setting this up beforehand we literally,spent two weeks,literally going one by one one by one,through every single item that we had,to check the inventory to check the sku,code to make sure that the sku codes,match between platforms and to make sure,that every sku code matched not only,between,individual listings but say like i said,say i sell something,in a set and you know this necklace is,in one set,and one listing but i also have it in,seven other listings go back and make,sure where does this next list exist,amongst all my listings and then fix the,skew code in the inventory for each one,so yeah this was a super lengthy process,this took us like,two full weeks because we just have that,much stuff,in our business and also it honestly,just helped us a lot because,it helped us get rid of a lot of stuff,because honestly i didn't even know what,inventory i had,i mean i literally would just you know,import and bring stuff in and,you know some of it was just sitting,there forever so it really forced me to,clean out my business and really hone in,on what products,we want to sell so basically what,happens,is um there's an automatic sync every 15,minutes,so once you download it and you connect,your etsy store and your shopify store,to this app which is super easy process,the the back end of shop ups updates at,every single,every 15 minutes so once you have,each individual sku basically,set up with matching skus on etsy and,shopify,and then you correct the inventory,between the shopify,and the etsy in 15 minutes basically it,will sync them together so now,when shopify you get a sale,a sale on shopify for you know,say this necklace then it's also going,to deduct the inventory,from etsy as well so basically,let's see if we can find one that,is pretty easy to find,so let's see for instance cofl,276 is saying that there's zero,inventory,so say i literally just got,you know five new uh of this sku,right so what i'm gonna have to do is,i'm gonna have to come into my shopify,store over here,we're going to log in,we're going to go to our products,we are going to type in our skew here,we're going to go here,and we are going to add inventory so we,said cofl,279 has zero available so say i just got,five more in stock,i'm going to come down here and i'm,going to add five here,and remember that the sku and the,inventory has to match,perfectly down to every little,line and dash to make sure that it syncs,together,all right so now what we need to do i,actually think they might have updated,it so you,it's automatically going to update the,other one on the other side so let's,just go back and see,if it did it by itself i think it might,um at this point let's see,five no so it hasn't updated yet,um so let's just go and match it just in,case,so we updated it and also you can see so,on shopify because there's another zero,here,what that is telling me is that i have,another listing inside of shopify,that has this view code so we're going,to want to go back,and make sure that we have,all the listings with that sku updated,so we're gonna go to all products that,means i haven't,listed somewhere else in here let's see,oh yeah we do right here on,this list right,here cofl cfol 279-6,so this is where i was seeing a lot of,discrepancies in my business,just like that right so what is that,that's telling me that i have another,listing inside shopify,that i actually don't have on my etsy,store so,maybe we just missed it we just forgot,to list it on etsy as well,whatever the case may be and so this is,where i was finding all these,discrepancies in my business that i,needed to fix,so and that of course just came from us,getting really busy and moving too fast,and not really,paying attention to detail of you know,what's on etsy and what's on shopify and,what needs,do we want this on etsy or why isn't,this on etsy and like have those,conversations so,we're gonna actually have to change the,inventory on this one as well so the,cofl,279-6 and we're going,to oh look it it,updated the inventory for us i believe,oh yeah look at that cool so this is,actually a new update which they did,tell me they were going to do but now,i'm seeing it,live so actually you don't even have to,make sure all you have to make sure is,that the skew pose are the same and now,it's synchronizing it for you because as,you just saw,i didn't even have to go in and update,the inventory on this one,or this one i just did it by himself so,that's great that's actually a new thing,with that so that makes your life even,easier,so you just need to update the inventory,and make sure,that the skus are matching and you are,good to go,but yeah this has been a huge game,changer and now,you know we don't have to go you know,you don't have to come in here and even,scroll here through here to see what,you're low on you can literally,you know just go to your you know you,can go to your listings here in,etsy and basically you know how they,show your inventory,how much is in stock and just go through,here and see what you're getting well on,and you know base your new you know what,new products you need to make or,what products you need to order or what,materials you need to order based off of,that,so the video actually just got cut off,there we had a little technical issue,but basically i just want to say thank,you so much for staying to the end of,this video and if you did get any value,out of it please do go ahead and,subscribe to the channel,and,so downl then again thanks guys so much,and i'll see you in the next video

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